The aim of this repository is to show examples of how my HEX-packages can be used in a tested manner. This makes this examples for
the first place to look at when you want to use one of these packages in Elixir.
In your mix.exs
file add the following dependencies (or some of them).
When using Timewrap
, don't forget to add it as an extra_application
# Run "mix help" to learn about applications.
def application do
extra_applications: [:logger,:timewrap],
mod: {HexpackExamples.Application, []}
# Run "mix help deps" to learn about dependencies.
defp deps do
{:data_source, "~> 0.1" },
{:bucketier, "~> 0.1" },
{:timewrap, "~> 0.1" }
See file test/hexpack_examples_test.exs
. These are the examples of