You need to define the following constants in your setup.php
file :
define('__DH_CA_WS_USER__', "your_ws_username_here");
define('__DH_CA_WS_PASS__', "your_ws_password_here");
define('__DH_CA_NO_SSL__', true); // Set to true if you don't have a valid SSL certificate
In the folder containing both pawtucket and providence, clone the repository :
git clone
Then, in the providence folder, link the plugin inside the app/plugins folder :
cd providence/app/plugins
ln -s ../../../offline/OfflineProvidence OfflineProvidence
To install the widget (green/red dot and button to open /offline link) :
cd app/widgets
ln -s ../plugins/OfflineProvidence/OfflineProvidenceWidget offline
git config --global http.sslverify false
To develop offlineApp (Vite + Vue app + PWA), you can use within OfflineApp/src
To build offlineApp, you need to cd inside OfflineApp/src :
npm run build
npm run copy