Given an mRNA sequence, we'll identify which portions of the sequence that produce protein using simple NLP technique, a Markov model.
This was part of a course project for CSEP527 Computational Biology, HW5 (
Open reading frames (ORFs) are part of the sequences of codons (nucleotide triplets) in our messenger RNA (mRNA) that might be translatable into proteins if the patterns match with real proteins. Given a sequence of codons as shown in the figure below, we could potentially identify ORFs by segmenting the data at "stop codons," which are TAA,TAG, and TGA.
Since a codon is a nucleotide triplet, we have 3 starting points, index 0, index 1, index 2. Then, we segment the data out at the stop codons marked as red in the figure. The figure above identifies start position at "start codons," which is usually ATG.
In our model, we only segment at stop codons. Since there could be variations in terms of start codons, we consider only the stop codons and segment ORFs only at stop positions. i.e. previous stop position to current stop position = approximately one ORF.
We'll be working with genome sequence of Methanococcus jannaschii, a microorganism from "White Smoker" hydrothermal vents shown below. Identified proteins from its genome sequence annotated by CDS data bank will be used as our golden set (caveat: this golden set is like a dev set since we use it to tune our model. this set is not a held-out test set. for a held-out test, we'd likely use another genome sequence).
With ORFs identified, we can now search for the ORFs that actually contain gene coding vs not.
We'll use kth order Markov model for protein prediction. Markov models predict the next letter of nucleotide (k+1th) by previous k letters. So, in case of k=3, the probability of the sequence becomes below.
Then, we can calculate the probability of given ORF sequences, denoted
Then, the log likelihood ratio of
For detailed MLE approximation and assumptions of conditional probability calculation, please refer to the report HW5_MMs.pdf
The train model script will be used for training the markov model, as well as scoring against the golden set and plotting results. The train script can be run as follows:
python src/ -longl 1400 \
-shortl 50 \
-k 5 \
-pseudo 1
is the length of long ORF frames (i.e. in this case, ORF of length greater than 1400 is considered a long ORF), shortl
is the length of short ORF frames (i.e. ORFs of length shorter than 50 is considered short ORF), k
is the markov model parameter, and pseudo
is the pseudocount added for MLE approximation of probability.
For more detail, please read the report HW5_MMs.pdf. The report contains run output, detailed MLE approximation calculations and assumptions, plots, and summary of results and findings.