Simple script that permits to parse addresses in France format.
To install, from the main proj folder, follows this steps:
- Visit the Poetry website to download the installer for your operating system.
- Run the installer according to the instructions provided for your operating system.
- After installation, verify that Poetry is installed correctly by opening a terminal or command prompt and typing:
poetry --version
This command should display the installed version of Poetry. For more detailed installation instructions and usage guidelines, refer to the Poetry Installation Guide.
Then for installing the project:
# in case you are using vscode: this will make vsCode recognise and create the .venv
poetry config true
# create virtual env
poetry install
# activate the env
poetry shell
Then you are ready to launch it!
Just type in the terminal:
poetry run script
Just type in the terminal:
poetry run pytest
An example of the parser can be resumed here with this log:
Initial address is: 100 Rue Chapelle
Result is: 100 Rue Chapelle
Details: {'urba_names': ['rue'], 'prepositions': [], 'city': [], 'address_num': ['100'], 'department': [], 'street_name': ['chapelle']}
Unparsed string remained is:
Parse quality scored: 1.0
Initial address is: 100 Rue Colombes (De)
Result is: 100 Rue De Colombes
Details: {'urba_names': ['rue'], 'prepositions': ['de'], 'city': ['colombes'], 'address_num': ['100'], 'department': [], 'street_name': []}
Unparsed string remained is:
Parse quality scored: 1.0
The script runned with poetry run dev
can execute in 3 different ways:
with the command:
poetry run dev -a "Rue, Saint-Philippe 31 (De)"
Fra-parse 0.2.0
Developed by eCecchetti
Initial address is: Rue, Saint-Philippe 31 (De)
Result is: 31 Rue De Saint Philippe
Details: {'urba_names': ['rue'], 'prepositions': ['de'], 'city': [], 'address_num': ['31'], 'department': [], 'street_name': ['saint philippe']}
Unparsed string remained is: ,
Parse quality scored: 0.98
Process has finished!
with the command:
poetry run dev -l "Rue, Saint-Philippe 31 (De); Saint Marcelle (De) Avenue 32 10141"
Fra-parse 0.2.0
Developed by eCecchetti
Processing: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2/2 [00:00<00:00, 134.66item/s]
Unparsed: Rue, Saint-Philippe 31 (De) --> Parsed: 31 Rue De Saint Philippe
Unparsed: Saint Marcelle (De) Avenue 32 10141 --> Parsed: 32 Avenue De Saint Marcelle 10141
Process has finished!
with the command:
poetry run dev -i "your/file/path/filename.csv"
Fra-parse 0.2.0
Developed by eCecchetti
Found 234253 addresses to parse
Processing: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████| 234253/234253 [27:18<00:00, 142.99item/s]
Storing into file the results
Result printed at: frapars/res/parsed_addresses.csv
Process has finished!
- Write junit tests
- More example
- Update insee file - create a task that do it
Enjoy and Rate!!