This is a fix for the Interface and better handles a number of combinations of VR Headsets (Lenses if interchangeable) and a cleanup of the resolutions.
This is the 2nd iteration of a program to update Star Citizen for use with VorpX for VR as a stop-gap until SC has native VR support. Code updated to include directory structures outside of english language installs.
First of all, this exe might get flagged by your antivirus as a trojan. I assure you, it is not. I have sent a copy of this to Microsoft as Defender is the worst/best on flagging it as a trojan. Best guess is because it adds a couple lines to the 'hosts' file is the main reason for the false flag.
Hello VRCitizens! Welcome to the 'VRse!
First of all, you will need to run the SCVR-Settings.exe as administrator, so right click the exe and choose 'Run as Administrator' in the popup box. The program checks the hosts file for the changes needed. If it needs the lines added to the hosts file, it updates the hosts file or it will move on if the hosts file looks okay.
The program also runs a quick look at the hard drives present on your machine and adds them to the Select Drive drop down.
It also quickly checks if you have LIVE, PTU, EPTU and/or TECH-PREVIEW files installed and will update the settings.json in each directory that is present.
This version includes selections for the VR Headset you own. Once you choose the VR headset from the dropdown, the resolutions drop down will populate with many different resolutions to try. The "PREFERRED" resolutions are the ones that are close to the native resolution of your headset, the nice thing is, you can change your settings to find what works best for you. It will also set the default Field of View (FOV). For the headsets that have FOV larger than 120 degrees, it will set the game FOV to 120 as Star Citizen is hard coded to max out at 120 degrees.
Future versions of this program will clean up the resolutions and for the Pimax headsets that have different lenses, it will include a dropdown for the lenses that came with your Pimax to choose and further personalize your settings. We are also exploring ways to change settings in VorpX via this program to further make "VR Citizen" less painful to get set up.
If you have any questions, you can ping me on the discord servers of SilvanVR or Chachi_Sanchez.
Very special thanks to RifleJock for handling all the headset and resolution data for the 30 headsets that are currently included. As more VR/MR/AR headsets are put on the market, we will update the program to include them until Silvan can finally get VR running natively in Star Citizen.
SilvanVR is a CIG employee and VR enthusiast who has stated he will be adding VR in natively to Star Citizen once Vulkan has been fully implemented into the games. It is the VRCitizens of the 'VRse sincere hope that we get that functionality soon. You can find him on YouTube and Twitch: Links: TWITCH YOUTUBE SilvanVR Discord:
Chachi Sanchez is another VR enthusiast that has spearheaded the work with VorpX to get as many VR Headsets working in Star Citizen as possible. Links: TWITCH YOUTUBE The VRse Discord:
Thanks to them both! And I thank you, the VRCitizens for downloading this.