This repository contains the source code of the paper Robust Fitting of Ellipsoids by Separating Interior and Exterior Points During Optimization.
This code executes the proposed method for a set of input images. The contents of this code are provided without any warranty. They are intended for evaluational purposes only.
- Matlab (tested on v2018b or earlier).
- The FitEllipsoidEnhanced.m script provides the same functionality as FitEllipsoidEnhancedOpt.m, but the former does not need MEX file compilation while the latter is faster.
You might want to start by running any of the Demo*.m scripts.
Run Demo*.m in Matlab
- DemoFitEllipsoidSynthetic.m: Fit a randomly generated ellipsoid (ground truth available)
- DemoFitEllipsoidScanned.m: Fit an ellipsoid to a set of 3D scanned data
- DemoFitEllipsoidStereo.m: Fit an ellipsoid to a real image
Please, cite this work as:
E. Lopez-Rubio, K. Thurnhofer-Hemsi, O. D. de Cozar-Macias, E. B. Blazquez-Parra, J. Muñoz-Perez, and I. Ladron de Guevara-Lopez. Robust Fitting of Ellipsoids by Separating Interior and Exterior Points During Optimization. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. ISSN: 0924-9907. (