In order to contribute new features, enhancements or bug fixes simply follow these steps:
Create a GitHub account, if you don't own one already. Fork the project repository to your account. Create a new branch from the develop branch in your forked repository. Modify the existing code, or add new code to your branch. pHKondo is developed with CakePHP framework , make sure you follow the CakePHP Conventions and Coding Standards.
*Modify or add unit tests which confirm the correct functionality of your code (requires PHPUnit 3.5+). *Consider using the CakePHP Code Sniffer to check the quality of your code. *This points are not required but good practice
When ready, make a pull request to the develop branch of the plugin repository.
There may be some discussion regarding your contribution to the repository before any code is merged in, so be prepared to provide feedback on your contribution if required.