This is an advanced travel planner app which helps you manage your trips. You can Add/remove and manage all of your future trips easily with an easy to use beautiful user interface.
- Ability to add Place, date, and Note.
- Shows you image of your destination.
- The app fetches and shows the weather forcast for your trip day.
- App uses service worker and hence it also works offline.
- Download the project folder
- Go in the project directory using the terminal
- Type
npm install
and press ENTER to install all of the project dependency - Type
npm start
and press ENTER to start the project.
The app will launch inside your default browser.
- Now you can Add/remove and manage your trip information.
` IMPORTANT NOTE (For running the app locally)
This project uses following external APIs-
- GeoNames API
- Pixabay API
- DarkSky API
To run this project locally, you'll need API keys which you can get from their respective sites.
To avoid the misuse I have not provided my own API keys. You'll have to signup and get your own API key and create a .env file as follow-
A file ".env" must be present at the root of the project containing following environment variables-
PORT = 8000
GEONAMES_USERNAME= your_username
DARK_SKY_API_KEY= your_key
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