I'm Abhishek Yadav, a DevOps Engineer & Full Stack Developer based in India.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Tasks App
Rock Paper Scissors Game (Code)
- A fun and interactive Rock Paper Scissors game built with React. It allows users to play against the computer and tracks the score. The game is deployed on Vercel for easy access.
Notes App (Code)
- A MERN stack note-taking application with CRUD functionality. Features secure user authentication and JWT-based access control, ensuring only authenticated users can manage their notes. Designed with a modern UI using TailwindCSS.
Chess App (Code)
- An online chess game developed with React, Node.js, and WebSockets. Supports real-time gameplay and communication. Includes game creation, move validation, and state management. Uses PostgreSQL and Prisma for data persistence.
Medium App (Code)
- A blogging platform built with React, Express, and PostgreSQL. Enables users to create, publish, and share blog posts. Utilizes Prisma for data management and Cloudflare for performance and security.
AWS VPC using Terraform (Code)
- Terraform code for provisioning an AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) infrastructure. It automates the creation of VPC components such as subnets, route tables, and internet gateways. GitHub Actions are used for CI/CD to ensure infrastructure as code deployment.