Knowing the difference between Github and Git.
- Basically, they are both version control systems, but Github is a software program that that has the open source Git, "under the hood", but offers a user interface for ease of use.
Cloning a repo
- This involves running a "git clone (followed by URL)" command to bring down a local copy of the repo. This brings down all the branches that exist in that repo
- Once this is done, I should create my own branch to keep my code changes seperate from the main code. I know I can do this via a "git checkout -b nameofmybranch"
Making Commits, pushing and pulling on a basic level
- I currently use Github at work and have had to perform these actions a few times during pairing sessions. I am comfortable with what these commands are, but sometimes, may need to Google the exact command. I know that if I want to push the changes that I made in my code to the main branch, I would push the code. Piror to doing that I would need to stage the file via a "git add ." and then add my comments via a "commit -m"
- If I want to make sure I have the latest updates on the remote branch I would perform a "git pull"
- I need more clairity and work with forks as well.
The process of PRs (Pull Requests). I believe that initially I was getting the pull request confused with the regular git command line of "git pull". From going over the material and then remembering being walked through this (very quickly) during a pairing session at work, I realize I need more clarity and experience doing this. There are so many different options with this such as pulling from forks (which is a new concept for me), as well the base and rebase options.
I have not worked with Codebases yet and I believe I understand the idea of them, but I need some expeirence working with them eventually to feel comfortable.