personal-webpage-v2 Public
Personal Webpage built with Nextjs, TypeScript, GraphQL, Email JS & Hygraph CMS
personal-portfolio-website Public
Personal Website
slack-clone Public
Slack clone using TypeScript, React, Redux Toolkit, React-Router, MUI, Styled Components & Firebase
crypto-money Public
Single Page Crypto Currency Tracker Application using Axios and CoinGecko API with Frontend(Client-Side) Pagination using React Hooks.
kashkart Public
E-Commerce Website using React-Hooks, React-Router, Context API and Custom Hooks
power-note Public
Mobile responsive Notes Taking Web App with Add, Delete, Edit and search functionality for notes.
grocery-store Public
Grocery Store Management written in C++.
resoexpo-capstone Public
Website which provides booking of various halls,locations and other facilities to the user along with Payment Support and admin panel support to the owner.
PHP UpdatedJan 8, 2021 -
type-master Public
Vanilla JavaScript game to test your typing skills.
php-CRUD Public
Website written in PHP to implement CRUD Operations in MySQL Database.