A stardict dictionary library for Go.
The API is currently unstable and will change. This package will use module version numbering to manage versions and compatibility.
- Reading dictionary metadata (.ifo files).
- Reading & searching the dictionary index (.idx file).
- Reading full dictionary articles.
- Efficient access for large files.
- Dictzip support.
- Capitalization, diacritic, punctuation, and whitespace folding (#19, #25).
- Synonym support (.syn file) (#2).
- Support for tree dictionaries (.tdx file) (#3).
- Support for Resource Storage (res/ directory) (#4).
- Support for collation files (.idx.clt, .syn.clt) (#7)
- Support for offset cache files (.idx.oft, .syn.oft) (#8)
- Glob/Wildcard search support (#21).
To install this package run
go get github.com/ianlewis/go-stardict
You can search a stardict dictionary directly and list the entries.
// Open dictonaries in a directory
dictionaries, _ := stardict.OpenAll(".")
// Search the dictionaries.
for _, d := range dictionaries {
entries, _ := d.Search("banana")
for _, e := range entries {
// Print out matching index entries.
- ilius/go-stardict - Basic stardict library. Support for .ifo,.dict,.idx, and .syn. Some dictzip support.
- dyatlov/gostardict - Basic stardict library. Only .ifo,.dict,.ifo support. No dictzip support.
- rongyi/stardict - A nice terminal UI tool with some basic dictionary reading support. Only .ifo,.dict,.ifo support. No dictzip random-access support.
- wenerme/tools/pkg/stardict - Stardict tools. Only .ifo,.dict,.ifo support. No dictzip support.
- 1-st/stardict - Very bare-bones. Only .ifo,.dict,.ifo support. No dictzip support.