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Lewis Dyer edited this page Aug 7, 2015 · 2 revisions

Table of Contents

Installing and Starting New Project

  1. Installing from Github
  2. Installing from Composer
  3. Bootstrapping a new project.

Basics of Faker Project

  1. Outline of Project Folders
  2. Where does the generated content go?
  3. Where place schema files?
  4. How to add extensions and seed classes
  5. Running your first project.
  6. Setup Database Configurations.

Basic Concepts.

  1. Locales Objects.
  2. Random Generators.
  3. Engines XML,PHP,Entity,Seed.
  4. Database connections.
  5. Writers.
  6. Datasources.
  7. DataTypes.
  8. Generate and Build events.
  9. Seed Classes.
  10. Distributions
  11. Writing your own Datatypes
  12. Writing your own DBAL Column Types.

Output Writers.

  1. Write our output to SQL DDL
  2. Write output to the


DB PHP Engine

Entity PHP Engine

DB XML Engine

DB Seed Class Engine