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Johnny Boursiquot edited this page Jun 7, 2024 · 1 revision

Go is not an OOP language in the classical sense. There is no inheritance hierachy, one of the hallmarks of object-oriented languages. Go favors a form of composition known as embedding which allows a struct to include fields and methods of another struct or interface directly.


package main

import (

type Person struct {
	Name string
	Age  int

func (p Person) Greet() {
	fmt.Printf("Hello, my name is %s and I am %d years old.\n", p.Name, p.Age)

type Employee struct {
	EmployeeID string

func (e Employee) ShowEmployeeID() {
	fmt.Printf("Employee ID is %s.\n", e.EmployeeID)

func main() {
	emp := Employee{
		Person: Person{
			Name: "James Baldwin",
			Age:  30,
		EmployeeID: "E12345",

	// Access fields and methods from the embedded struct
	emp.Greet()             // Calls the Greet method from the Person struct
	emp.ShowEmployeeID()    // Calls the ShowEmployeeID method from the Employee struct

Method Overrides

package main

import (

type Person struct {
	Name string
	Age  int

func (p Person) Greet() {
	fmt.Printf("Hello, my name is %s and I am %d years old.\n", p.Name, p.Age)

type Employee struct {
	Company    string
	EmployeeID string

// Override the Greet method in the Employee struct
func (e Employee) Greet() {
	fmt.Printf("Hello, my name is %s and I work at %s with ID %s.\n", e.Name, e.Company, e.EmployeeID)

func main() {
	emp := Employee{
		Person: Person{
			Name: "Jane Doe",
			Age:  28,
		Company:    "Acme Corp",
		EmployeeID: "E67890",

	// Access overridden method
	emp.Greet() // Calls the Greet method from the Employee struct

Method Overriding and Ambiguity

When you embed multiple structs that have methods with the same name, Go will not allow you to directly call the ambiguous method without specifying which embedded struct to use.

package main

import (

type Person struct {
	Name string

func (p Person) Show() {
	fmt.Printf("Person: %s\n", p.Name)

type Contact struct {
	Phone string

func (c Contact) Show() {
	fmt.Printf("Phone: %s\n", c.Phone)

type Employee struct {

func main() {
	emp := Employee{
		Person:  Person{Name: "John Doe"},
		Contact: Contact{Phone: "123-456-7890"},

	// This will cause a compile-time error due to ambiguity

	// You need to specify which Show method to call

Field Name Conflicts

If the embedding struct and the embedded struct have fields with the same name, the field in the embedding struct will shadow the field in the embedded struct.

package main

import (

type Person struct {
	Name string

type Employee struct {
	Name string // This shadows Person's Name

func main() {
	emp := Employee{
		Person: Person{Name: "John Doe"},
		Name:   "Jane Doe",

	// Accessing the shadowed field directly
	fmt.Println(emp.Name)        // Outputs: Jane Doe
	fmt.Println(emp.Person.Name) // Outputs: John Doe

Interface Embedding

Interface embedding provides a powerful mechanism to combine behaviors.

package main

import (

type Reader interface {
	Read() string

type Writer interface {
	Write(data string)

type Closer interface {

type ReadWriterCloser interface {

type File struct {
	data   string
	closed bool

func (f *File) Read() string {
	if f.closed {
		return "Cannot read, file is closed."

func (f *File) Write(data string) {
	if f.closed {
		fmt.Println("Cannot write, file is closed.")
	} = data

func (f *File) Close() {
	f.closed = true
	fmt.Println("File closed.")

func main() {
	var device ReadWriterCloser = &File{}

	device.Write("Hello, Gophers!")
	fmt.Println(device.Read()) // Outputs: Hello, Gophers!


	device.Write("Trying to write after closing")
	fmt.Println(device.Read()) // Outputs: Cannot read, file is closed.

Though not exactly the same, does the above remind you of anything from the standard library itself? See ReadWriteCloser.

Caution: If two embedded interfaces have methods with the same name and signature, the resulting interface will include only one of those methods. This can lead to unexpected behavior if you expect both methods to be available separately.

package main

import "fmt"

type Reader interface {
	Read() string

type ReadingWriter interface {
	Write(data string)
	Read() string

type ReadWriter interface {

type MyType struct{}

func (ms MyType) Read() string {
	return "Reading data"

func (ms MyType) Write(data string) {
	fmt.Println("Writing data:", data)

func main() {
	var rw ReadWriter = MyType{}

	// Only one Read method is available, not two separate Read methods
	fmt.Println(rw.Read()) // Outputs: Reading data
	rw.Write("some data")  // Outputs: Writing data: some data