In file system.c: There are all the initializacions of the memory management
system, the interesting functions ranging from line 72 to line 90. In special I
focused in init_mm
We can found the implementation of init_mm
in mm.c
file. This function calls another functions that I try to explain:
Init table pages: At first time, initialize the page table of user putting to 0
all entrys, but then (well, really it's in parallell) put the bit presence of
pages to 1, and asign the same physical adress to this pages.I don't know what it's the meaning of rw bit(read/writte perhaps?).
mm.c--lines:56 to 73
Init frames: This function is simple, initialize all frames of physical memory as if they were avalaible and then put the frames that the Kernel is using not avalaibles.