- The app streams the data from Twitter. User can add specific column for each twitter data stream.
- Demo Live(PROD): https://tweetdeck.herokuapp.com/
- Demo Live(QA): https://tweetdeck-qa.herokuapp.com/
- Demo Live(DEV): https://tweetdeck-dev.herokuapp.com/
- Demo Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaiUTC5TwbM
- Langauges:
- Go, HTML5, CSS3, JS
- Libraries:
- GO: github.com/op/go-logging
- GO: github.com/gorilla/websocket
- GO: github.com/dghubble/go-twitter/twitter
- GO: github.com/dghubble/oauth1
- CSS: github.com/miniMAC/magic
- JS: github.com/jquery/jquery
- Dependency tool:
- GO: github.com/tools/godep
- Hosting
- Heroku
- Continuous Integration (CI)
- Travis CI with GitHub (dev, qa, prod)
- Continuous Delivery (CD)
- Heroku Pipeline with GitHub (dev, qa, prod)
- Frameworks :
- Materialize CSS framework
- APIs:
- Twitter Stream API
- Protocols
- WebSocket Secure
- Authorization
- OAuth 1.0A (used for Twitter API)