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This library is built to provide a solution analysis of human face recognition.
This library analyzes each face and provides statistics for Angular web applications easily.
This Github.
classEnv{/** Running in Browser */browser: boolean;/** Running in NodeJS */node: boolean;/** Running in WebWorker thread */worker: boolean;/** Detected platform */platform: string;/** Detected agent */agent: string;/** List of supported backends */backends: string[];/** Has any work been performed so far */initial: boolean;/** Are image filters supported? */filter: boolean|undefined;/** TFJS instance details */tfjs: {version: undefined|string;};/** Is offscreenCanvas supported? */offscreen: undefined|boolean;/** Are performance counter instant values or additive */perfadd: boolean;/** If using tfjs-node get version of underlying tensorflow shared library and if gpu acceleration is enabled */tensorflow: {version: undefined|string;gpu: undefined|boolean;};/** WASM detected capabilities */wasm: {supported: undefined|boolean;backend: undefined|boolean;simd: undefined|boolean;multithread: undefined|boolean;};/** WebGL detected capabilities */webgl: {supported: undefined|boolean;backend: undefined|boolean;version: undefined|string;renderer: undefined|string;};/** WebGPU detected capabilities */webgpu: {supported: undefined|boolean;backend: undefined|boolean;adapter: undefined|string;};/** CPU info */cpu: {model: undefined|string;flags: string[];};/** List of supported kernels for current backend */kernels: string[];/** MonkeyPatch for Canvas */Canvas: undefined;/** MonkeyPatch for Image */Image: undefined;/** MonkeyPatch for ImageData */ImageData: undefined;constructor();/** update backend information */updateBackend(): Promise<void>;/** update cpu information */updateCPU(): void;}
interfaceConfig{/** Backend used for TFJS operations * valid build-in backends are: * - Browser: `cpu`, `wasm`, `webgl`, `humangl`, `webgpu` * - NodeJS: `cpu`, `wasm`, `tensorflow` * default: `webgl` for browser and `tensorflow` for nodejs */backend: ''|'cpu'|'wasm'|'webgl'|'humangl'|'tensorflow'|'webgpu';/** Path to *.wasm files if backend is set to `wasm` * * default: auto-detects to link to CDN `jsdelivr` when running in browser */wasmPath: string;/** Force WASM loader to use platform fetch * * default: auto-detects to link to CDN `jsdelivr` when running in browser */wasmPlatformFetch: boolean;/** Print debug statements to console * * default: `true` */debug: boolean;/** Perform model loading and inference concurrently or sequentially * * default: `true` */async: boolean;/** What to use for `human.warmup()` * - warmup pre-initializes all models for faster inference but can take significant time on startup * - used by `webgl`, `humangl` and `webgpu` backends * * default: `full` */warmup: ''|'none'|'face'|'full'|'body';/** Base model path (typically starting with file://, http:// or https://) for all models * - individual modelPath values are relative to this path * * default: `../models/` for browsers and `file://models/` for nodejs */modelBasePath: string;/** Cache models in IndexDB on first sucessfull load * default: true if indexdb is available (browsers), false if its not (nodejs) */cacheModels: boolean;/** Validate kernel ops used in model during model load * default: true * any errors will be printed on console but will be treated as non-fatal */validateModels: boolean;/** Cache sensitivity * - values 0..1 where 0.01 means reset cache if input changed more than 1% * - set to 0 to disable caching * * default: 0.7 */cacheSensitivity: number;/** Explicit flags passed to initialize TFJS */flags: Record<string,unknown>;/** Software Kernels * Registers software kernel ops running on CPU when accelerated version of kernel is not found in the current backend */softwareKernels: boolean;/** Perform immediate garbage collection on deallocated tensors instead of caching them */deallocate: boolean;/** Internal Variable */skipAllowed: boolean;/** Filter config {@link FilterConfig} */filter: Partial<FilterConfig>;/** Gesture config {@link GestureConfig} */gesture: Partial<GestureConfig>;/** Face config {@link FaceConfig} */face: Partial<FaceConfig>;/** Body config {@link BodyConfig} */body: Partial<BodyConfig>;/** Hand config {@link HandConfig} */hand: Partial<HandConfig>;/** Object config {@link ObjectConfig} */object: Partial<ObjectConfig>;/** Segmentation config {@link SegmentationConfig} */segmentation: Partial<SegmentationConfig>;}
interfaceDrawOptions{/** draw line color */color: string;/** alpha value used for lines */alpha: number;/** label color */labelColor: string;/** label shadow color */shadowColor: string;/** label font */font: string;/** line spacing between labels */lineHeight: number;/** line width for drawn lines */lineWidth: number;/** size of drawn points */pointSize: number;/** draw rounded boxes by n pixels */roundRect: number;/** should points be drawn? */drawPoints: boolean;/** should labels be drawn? */drawLabels: boolean;/** should face attention keypoints be highlighted */drawAttention: boolean;/** should detected gestures be drawn? */drawGestures: boolean;/** should draw boxes around detection results? */drawBoxes: boolean;/** should draw polygons from detection points? */drawPolygons: boolean;/** should draw gaze arrows? */drawGaze: boolean;/** should fill polygons? */fillPolygons: boolean;/** use z-coordinate when available */useDepth: boolean;/** should lines be curved? */useCurves: boolean;}
interfaceResult{/** {@link FaceResult}: detection & analysis results */face: FaceResult[];/** {@link BodyResult}: detection & analysis results */body: BodyResult[];/** {@link HandResult}: detection & analysis results */hand: HandResult[];/** {@link GestureResult}: detection & analysis results */gesture: GestureResult[];/** {@link ObjectResult}: detection & analysis results */object: ObjectResult[];/** global performance object with timing values for each operation */performance: Record<string,number>;/** optional processed canvas that can be used to draw input on screen */canvas?: AnyCanvas|null;/** timestamp of detection representing the milliseconds elapsed since the UNIX epoch */readonlytimestamp: number;/** getter property that returns unified persons object */persons: PersonResult[];/** Last known error message */error: string|null;/** ===================== *//** start version 1.1.6 *//** ===================== *//** Draw frames for detected faces *//** In this case the scanner will not drawn frame on the original image *//** Need to use service to handle streamToBase64 and streamToBlobURL *//** This solves the problem related to perfomance */canvas2: HTMLCanvasElement;/** using for service with streamToBase64() */base64: string;/** using for service with streamToBlobURL() */blobUrl?: string;}
Models in Config 🧲
interfaceFilterConfig{/** are image filters enabled? */enabled: boolean;/** perform image histogram equalization * - equalization is performed on input as a whole and detected face before its passed for further analysis */equalization: boolean;/** resize input width * - if both width and height are set to 0, there is no resizing * - if just one is set, second one is scaled automatically * - if both are set, values are used as-is */width: number;/** resize input height * - if both width and height are set to 0, there is no resizing * - if just one is set, second one is scaled automatically * - if both are set, values are used as-is */height: number;/** return processed canvas imagedata in result */return: boolean;/** flip input as mirror image */flip: boolean;/** range: -1 (darken) to 1 (lighten) */brightness: number;/** range: -1 (reduce contrast) to 1 (increase contrast) */contrast: number;/** range: 0 (no sharpening) to 1 (maximum sharpening) */sharpness: number;/** range: 0 (no blur) to N (blur radius in pixels) */blur: number;/** range: -1 (reduce saturation) to 1 (increase saturation) */saturation: number;/** range: 0 (no change) to 360 (hue rotation in degrees) */hue: number;/** image negative */negative: boolean;/** image sepia colors */sepia: boolean;/** image vintage colors */vintage: boolean;/** image kodachrome colors */kodachrome: boolean;/** image technicolor colors */technicolor: boolean;/** image polaroid camera effect */polaroid: boolean;/** range: 0 (no pixelate) to N (number of pixels to pixelate) */pixelate: number;}
interfaceGestureConfig{/** is gesture detection enabled? */enabled: boolean;}
interfaceBodyConfigextendsGenericConfig{/** maximum number of detected bodies */maxDetected: number;/** minimum confidence for a detected body before results are discarded */minConfidence: number;}
interfaceHandConfigextendsGenericConfig{/** should hand rotation correction be performed after hand detection? */rotation: boolean;/** minimum confidence for a detected hand before results are discarded */minConfidence: number;/** minimum overlap between two detected hands before one is discarded */iouThreshold: number;/** maximum number of detected hands */maxDetected: number;/** should hand landmarks be detected or just return detected hand box */landmarks: boolean;detector: {/** path to hand detector model json */modelPath?: string;};skeleton: {/** path to hand skeleton model json */modelPath?: string;};}
interfaceObjectConfigextendsGenericConfig{/** minimum confidence for a detected objects before results are discarded */minConfidence: number;/** minimum overlap between two detected objects before one is discarded */iouThreshold: number;/** maximum number of detected objects */maxDetected: number;}
interfaceSegmentationConfigextendsGenericConfig{/** blur segmentation output by <number> pixels for more realistic image */blur: number;}
Models in Result 🧲
interfaceFaceResult{/** face id */id: number;/** overall face score */score: number;/** detection score */boxScore: number;/** mesh score */faceScore: number;/** detected face box */box: Box;/** detected face box normalized to 0..1 */boxRaw: Box;/** detected face mesh */mesh: Point[];/** detected face mesh normalized to 0..1 */meshRaw: Point[];/** face contours as array of 2d points normalized to 0..1 *//** face contours as array of 2d points *//** mesh keypoints combined into annotated results */annotations: Record<FaceLandmark,Point[]>;/** detected age */age?: number;/** detected gender */gender?: Gender;/** gender detection score */genderScore?: number;/** detected emotions */emotion?: {score: number;emotion: Emotion;}[];/** detected race */race?: {score: number;race: Race;}[];/** face descriptor */embedding?: number[];/** face iris distance from camera */iris?: number;/** face anti-spoofing result confidence */real?: number;/** face liveness result confidence */live?: number;/** face rotation details */rotation?: {angle: {roll: number;yaw: number;pitch: number;};matrix: [number,number,number,number,number,number,number,number,number];gaze: {bearing: number;strength: number;};}|null;/** detected face as tensor that can be used in further pipelines */tensor?: Tensor;}
interfaceBodyResult{/** body id */id: number;/** body detection score */score: number;/** detected body box */box: Box;/** detected body box normalized to 0..1 */boxRaw: Box;/** detected body keypoints */keypoints: BodyKeypoint[];/** detected body keypoints combined into annotated parts */annotations: Record<BodyAnnotation,Point[][]>;}
interfaceHandResult{/** hand id */id: number;/** hand overal score */score: number;/** hand detection score */boxScore: number;/** hand skelton score */fingerScore: number;/** detected hand box */box: Box;/** detected hand box normalized to 0..1 */boxRaw: Box;/** detected hand keypoints */keypoints: Point[];/** detected hand class */label: HandType;/** detected hand keypoints combined into annotated parts */annotations: Record<Finger,Point[]>;/** detected hand parts annotated with part gestures */landmarks: Record<Finger,{curl: FingerCurl;direction: FingerDirection;}>;}
interfaceObjectResult{/** object id */id: number;/** object detection score */score: number;/** detected object class id */class: number;/** detected object class name */label: ObjectType;/** detected object box */box: Box;/** detected object box normalized to 0..1 */boxRaw: Box;}
interfacePersonResult{/** person id */id: number;/** face result that belongs to this person */face: FaceResult;/** body result that belongs to this person */body: BodyResult|null;/** left and right hand results that belong to this person */hands: {left: HandResult|null;right: HandResult|null;};/** detected gestures specific to this person */gestures: GestureResult[];/** box that defines the person */box: Box;/** box that defines the person normalized to 0..1 */boxRaw?: Box;}
Models in FaceConfig 🧲
interfaceFaceDetectorConfigextendsGenericConfig{/** is face rotation correction performed after detecting face? * used to correctly analyze faces under high angles */rotation: boolean;/** maximum number of detected faces */maxDetected: number;/** minimum confidence for a detected face before results are discarded */minConfidence: number;/** minimum overlap between two detected faces before one is discarded */iouThreshold: number;/** should child models perform on masked image of a face */mask: boolean;/** should face detection return processed and cropped face tensor that can with an external model for addtional processing? * if enabled it must be manually deallocated to avoid memory leak */return: boolean;}
interfaceFaceMeshConfigextendsGenericConfig{/** Keep detected faces that cannot be verified using facemesh */keepInvalid: boolean;}
interfaceFaceDescriptionConfigextendsGenericConfig{/** minimum confidence for a detected face before results are discarded */minConfidence: number;}
interfaceFaceEmotionConfigextendsGenericConfig{/** minimum confidence for a detected face before results are discarded */minConfidence: number;}
interfaceFaceGearConfigextendsGenericConfig{/** minimum confidence for a detected race before results are discarded */minConfidence: number;}
Support versions
Support versions
Angular 16
Angular 12
Author Information
Author Information
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