diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1acc289 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +__pycache__ +*.pt +*.log +*.swp +*.gz +*.pdf +*.log +*.bbl +*.blg +*.aux +*.auxlock +*.dpth +*.md5 +*.dep +*.table +*.dvi +*.gnuplot +*.fdb_latexmk +*.fls +*.out +*.spl +*.nav +*.toc +*.snm +*.jld2 +*.bson +.DS_Store +_cache_* + +data/ +models/ +logs/ +figs/ +checkpoint/ +evals/ +env.sh +jl_* diff --git a/DatasetParsers.jl b/DatasetParsers.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..065bf6a --- /dev/null +++ b/DatasetParsers.jl @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +# Copyright (c) 2021 Idiap Research Institute, http://www.idiap.ch/ +# Niccolò Antonello + +export get_uttID2file +function get_uttID2file(dataset_path,folder::String) + uttID2file = Dict{String,String}() + for (root,dir,files) in walkdir(joinpath(dataset_path,folder);follow_symlinks=true) + wavs = files[findall(contains.(files,".wav"))] + folders = split(root, "/") + spkID = folders[end] + type = folders[end-1] + for f in wavs + sentenceID = split(f, "."; limit=2)[1] + uttID = "$(spkID)-$(type)-$(sentenceID)" + uttID2file[uttID] = joinpath(root,f) + end + end + return uttID2file +end + +export get_uttID2text +function get_uttID2text(uttID2file::Dict) + d = Dict( + 'z' => "ZERO", '3' => "THREE", '7' => "SEVEN", + 'o' => "OH", '4' => "FOUR", '8' => "EIGHT", + '1' => "ONE", '5' => "FIVE", '9' => "NINE", + '2' => "TWO", '6' => "SIX", 'a' =>"", 'b'=>"") + uttID2text = Dict{String,String}() + for uttID in keys(uttID2file) + text = split(uttID,"-")[3] + try + uttID2text[uttID] = strip(prod([d[t] for t in text].*" ")) + catch + error("$text is an invalid filename, invalid dataset!") + end + end + return uttID2text +end + +function get_uttID2wav(uttID2file::Dict; T=Float32) + uttID2wav = Dict(uttID => T.(load(uttID2file[uttID]).data)[:] + for uttID in keys(uttID2file)) +end diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..20c0e29 --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2021 Idiap Research Institute, http://www.idiap.ch/ +Written by Niccolò Antonello + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. diff --git a/Manifest.toml b/Manifest.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4871acf --- /dev/null +++ b/Manifest.toml @@ -0,0 +1,1159 @@ +# This file is machine-generated - editing it directly is not advised + +[[AbstractFFTs]] +deps = ["LinearAlgebra"] +git-tree-sha1 = "051c95d6836228d120f5f4b984dd5aba1624f716" +uuid = "621f4979-c628-5d54-868e-fcf4e3e8185c" +version = "0.5.0" + +[[AbstractTrees]] +deps = ["Markdown"] +git-tree-sha1 = "33e450545eaf7699da1a6e755f9ea65f14077a45" +uuid = "1520ce14-60c1-5f80-bbc7-55ef81b5835c" +version = "0.3.3" + +[[Adapt]] +deps = ["LinearAlgebra"] +git-tree-sha1 = "ffcfa2d345aaee0ef3d8346a073d5dd03c983ebe" +uuid = "79e6a3ab-5dfb-504d-930d-738a2a938a0e" +version = "3.2.0" + +[[ArgParse]] +deps 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"Pkg", "Zlib_jll"] +git-tree-sha1 = "6abbc424248097d69c0c87ba50fcb0753f93e0ee" +uuid = "b53b4c65-9356-5827-b1ea-8c7a1a84506f" +version = "1.6.37+6" + +[[libsndfile_jll]] +deps = ["Artifacts", "FLAC_jll", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Ogg_jll", "Pkg", "alsa_jll", "libvorbis_jll"] +git-tree-sha1 = "fc7a0233235d1c4da6dfdf73f480c2619e9ea66d" +uuid = "5bf562c0-5a39-5b4f-b979-f64ac885830c" +version = "1.0.28+2" + +[[libvorbis_jll]] +deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Ogg_jll", "Pkg"] +git-tree-sha1 = "fa14ac25af7a4b8a7f61b287a124df7aab601bcd" +uuid = "f27f6e37-5d2b-51aa-960f-b287f2bc3b7a" +version = "1.3.6+6" + +[[nghttp2_jll]] +deps = ["Libdl", "Pkg"] +git-tree-sha1 = "8e2c44ab4d49ad9518f359ed8b62f83ba8beede4" +uuid = "8e850ede-7688-5339-a07c-302acd2aaf8d" +version = "1.40.0+2" + +[[x264_jll]] +deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Pkg"] +git-tree-sha1 = "d713c1ce4deac133e3334ee12f4adff07f81778f" +uuid = "1270edf5-f2f9-52d2-97e9-ab00b5d0237a" +version = "2020.7.14+2" + +[[x265_jll]] +deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Pkg"] +git-tree-sha1 = "487da2f8f2f0c8ee0e83f39d13037d6bbf0a45ab" +uuid = "dfaa095f-4041-5dcd-9319-2fabd8486b76" +version = "3.0.0+3" + +[[xkbcommon_jll]] +deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "Pkg", "Wayland_jll", "Wayland_protocols_jll", "Xorg_libxcb_jll", "Xorg_xkeyboard_config_jll"] +git-tree-sha1 = "ece2350174195bb31de1a63bea3a41ae1aa593b6" +uuid = "d8fb68d0-12a3-5cfd-a85a-d49703b185fd" +version = "0.9.1+5" diff --git a/Models.jl b/Models.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee24b75 --- /dev/null +++ b/Models.jl @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +# Copyright (c) 2021 Idiap Research Institute, http://www.idiap.ch/ +# Niccolò Antonello + +using Flux + +struct FullyConnected{T<:AbstractFloat} + M::Matrix{T} + b::Matrix{T} +end + +init_bias(Ny,Nx) = +2/sqrt(Float32(first(Flux.nfan(Ny,Nx)))) * Float32.(rand(Ny) .- 0.5) + +function FullyConnected(Nx::Int,Ny::Int) + M = Flux.kaiming_uniform(Ny,Nx)'[:,:] + b = reshape(init_bias(Ny,Nx),1,Ny) + return FullyConnected(M,b) +end + +# TODO: in future Flux versions this can be replaced by Dense +function (model::FullyConnected{T})(X::AbstractArray{T,3}) where {T} + Nt, Nx, Nb = size(X) + Ny = size(model.M,2) + + X = permutedims(X,(1,3,2)) + X = reshape(X,Nt*Nb,Nx) + + Y = X*model.M .+ model.b + + Y = reshape(Y,Nt,Nb,Ny) + Y = permutedims(Y,(1,3,2)) + return Y +end +Flux.@functor FullyConnected + +export get_convnet +function get_convnet(Nf,Ns; + Nhs=128*ones(Int,2), + Nks=[3,3], + strides=[1,3], + dilations=[1,2], + dropout=[0.0,0.0], + fout = x->logsoftmax(x,dims=2) + ) + T = Float32 + Nl = length(Nhs) + @assert length(Nhs) == length(Nks) == length(strides) == length(dilations) + convs = [Conv((Nks[i],), (i == 1 ? Nf : Nhs[i-1]) => Nhs[i], + stride=strides[i], + dilation=dilations[i], + pad=SamePad(), + init = Flux.kaiming_uniform, + bias = init_bias(Nhs[i], i==1 ? Nf : Nhs[i-1]) + ) for i=1:Nl] + bns = [BatchNorm(Nhs[i],relu) for i=1:Nl] + dro =[Dropout(dropout[i],dims=2) for i=1:Nl] + out = FullyConnected(Nhs[end],Ns) + layers = [] + for i=1:Nl + push!(layers,convs[i]) + push!(layers,bns[i]) + push!(layers,dro[i]) + end + push!(layers,out) + push!(layers,fout) + return Chain(layers...) +end diff --git a/Project.toml b/Project.toml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc29eee --- /dev/null +++ b/Project.toml @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +[deps] +ArgParse = "c7e460c6-2fb9-53a9-8c5b-16f535851c63" +BSON = "fbb218c0-5317-5bc6-957e-2ee96dd4b1f0" +ClusterManagers = "34f1f09b-3a8b-5176-ab39-66d58a4d544e" +DSP = "717857b8-e6f2-59f4-9121-6e50c889abd2" +FileIO = "5789e2e9-d7fb-5bc7-8068-2c6fae9b9549" +FiniteStateTransducers = "d0430b04-9e26-4b95-8372-754e5cd95c01" +Flux = "587475ba-b771-5e3f-ad9e-33799f191a9c" +HMMGradients = "ed22c0d8-4b10-4781-a02d-2b7b373fe96c" +JLD2 = "033835bb-8acc-5ee8-8aae-3f567f8a3819" +LibSndFile = "b13ce0c6-77b0-50c6-a2db-140568b8d1a5" +MFCC = "ca7b5df7-6146-5dcc-89ec-36256279a339" +Plots = "91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80" +SampledSignals = "bd7594eb-a658-542f-9e75-4c4d8908c167" +Zygote = "e88e6eb3-aa80-5325-afca-941959d7151f" diff --git a/README.md b/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9b80205 --- /dev/null +++ b/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +# TIDIGITS recipe + +This repository contains a _recipe_ for training an ASR system using the [TIDIGITS database](https://catalog.ldc.upenn.edu/LDC93S10). +The recipe is entirely Julia-flavoured and uses following packages (among others): +* [Flux](https://github.com/FluxML/Flux.jl) as ML library +* [FiniteStateTransducers](https://github.com/idiap/FiniteStateTransducers.jl) for WFST compositions +* [HMMGradients](https://github.com/idiap/HMMGradients.jl) for maximum likelihood training + +Currently the training runs only on CPU and employs a simple greedy decoder. Stay tuned for more! + +### Installation + +Set in your environment the path `TIDIGITS_PATH=\your\path\to\tidigits`. +If you're using SGE set the command flags in `CPU_CMD`, i.e. the queue options. + +This can be done e.g. by running `source env.sh` before lunching Julia, where `env.sh` is a script that export these variables. +Alternatively, the environment variables can be specified [directly in the REPL](https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/environment-variables/). + +Run `julia --project -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()'` to install all the dependencies. + +### Configuration + +Specify your current configuration in the folder `conf`. +The configuration files are loaded from the folder `conf/mysetup/`. +This folder must contain the following files: +* `feat_conf.jl` for feature extraction +* `model_conf.jl` for model and optimisation parameters (hyperparameters) +A couple of setups are present in this repository for reference in the folder `conf`. + +### Data preparation + +Run `julia --project prepare_data.jl --conf 2a` to extract feature and prepare training data using the configuration `2a`. +Features and transctiptions will be saved in the folder `data/uuid/`. +Here `uuid` is linked to `feat_conf.jl` file, meaning that if you create a new `model_conf.jl` without modifying feature extraction you don't need to run data preparation twice. +If SGE grid is available add the flag `--nj N` to split the work into `N` jobs. + +For the moment HMM configuration is fixed in `wfsts.jl` with a phone based 2-state HMM. + +### Training + +Training is performed running the script `julia --project prepare_data.jl --conf 2a`. +Notice that if you're just experimenting it is more convenient to run the experiment from Julia's REPL. +```julia +$ julia --project + +julia> include("train.jl") + +``` +Modify the `conf` by changing the default in the `ArgParse` table. + +### Evaluation + +Run the script `eval.jl` to calculate Word Error Rates (WER) and Phone Error Rate (PER). + +### Demo + +A live demo can be used by running `demo.jl` (requires [sox](http://sox.sourceforge.net/) to be installed in your system). diff --git a/RESULTS.md b/RESULTS.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..86ac62a --- /dev/null +++ b/RESULTS.md @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +# Setup 1a (4 layer CNN with l1 regularisation) +* Phone Error Rate (PER): 0.899 % +* Word Error Rate (WER) : 1.217 % +* Accuracy: 0.965 + +# Setup 1b (4 layer CNN with softmax output) +* Phone Error Rate (PER): 1.477 % +* Word Error Rate (WER) : 2.074 % +* Accuracy: 0.943 + +# Setup 2a (8 layer CNN with l1 regularisation) +* Phone Error Rate (PER): 0.587 % +* Word Error Rate (WER) : 0.827 % +* Accuracy: 0.975 + +# Setup 2b (8 layer CNN with softmax output) +* Phone Error Rate (PER): 5.204 % +* Word Error Rate (WER) : 10.238 % +* Accuracy: 0.718 diff --git a/Utils.jl b/Utils.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d96fa3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Utils.jl @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +# Copyright (c) 2021 Idiap Research Institute, http://www.idiap.ch/ +# Niccolò Antonello + +using UUIDs + +export zeropad +function zeropad(x::Vector{Matrix{T}}) where {T} + Nt_max = maximum(size.(x,1)) + Nf = size(x[1],2) + Nb = length(x) + x_batched = zeros(T,Nt_max,Nf,Nb) + for (i,xi) in enumerate(x) + for f = 1:Nf, t = 1:size(xi,1) + x_batched[t,f,i] = xi[t,f] + end + end + return x_batched +end + +export posterior2phones +function posterior2phones(ippsym, gamma) + #z = [replace(ippsym[argmax(gamma[t,:])], r"[0-9\-]"=>"") for t in 1:size(gamma,1)] + p = [ippsym[argmax(gamma[t,:])] for t in 1:size(gamma,1)] # all phones symbols + k = [p[1]] # phones without repetitions + for t in 2:length(p) + if p[t-1] != p[t] + push!(k,p[t]) + end + end + k2 = String[] + for ki in k + if ki[end] == '1' # emitting symbol + push!(k2,replace(ki, r"[0-9\-]"=>"")) + end + end + return k2 +end + +export levenshtein +function levenshtein(s,t) + n,m = length(s),length(t) + D = zeros(Int,n+1,m+1) + + D[:,1] = 0:n # this is the cost we would have for insertion only + D[1,:] = 0:m # this is the cost we would have for deletion only + for i = 2:n+1, j = 2:m+1 + # check substition is needed + cost = s[i-1] == t[j-1] ? 0 : 1 + + D[i,j] = min( + D[i-1,j] + 1, # del + D[i,j-1] + 1, # ins + D[i-1,j-1] + cost, # subs / ok + ) + end + return D[n+1,m+1] +end + +export text2phones +function text2phones(lexicon,text; add_sil=true) + if add_sil + phones = [[lexicon[t]...,""] for t in split(text)] + else + phones = [lexicon[t] for t in split(text)] + end + phones = vcat(phones...) + if add_sil + phones = ["",phones...] + end + return phones +end + +export get_error_rate +function get_error_rate(uttID2seq::Dict, + uttID2seq_dec::Dict; kwargs...) + seqs, seq_decs = [], [] + for uttID in keys(uttID2seq) + push!(seqs,uttID2seq[uttID]) + push!(seq_decs,uttID2seq_dec[uttID]) + end + get_error_rate(seqs,seq_decs; kwargs...) +end + +function get_error_rate(seqs::Vector,seq_decs::Vector; is_split=false) + Nw = 0 + err = 0 + for i in eachindex(seqs) + seq, seq_dec = seqs[i], seq_decs[i] + if is_split == false + seq = split(seq;keepempty=false) + seq_dec = split(seq_dec; keepempty=false) + end + Nw += length(seq) + err += levenshtein(seq,seq_dec) + end + er = err/Nw +end + +export min_dist_word +function min_dist_word(prons,min_dist,word_phones) + d = [levenshtein(word_phones,pr) for pr in prons] + idxs = findall(d .<= min_dist) + if isempty(idxs) + return "" + else + return ilexicon[prons[idxs[argmin(d[idxs])]]] + end +end + +function add_word!(dec,prons,word_phones; min_dist=2) + t = try + ilexicon[word_phones] + catch + if min_dist == 0 + "" + else + min_dist_word(prons,min_dist,word_phones) + end + end + push!(dec,t) +end + +function phones2words_greedy(ilexicon,phones; min_dist=2) + prons = [keys(ilexicon)...] + word_phones = String[] + dec = String[] + for (i,p) in enumerate(phones) + if i == 1 + word_phones = String[] + if p != "" + push!(word_phones,p) + end + elseif (p == "") && i > 1 + if !isempty(word_phones) + add_word!(dec,prons,word_phones; min_dist=min_dist) + word_phones = String[] + end + else + if p != "" + push!(word_phones,p) + end + end + end + if !isempty(word_phones) + add_word!(dec,prons,word_phones; min_dist=min_dist) + end + return dec +end + +export check_env +function check_env() + if !("TIDIGITS_PATH" in keys(ENV)) + @warn "ENV[\"TIDIGITS_PATH\"] not exisitng: `export TIDIGITS_PATH=path/to/dataset` to your env." + end + if !("CPU_CMD" in keys(ENV)) + @warn "ENV[\"CPU_CMD\"] not exisitng: `export CPU_CMD='...'` to your env first. Only needed for SGE." + end +end + +export get_feat_dir +function get_feat_dir(setup; root="data") + uuid_folder = UUID("04a07b93-95e4-4b85-94b9-d3516eb06ea2") + conf = read("conf/$(setup)/feat_conf.jl",String) + return joinpath("data", string(uuid5(uuid_folder,conf))) +end diff --git a/WFSTs.jl b/WFSTs.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca5a9f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/WFSTs.jl @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +# Copyright (c) 2021 Idiap Research Institute, http://www.idiap.ch/ +# Niccolò Antonello + +using FiniteStateTransducers + +export get_L +# builds the L transducer +function get_L(lexicon::Dict{S,Vector{S}}) where {S<:AbstractString} + phones = sort!(unique!(vcat(values(lexicon)...))) + words = sort!([keys(lexicon)...]) + psym = Dict(p => i for (i,p) in enumerate(phones)) + wsym = Dict(w => i for (i,w) in enumerate(words )) + + L = WFST(psym,wsym) + add_states!(L,2) + initial!(L,1) + final!(L,2) + ϵ = get_eps(S) + c = 3 + for w in keys(lexicon) + pron=lexicon[w] + for (i,p) in enumerate(pron) + if i == 1 && (length(pron) != 1) + add_arc!(L,1,c,p,w,1) + elseif i == length(pron) + if i == 1 + add_arc!(L,1,2,p,w) + else + add_arc!(L,c,2,p,ϵ) + c += 1 + end + else + add_arc!(L,c,c+1,p,ϵ) + c += 1 + end + end + end + add_arc!(L,2,1,ϵ,ϵ) + return L +end + +export get_H +# builds the H transucer, 2 state phone per HMM +function get_H(psym; selfloop_prob=0.4) + isym = Dict{String,Int}() + c=1 + for p in sort([keys(psym)...]) + if p == "" + isym["$(p)1"] = c + isym["$(p)2"] = c+1 + c +=2 + else + for i=1:2 + isym["$p$i"] = c + c+=1 + end + end + end + Ns = length(psym) + + H = WFST(isym, psym) + add_states!(H,Ns+1) + initial!(H,1) + ϵ = get_eps(String) + for p in sort([keys(psym)...]) + if p == "" + # from initial state, assume silence + add_arc!(H, 1 , isym["1"]+1, "$(p)1", p) + end + # this avoids trivial solution of always staying in the same state + add_arc!(H, isym["$(p)1"]+1, isym["$(p)1"]+1, "$(p)1", ϵ,-log(selfloop_prob)) + # prob of transistion to other state unknown, set to 1 + add_arc!(H, isym["$(p)1"]+1, isym["$(p)2"]+1, "$(p)2", ϵ) + # to final state + final!(H,isym["$(p)2"]+1) + end + for s in keys(get_final(H)) + for p in keys(psym) + # prob of transistion to other phone unknown, set to 1 + add_arc!(H, s, isym["$(p)1"]+1, "$(p)1", p) # emitting state + end + end + return H +end + +export Hfst2trans +# convert the H transducer into transition matrix +function Hfst2trans(H::WFST) + Ns = length(get_isym(H)) + A = zeros(Float32,Ns,Ns) + state2outtr=Dict(i => (get_ilabel.(s),get_weight.(s)) for (i,s) in enumerate(H)) + for (p,s,n,d,e,a) in FiniteStateTransducers.DFS(H,1) + if d + intr = get_ilabel(a) + outtr,w = state2outtr[n] + for i in eachindex(outtr) + A[intr,outtr[i]] = exp(-get(w[i])) + end + end + end + return A +end + +export get_lexicon +function get_lexicon() + lexicon = Dict( + "" => [""], + "OH" => ["OW"], + "ZERO" => ["Z", "IH", "R", "OW"], + "ONE" => ["W", "AH", "N"], + "TWO" => ["T", "UW"], + "THREE" => ["TH", "R", "IY"], + "FOUR" => ["F", "AO", "R"], + "FIVE" => ["F", "AY", "V"], + "SIX" => ["S", "IH", "KS"], + "SEVEN" => ["S", "EH", "V", "AH", "N"], + "EIGHT" => ["EY", "T"], + "NINE" => ["N", "AY", "N"] + ) + ilexicon = Dict(lexicon[w] => w for w in keys(lexicon)) + return lexicon, ilexicon +end + +export get_HL +function get_HL(lexicon) + L = get_L(lexicon) + H = get_H(get_isym(L)) + return H,L +end + +export get_aA +function get_aA(H; use_log=true) + A = Hfst2trans(H) + Ns = size(A,1) + a = zeros(Float32,Ns) # initial state prob + a[H.isym["1"]] = one(Float32) + + if use_log + A .= log.(A) + a .= log.(a) + end + return a,A +end diff --git a/check_model.jl b/check_model.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c64de42 --- /dev/null +++ b/check_model.jl @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# Copyright (c) 2021 Idiap Research Institute, http://www.idiap.ch/ +# Niccolò Antonello +# +# This script is mainly for testing the model input/output works correctly +# +using HMMGradients, FiniteStateTransducers +using Random, Statistics, FileIO +using BSON + +setup="2a" + +include("WFSTs.jl") +include("Models.jl") +include("Utils.jl") +include("conf/$(setup)/feat_conf.jl") +include("conf/$(setup)/model_conf.jl") + +# get transition matrix +lexicon, ilexicon = get_lexicon() +H, L = get_HL(lexicon) +a, A = get_aA(H) +Ns = size(A,1) + +# init model +modely = get_convnet(Nf,Ns; + Nks=Nks, + Nhs=Nhs, + strides=strides, + dilations=dilations, + dropout=dropout, + fout=fout) + +Nt,Nb = rand(500:1000),4 +x = zeros(Float32,Nt,Nf,Nb) +t,b = 500,1 +x[t,:,b] .= 1.0 + +y = modely(x) +z = sum(y[:,:,b],dims=2) +Nt2 = ceil(Int,Nt/3) +@assert Nt2 == size(y,1) +println("Setup = $setup") +println("Num of parameters = $(sum(prod.(size.(params(modely)))))") +println("Context bins = $(subsample*sum( (!).(z .≈ z[100]) ))") diff --git a/conf/1a/feat_conf.jl b/conf/1a/feat_conf.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9faaa03 --- /dev/null +++ b/conf/1a/feat_conf.jl @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +Fs = 16000 +Nf = 40 # input feat dim +# feature extraction (saved to data) +get_feats(x) = identity(x) +# on the fly feature processing +function feats_post(x) + Fs_original=20000 + Fs=16000 + x = load(x) + if typeof(x) <: Tuple + x = x[1] + else + x = x.data + end + x = x[:] + x = resample(x,Fs//Fs_original) + x = mfcc(x, float(Fs); + dither=true, numcep=40, nbands=40, minfreq=20.0, maxfreq=7600.0)[1] + return Float32.(x) +end +subsample = 3 # out subsampling diff --git a/conf/1a/model_conf.jl b/conf/1a/model_conf.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..81242e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/conf/1a/model_conf.jl @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ + +# Model Configuration +## obs likelihood model configuration +Random.seed!(313) +Nhs = [256,256,256,256] # hidden layer dims +dilations = [1,3,5,7] +Nks = 3 .*ones(Int,length(Nhs)) # conv kernel dims +strides = ones(Int,length(Nhs)) +strides[end] = subsample # output subsampling +dropout = zeros(length(Nhs)) +fout = identity # function in last layer + +# training opts +λ1 = 1f-5 # l1 output regularization +lr = 1f-3 # learning rate +Nb = 16 # batch size +epochs_cur = 5 +epochs = 15 +opt = ADAM(lr) +curriculum_training = true diff --git a/conf/1b/feat_conf.jl b/conf/1b/feat_conf.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9faaa03 --- /dev/null +++ b/conf/1b/feat_conf.jl @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +Fs = 16000 +Nf = 40 # input feat dim +# feature extraction (saved to data) +get_feats(x) = identity(x) +# on the fly feature processing +function feats_post(x) + Fs_original=20000 + Fs=16000 + x = load(x) + if typeof(x) <: Tuple + x = x[1] + else + x = x.data + end + x = x[:] + x = resample(x,Fs//Fs_original) + x = mfcc(x, float(Fs); + dither=true, numcep=40, nbands=40, minfreq=20.0, maxfreq=7600.0)[1] + return Float32.(x) +end +subsample = 3 # out subsampling diff --git a/conf/1b/model_conf.jl b/conf/1b/model_conf.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7dd1f01 --- /dev/null +++ b/conf/1b/model_conf.jl @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ + +# Model Configuration +## obs likelihood model configuration +Random.seed!(1) +Nhs = [256,256,256,256] # hidden layer dims +dilations = [1,3,5,7] +Nks = 3 .*ones(Int,length(Nhs)) # conv kernel dims +strides = ones(Int,length(Nhs)) +strides[end] = subsample # output subsampling +dropout = zeros(length(Nhs)) +fout = x -> logsoftmax(x,dims=2) # function in last layer + +# training opts +λ1 = 0f-5 # l1 output regularization +lr = 1f-4 # learning rate +Nb = 16 # batch size +epochs_cur = 5 +epochs = 15 +opt = Flux.Optimise.Optimiser(WeightDecay(1e-5),ADAM(lr)) +curriculum_training = true diff --git a/conf/2a/feat_conf.jl b/conf/2a/feat_conf.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1588484 --- /dev/null +++ b/conf/2a/feat_conf.jl @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +Fs = 16000 +Nf = 40 # input feat dim +# feature extraction (saved to data) +function get_feats(x) + Fs_original=20000 + Fs=16000 + x = load(x) + if typeof(x) <: Tuple + x = x[1] + else + x = x.data + end + x = x[:] + x = resample(x,Fs//Fs_original) + x = mfcc(x, float(Fs); + dither=true, numcep=40, nbands=40, minfreq=20.0, maxfreq=7600.0)[1] + return Float32.(x) +end +# on the fly feature processing +feats_post(x) = identity(x) +subsample = 3 # out subsampling diff --git a/conf/2a/model_conf.jl b/conf/2a/model_conf.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42f473c --- /dev/null +++ b/conf/2a/model_conf.jl @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ + +# Model Configuration +## obs likelihood model configuration +Random.seed!(313) +Nhs = [256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256] # hidden layer dims +dilations = [1,1,3,3,5,5,7,11] +Nks = 3 .*ones(Int,length(Nhs)) # conv kernel dims +strides = ones(Int,length(Nhs)) +strides[end] = subsample # output subsampling +dropout = zeros(length(Nhs)) +fout = identity # function in last layer + +# training opts +λ1 = 1f-5 # l1 output regularization +lr = 5f-4 # learning rate +Nb = 16 # batch size +epochs_cur = 5 +epochs = 15 +opt = ADAM(lr) +curriculum_training = true diff --git a/conf/2b/feat_conf.jl b/conf/2b/feat_conf.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1588484 --- /dev/null +++ b/conf/2b/feat_conf.jl @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +Fs = 16000 +Nf = 40 # input feat dim +# feature extraction (saved to data) +function get_feats(x) + Fs_original=20000 + Fs=16000 + x = load(x) + if typeof(x) <: Tuple + x = x[1] + else + x = x.data + end + x = x[:] + x = resample(x,Fs//Fs_original) + x = mfcc(x, float(Fs); + dither=true, numcep=40, nbands=40, minfreq=20.0, maxfreq=7600.0)[1] + return Float32.(x) +end +# on the fly feature processing +feats_post(x) = identity(x) +subsample = 3 # out subsampling diff --git a/conf/2b/model_conf.jl b/conf/2b/model_conf.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aabed16 --- /dev/null +++ b/conf/2b/model_conf.jl @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ + +# Model Configuration +## obs likelihood model configuration +Random.seed!(11) +Nhs = [256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256] # hidden layer dims +dilations = [1,1,3,3,5,5,7,11] +Nks = 3 .*ones(Int,length(Nhs)) # conv kernel dims +strides = ones(Int,length(Nhs)) +strides[end] = subsample # output subsampling +dropout = zeros(length(Nhs)) +fout = x -> logsoftmax(x,dims=2) # function in last layer + +# training opts +λ1 = 0f-5 # l1 output regularization +lr = 1f-4 # learning rate +Nb = 16 # batch size +epochs_cur = 5 +epochs = 15 +opt = Flux.Optimise.Optimiser(WeightDecay(1e-5),ADAM(lr)) +curriculum_training = true diff --git a/demo.jl b/demo.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e17c897 --- /dev/null +++ b/demo.jl @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +# Copyright (c) 2021 Idiap Research Institute, http://www.idiap.ch/ +# Niccolò Antonello + +using HMMGradients, Flux +using Random, Statistics, LinearAlgebra +using FiniteStateTransducers +using BSON, JLD2, LibSndFile, FileIO, UUIDs +using MFCC, DSP +include("WFSTs.jl") +include("Models.jl") +include("Utils.jl") + +setup="2a" +duration=5 # duration of recoring in seconds +plot_stuff=false + +println(" + TIDIGIT demo + + $duration seconds will be recorded + + The following digits can be recognized: + ZERO OH ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX SEVEN EIGHT NINE + (requires sox) + ") + + +include("conf/$(setup)/feat_conf.jl") +# get transition matrix +lexicon, ilexicon = get_lexicon() +H, L = get_HL(lexicon) +a, A = get_aA(H) +ippsym = get_iisym(H) + +model_folder = joinpath("models","$setup") +BSON.@load joinpath(model_folder,"best_modely_final.bson") best_modely +Flux.testmode!(best_modely) + +mkpath("data") +file = "data/test.wav" +run(`sox -d -r 16k -c 1 --clobber $file trim 0 $duration`) +x = get_feats(file) +x = feats_post(x) + +y = best_modely(Flux.unsqueeze(x,3)) +gamma = logposterior(size(y,1),a,A,y[:,:]) +phones = posterior2phones(ippsym, gamma) +dec = phones2words_greedy(ilexicon,phones; min_dist=2) + +println("\nDecoded Phones") +println(strip(prod(phones.*" "))) +println("\nDecoded Digits") +println(strip(prod(dec.*" "))) + +if plot_stuff + using Plots + p1 = heatmap(x', title="Input feats") + p2 = heatmap(y[:,:]', clims = (-10,0), title=strip(prod(phones.*" "))) + p3 = heatmap(gamma', clims = (-10,0), title=strip(prod(dec.*" "))) + plot(p1,p2,p3,layout=(3,1)) +end diff --git a/eval.jl b/eval.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..df8fb9c --- /dev/null +++ b/eval.jl @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +# Copyright (c) 2021 Idiap Research Institute, http://www.idiap.ch/ +# Niccolò Antonello + +using ArgParse + +s = ArgParseSettings() +@add_arg_table! s begin + "--conf" + help = "configuration setup" + arg_type = String + default = "2a" +end +parsed_args = parse_args(ARGS, s) +setup = parsed_args["conf"] + +using HMMGradients, Flux, Zygote +using Random, Statistics, LinearAlgebra +using FiniteStateTransducers +using DSP, MFCC +using BSON, JLD2, LibSndFile, FileIO, UUIDs +include("WFSTs.jl") +include("Models.jl") +include("Utils.jl") + +include("conf/$(setup)/feat_conf.jl") + +# get transition matrix +lexicon, ilexicon = get_lexicon() +H, L = get_HL(lexicon) +a, A = get_aA(H) +ippsym = get_iisym(H) + +BSON.@load "models/$setup/best_modely_final.bson" best_modely +Flux.testmode!(best_modely) + +feat_dir = get_feat_dir(setup) +data = load(joinpath(feat_dir,"train.jld2")) +uttID2feats, uttID2text, uttID2phones = data["uttID2feats"], data["uttID2text"], data["uttID2phones"] + +uttID2text_dec = Dict() +uttID2phones_dec = Dict() +min_dist=2 + +for uttID in keys(uttID2feats) + x = uttID2feats[uttID] + x = feats_post(x) + y = best_modely(Flux.unsqueeze(x,3)) + gamma = logposterior(size(y,1),a,A,y[:,:]) + ps = posterior2phones(ippsym,gamma) + ws = phones2words_greedy(ilexicon,ps; min_dist=min_dist) + uttID2phones_dec[uttID] = ps + uttID2text_dec[uttID] = strip(prod(ws.*" ")) +end + +uttID2err_textdec = Dict{String,Tuple{String,String}}() +for uttID in keys(uttID2text) + text, dec = uttID2text[uttID], uttID2text_dec[uttID] + if text != dec + uttID2err_textdec[uttID] = (text,dec) + end +end + +accuracy = 1-length(uttID2err_textdec) / length(uttID2text) +wer = get_error_rate(uttID2text, uttID2text_dec) +per = get_error_rate(uttID2phones, uttID2phones_dec; is_split=true) +println("# Setup $setup") +println("* Phone Error Rate (PER): $(round(per * 100, digits=3)) %") +println("* Word Error Rate (WER) : $(round(wer * 100, digits=3)) %") +println("* Accuracy: $(round(accuracy,digits=3))") diff --git a/plotstuff.jl b/plotstuff.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7971754 --- /dev/null +++ b/plotstuff.jl @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +# Copyright (c) 2021 Idiap Research Institute, http://www.idiap.ch/ +# Niccolò Antonello +# +# This script can be used to check the +# output of the acoustic model and its decoding +# using two random utterances taken from the test set + +using HMMGradients, Flux, Zygote +using Random, Statistics, LinearAlgebra +using FiniteStateTransducers +using DSP, MFCC +using BSON, JLD2, LibSndFile, FileIO +include("WFSTs.jl") +include("Models.jl") +include("Utils.jl") + +setup="2a" + +include("conf/$(setup)/feat_conf.jl") +include("conf/$(setup)/model_conf.jl") + +# get transition matrix +lexicon, ilexicon = get_lexicon() +H, L = get_HL(lexicon) +a, A = get_aA(H) +ippsym = get_iisym(H) + +BSON.@load "models/$(setup)/current_modely.bson" best_modely +Flux.testmode!(best_modely) + +feat_dir = get_feat_dir(setup) +data = load(joinpath(feat_dir,"test.jld2")) +uttID2feats, uttID2text = data["uttID2feats"], data["uttID2text"] + +uttIDs = [keys(uttID2text)...] +i,j = rand(uttIDs),rand(uttIDs) + +xi,xj = feats_post(uttID2feats[i]), feats_post(uttID2feats[j]) +yi,yj = best_modely(Flux.unsqueeze(xi,3)),best_modely(Flux.unsqueeze(xj,3)) + +gammai = logposterior(size(yi,1),a,A,yi[:,:]) +gammaj = logposterior(size(yj,1),a,A,yj[:,:]) + +outi = posterior2phones(ippsym,gammai) +outj = posterior2phones(ippsym,gammaj) +outi[outi .== ""] .= " " +outj[outj .== ""] .= " " + +using Plots +pyplot() +psi = prod([prod(lexicon[w]) for w in split(uttID2text[i])].*" ") +p1i = heatmap(xi', title=uttID2text[i]) +p2i = heatmap(yi[:,:]', clims = (maximum(yj)-20,maximum(yj)), title=psi) +p3i = heatmap(gammai', clims = (-20,0), title=prod(outi)) + +psj = prod([prod(lexicon[w]) for w in split(uttID2text[j])].*" ") +p1j = heatmap(xj', title=uttID2text[j]) +p2j = heatmap(yj[:,:]', clims = (maximum(yj)-20,maximum(yj)), title=psj) +p3j = heatmap(gammaj', clims = (-20,0), title=prod(outj)) + +plot(p1i,p1j,p2i,p2j,p3i,p3j,layout=(3,2)) diff --git a/prepare_data.jl b/prepare_data.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3ab56e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/prepare_data.jl @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +# Copyright (c) 2021 Idiap Research Institute, http://www.idiap.ch/ +# Niccolò Antonello + +using ArgParse +using Distributed, ClusterManagers +include("Utils.jl") + +function parse_commandline() + s = ArgParseSettings() + @add_arg_table! s begin + "--nj" + help = "number of jobs" + arg_type = Int + default = 1 + "--conf" + help = "configuration setup" + arg_type = String + default = "2a" + end + return parse_args(ARGS, s) +end + +# parse command line and add workers +parsed_args = parse_commandline() +nj, setup = parsed_args["nj"], parsed_args["conf"] +feat_dir = get_feat_dir(setup) +check_env() +if ispath(feat_dir) + error("Data already processed for this feature conf in $(feat_dir). Remove this folder to re-run feature extraction from scratch.") +end + +if nj > 1 + addprocs_sge(nj; + qsub_flags=split(ENV["CPU_CMD"]), + wd=mktempdir(pwd()), + exeflags="--project" + ) +end + +@everywhere begin + setup = $setup + using DSP, MFCC, HMMGradients, FiniteStateTransducers + using JLD2, LibSndFile, FileIO + include("Utils.jl") + include("WFSTs.jl") + include("DatasetParsers.jl") +end + +@everywhere function process_data(dataset_path,lexicon,L,H,Fs,subsample, + uttID2file,uttID2text,feat_dir,set,nj) + T = Float32 + + uttID2feats = Dict() + uttID2phones = Dict() + uttID2tr = Dict{String,Vector{Pair{Vector{Int},Vector{Int}}}}() + wsym = get_osym(L) + + for uttID in keys(uttID2file) + # process audio + x = uttID2file[uttID] + x = get_feats(x) + uttID2feats[uttID] = x + x = feats_post(x) + Nt = size(x,1) + + # process text + text = uttID2text[uttID] + uttID2phones[uttID] = text2phones(lexicon,text) + text = split(text;keepempty=false) + text = String.(vcat("",[[ti,""] for ti in text]...)) #silence between every word + S = linearfst(text,text, ones(typeofweight(L),length(text)), wsym, wsym) + HLS = rm_eps!(H∘(L∘S)) + Nt2 = subsample == 1 ? Nt : ceil(Int,Nt/3) + time2tr = wfst2tr(HLS,Nt2) + uttID2tr[uttID] = HMMGradients.t2tr2t2IJ(time2tr) + end + if nj > 1 + q = joinpath(feat_dir,"q_split_$set") + mkpath(q) + JLD2.@save joinpath(q,"$(myid()).jld2") uttID2feats uttID2tr uttID2phones + else + return uttID2feats, uttID2tr, uttID2text, uttID2phones + end +end + +function prepare_data(dataset_path,lexicon,L,H,Fs,subsample,set,feat_dir,nj) + println("Processing $set set with $nj jobs") + uttID2file = get_uttID2file(dataset_path,set) + uttID2text = get_uttID2text(uttID2file) + if nj > 1 + # split utterances + uttIDs = [keys(uttID2text)...] + Nu = length(uttIDs) + delta = div(Nu,nj) + uttIDss = [uttIDs[1+(i-1)*delta:(i==nj ? Nu : i*delta)] for i = 1:nj] + uttID2files = [filter(x -> x.first in uttIDs, uttID2file) for uttIDs in uttIDss] + uttID2texts = [filter(x -> x.first in uttIDs, uttID2text) for uttIDs in uttIDss] + pmap( + uttID2filetext -> + process_data(dataset_path,lexicon,L,H,Fs,subsample, + uttID2filetext[1],uttID2filetext[2], + feat_dir,set,nj), + zip(uttID2files,uttID2texts) + ) + uttID2feats = Dict() + uttID2phones = Dict() + uttID2tr = Dict{String,Vector{Pair{Vector{Int},Vector{Int}}}}() + println("Merging files") + q = joinpath(feat_dir,"q_split_$set") + for id in workers() + data = load(joinpath(q,"$id.jld2")) + uttID2feats_nj, uttID2tr_nj, uttID2phones_nj = + data["uttID2feats"], data["uttID2tr"], data["uttID2phones"] + merge!(uttID2feats , uttID2feats_nj ) + merge!(uttID2phones, uttID2phones_nj) + merge!(uttID2tr , uttID2tr_nj ) + end + rm(q;recursive=true) + return uttID2feats, uttID2tr, uttID2text, uttID2phones + else + process_data(dataset_path,lexicon,L,H,Fs,subsample,uttID2file,uttID2text,feat_dir,set,nj) + end +end + +### +@everywhere begin + include("conf/$(setup)/feat_conf.jl") + lexicon, ilexicon = get_lexicon() + H, L = get_HL(lexicon) +end + +dataset_path = ENV["TIDIGITS_PATH"] +T = @elapsed uttID2feats_train, uttID2tr_train, uttID2text_train, uttID2phones_train = +prepare_data(dataset_path,lexicon,L,H,Fs,subsample,"train",feat_dir,nj) +println("Done in $T sec") +T = @elapsed uttID2feats_test, uttID2tr_test, uttID2text_test, uttID2phones_test = +prepare_data(dataset_path,lexicon,L,H,Fs,subsample,"test",feat_dir,nj) +println("Done in $T sec") + +if nj > 1 + t = rmprocs(workers()) + wait(t) +end + +# test data in TIDIGITS has same size of train, so we repartition it +uttID2feats_all = merge(uttID2feats_train , uttID2feats_test ) +uttID2tr_all = merge(uttID2tr_train , uttID2tr_test ) +uttID2text_all = merge(uttID2text_train , uttID2text_test ) +uttID2phones_all= merge(uttID2phones_train, uttID2phones_test) +uttIDs_all = [keys(uttID2text_all)...] +Nu = length(uttIDs_all) +idx_train, idx_test = round(Int,Nu*0.7), round(Int,Nu*0.9) +set2uttID = Dict() +set2uttID["train"], set2uttID["test"], set2uttID["dev"] = uttIDs_all[1:idx_train], uttIDs_all[idx_train+1:idx_test], uttIDs_all[idx_test+1:end] + +mkpath(feat_dir) +for set in ("train","test","dev") + filename = set + uttID2feats = filter(x -> x.first in set2uttID[set], uttID2feats_all ) + uttID2tr = filter(x -> x.first in set2uttID[set], uttID2tr_all ) + uttID2text = filter(x -> x.first in set2uttID[set], uttID2text_all ) + uttID2phones = filter(x -> x.first in set2uttID[set], uttID2phones_all) + JLD2.@save joinpath(feat_dir,"$set.jld2") uttID2feats uttID2tr uttID2text uttID2phones +end diff --git a/train.jl b/train.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8affba1 --- /dev/null +++ b/train.jl @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +# Copyright (c) 2021 Idiap Research Institute, http://www.idiap.ch/ +# Niccolò Antonello + +using ArgParse + +s = ArgParseSettings() +@add_arg_table! s begin + "--conf" + help = "configuration setup" + arg_type = String + default = "1a" +end +parsed_args = parse_args(ARGS, s) +setup = parsed_args["conf"] + +using HMMGradients, Flux, Zygote +using Random, Statistics, LinearAlgebra +using FiniteStateTransducers +using DSP, MFCC +using BSON, JLD2, LibSndFile, FileIO, UUIDs + +include("WFSTs.jl") +include("Models.jl") +include("Utils.jl") +include("conf/$(setup)/feat_conf.jl") +include("conf/$(setup)/model_conf.jl") + +# get transition matrix +lexicon, ilexicon = get_lexicon() +H, L = get_HL(lexicon) +a, A = get_aA(H) +Ns = size(A,1) + +# init model +modely = get_convnet(Nf,Ns; + Nks=Nks, + Nhs=Nhs, + strides=strides, + dilations=dilations, + dropout=dropout, + fout=fout) + +# load training data +feat_dir = get_feat_dir(setup) +data = load(joinpath(feat_dir,"train.jld2")) +uttID2feats, uttID2tr, uttID2text, uttID2phones = +data["uttID2feats"], data["uttID2tr"], data["uttID2text"], data["uttID2phones"] +# curriculum data (isolated words) +uttID2text_cur = filter(x->length(split(x.second))==1,uttID2text) + +# load dev data +data = load(joinpath(feat_dir,"dev.jld2")) +uttID2feats_dev, uttID2tr_dev, uttID2text_dev, uttID2phones_dev = +data["uttID2feats"], data["uttID2tr"], data["uttID2text"], data["uttID2phones"] +# curriculum data (isolated words) +uttID2text_dev_cur = filter(x->length(split(x.second))==1,uttID2text_dev) + +# dataloaders +Xs_cur = [uttID2feats[uttID] for uttID in keys(uttID2text_cur) ] +Ys_cur = [uttID2tr[uttID] for uttID in keys(uttID2text_cur) ] +Xs = [uttID2feats[uttID] for uttID in keys(uttID2feats) ] +Ys = [uttID2tr[uttID] for uttID in keys(uttID2tr) ] + +Xs_test_cur = [uttID2feats_dev[uttID] for uttID in keys(uttID2text_dev_cur)] +Ys_test_cur = [uttID2phones_dev[uttID] for uttID in keys(uttID2text_dev_cur)] +Xs_test = [uttID2feats_dev[uttID] for uttID in keys(uttID2feats_dev)] +Ys_test = [uttID2phones_dev[uttID] for uttID in keys(uttID2feats_dev)] + +N_cur = length(Xs_cur) +N = length(Xs) +N_test = length(Xs_test) + +cur_data = Flux.Data.DataLoader((Xs_cur ,Ys_cur ), batchsize=Nb, shuffle=false) +train_data = Flux.Data.DataLoader((Xs ,Ys ), batchsize=Nb, shuffle=true) +test_data_cur = Flux.Data.DataLoader((Xs_test_cur,Ys_test_cur), batchsize=Nb) +test_data = Flux.Data.DataLoader((Xs_test,Ys_test), batchsize=Nb) + +# define maximum likelihood function +function loss(Nt,t2tr,A,x,λ1) + y = modely(x) + yp = exp.(y) + f = nlogMLlog(Nt,t2tr,A,y) + λ1 * norm(yp,1) + return f +end + +function test(modely,a,A,ippsym,test_data) + Flux.testmode!(modely) + Nw = 0 + err = 0 + for (x,ps) in test_data + x = feats_post.(x) + Nts = ceil.(Int,size.(x,1)/3) + xb = zeropad(x) + y = modely(xb) + for i in eachindex(Nts) + gamma = logposterior(Nts[i],a,A,view(y,:,:,i)) + ps_dec = posterior2phones(ippsym,gamma) + Nw += length(ps[i]) + err += levenshtein(ps[i],ps_dec) + end + end + per = err / Nw + Flux.trainmode!(modely) + return per +end + +function train!(modely,a,A,H,opt,λ1,epochs,train_data,test_data) + Flux.trainmode!(modely) + N = length(train_data.data[1]) + ps = Flux.params(modely) + best_per = Inf + best_modely = deepcopy(modely) + ippsym = get_iisym(H) + for e in 1:epochs + cost = 0 + for (x,t2trs) in train_data + x = feats_post.(x) + Nts = length.(t2trs) .+ 1 + xb = zeropad(x) + train_loss, back = + Zygote.pullback(() -> loss(Nts,t2trs,A,xb,λ1), ps) + if isnan(train_loss) | isinf(train_loss) + error("Nan/Inf cost function!!") + end + cost += train_loss + gs = back(one(Float32)) + Flux.update!(opt, ps, gs) + end + per = test(modely,a,A,ippsym,test_data) + save_best = per <= best_per + if save_best + best_modely = deepcopy(modely) + best_per = per + BSON.@save "models/$setup/current_modely.bson" best_modely + end + println("epoch: $e cost: $(round(cost/N,digits=4)) PER: $(round(per*100,digits=3))" * (save_best ? " ⋆ " : "")) + end + Flux.testmode!(best_modely) + Flux.testmode!(modely) + return best_modely, modely +end + +model_folder = joinpath("models","$setup") +mkpath(model_folder) +println("Using setup: $setup") +println(read("conf/$setup/model_conf.jl",String)) +if curriculum_training + println("Curriculum training with $N_cur isolated words") + best_modely, modely = train!(modely,a,A,H,opt,λ1,epochs_cur,cur_data,test_data_cur) + BSON.@save joinpath(model_folder,"best_modely_curriculum.bson") best_modely + modely = deepcopy(best_modely) +end +println("Training with $N utterances") +best_modely, modely = train!(modely,a,A,H,opt,λ1,epochs,train_data,test_data) +BSON.@save joinpath(model_folder,"best_modely_final.bson") best_modely +BSON.@save joinpath(model_folder,"modely.bson") modely