An interactive player for terminal.
On NixOS:
nix-env -f -i -E 'f: with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage f {}'
- Or write
iplay = pkgs.callPackage (fetchTarball {};
into your nix-override- use
nix-env -i iplay
For Ubuntu-like OS there is a deb-package on release page.
On NixOS:
Development environment with all packages to manually build package:
$ nix-shell . (impure) $ mkdir build && cd build (impure)/build $ cmake -DCPACK_GENERATOR=DEB .. (impure)/build $ make -j package
Test package:
$ nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage ./. {}' $ nix-shell -p ./result (impure) $ iplay -v