A Lua ComputerCraft program that looks for items in any public Ender Chests for Minecraft Modpacks
- ComputerCraft mod
- Ender chest mod
- OpenPeripherals mod (ComputerCraft addon)
To use this program in game:
- Place your computer on the ground
- Put your ender chest to the right of the computer (optional)
- Put your ender tank on top of the computer (optional)
- Open the computer interface and enter:
pastebin get WbYDdHEn ender_cracker
- Only use this program on servers where theft is not against the rules
- If theft is against the server's rules, only use this program for snooping
- Help make this project more accessible by adding comments that make the code more understandable to newbies
- Feel free to make a pull request if you have improvements for the program
The current version of the program is hosted on pastebin here: https://pastebin.com/WbYDdHEn