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iProov: Flexible authentication for identity assurance

iProov Biometrics React Native SDK

Table of contents


The iProov Biometrics React Native SDK wraps iProov's native iOS (Swift) and Android (Java) SDKs behind a JavaScript interface for use from within your React Native iOS or Android app.


  • React Native 0.73 and above
  • iOS 13.0 and above
  • Android API Level 26 (Android 8 Oreo) and above


You can obtain API credentials by registering on the iProov Partner Portal.


  1. Add the following to your package.json file:

    "dependencies": {
      "@iproov/react-native": "2.0.1"
  2. From your React Native app directory, run:


iOS installation

  1. Add an NSCameraUsageDescription entry to your app's Info.plist, with the reason why your app requires camera access (e.g. “To iProov you in order to verify your identity.”)

  2. You need to Enable frameworks - Cocoapods by default builds static libraries rather than frameworks. You should add the following to your Podfile:


    Please note that Flipper does not work with use_frameworks, so you should remove it if you have it enabled.

  3. In your React Native app ios directory, run:

    pod install

    This will install all Pods and apply the above workarounds.

Android installation

You must add the iProov repository URL to your repositories block inside the allprojects block in your build.gradle file:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' } // Add this

Get started

Once you have a valid token (obtained via the React Native API client or your own backend-to-backend call), you can launch() an iProov capture and handle the callback events as follows:

import IProov from '@iproov/react-native'
import NativeEventEmitter from 'react-native'

let options = new IProov.Options()
options.filter = {
	name: IProov.Options.LINE_DRAWING,
	style: IProov.Options.CLASSIC,
	foregroundColor: '#00000055',
	backgroundColor: '#32a852'

const eventEmitter = new NativeEventEmitter(IProov.IProovReactNative)

IProov.launch('wss://', "< YOUR TOKEN >", options, eventEmitter, (event) => {
	switch( {
	  // The SDK is connecting to the server. You should provide an indeterminate progress indicator
	  // to let the user know that the connection is taking place.
	  // The SDK has connected, and the iProov user interface will now be displayed. You should hide
	  // any progress indication at this point.
	  // The SDK will update your app with the progress of streaming to the server and authenticating
	  // the user. This will be called multiple times as the progress updates.
	  let progress = event.params.progress
	  let message = event.params.message
	  // Either the user canceled iProov by pressing the Close button at the top or
	  // the Home button (canceler == USER)
	  // Or the app canceled using Session.cancel() (canceler = APP).
	  // You should use this to determine the next step in your flow.

	  let canceler = event.params.canceler
	  // The user was not successfully verified/enrolled, as their identity could not be verified,
	  // or there was another issue with their verification/enrollment. A reason (as a string)
	  // is provided as to why the claim failed, along with a feedback code from the back-end.
	  let reason = event.params.reason
	  let frame = event.params.frame // Optional property containing a single Base64 encoded frame
	  // The user was successfully verified/enrolled and the token has been validated.
	  let frame = event.params.frame // Optional property containing a single Base64 encoded frame

	case IProov.EVENT_ERROR:
	  // The user was not successfully verified/enrolled due to an error (e.g. lost internet connection).
	  // You will be provided with an Exception (see below).
	  // It will be called once, or never.
	  let error = event.params.error
	  let reason = event.params.reason
	  let message = event.params.message

👉 You should now familiarize yourself with the following resources:

These repositories provide comprehensive documentation about the available customization options and other important details regarding the SDK usage.


The Options class allows iProov to be customized in various ways. These can be specified by passing options in IProov.launch().

Most of these options are common to both Android and iOS, however, some are platform-specific.

For full documentation, please read the respective iOS and Android native SDK documentation.

A summary of the support for the various SDK options in React Native is provided below. All options can be null and any options not set will default to their platform-specific default value.

Option Type iOS Android
filter Options.(LINE_DRAWING|NATURAL_DRAWING) (See filter options)
promptBackgroundColor String (#rgba)
promptTextColor String (#rgba)
promptRoundedCorners Boolean
title String
titleTextColor String (#rgba)
surroundColor String (#rgba)
font String
fontPath (*) Unsupported
logoImage String (Base64-encoded image)
closeButtonImage String (Base64-encoded image)
closeButtonTintColor String (#rgba)
certificates String[] (base 64 encoded string in DER format)
timeout Number (int)
enableScreenshots Boolean
camera Options.(FRONT|EXTERNAL)
headerBackgroundColor String (#rgba)
disableExteriorEffects Boolean
notReadyOvalStrokeColor String (#rgba)
readyOvalStrokeColor String (#rgba)
ovalStrokeColor String (#rgba)
completedOvalStrokeColor String (#rgba)

(*) Custom fonts are not currently supported and will be added in a future version of the React Native SDK.

Filter Options

The SDK supports two different camera filters:


LINE_DRAWING is iProov's traditional "canny" filter, which is available in 3 styles: IProov.Options.SHADED (default), IProov.Options.CLASSIC and IProov.Options.VIBRANT.

The foregroundColor and backgroundColor can also be customized.


var options = new IProov.Options()
options.filter = {
	name: IProov.Options.LINE_DRAWING,
	style: IProov.Options.CLASSIC,
	foregroundColor: '#00000055',
	backgroundColor: '#32a852'

Note: foregroundColor and backgroundColor are only applicable to LINE_DRAWING filter.


NATURAL provides a more direct visualization of the user's face and is available in 2 styles: IProov.Options.CLEAR (default) and IProov.Options.BLUR.


var options = new IProov.Options()
options.filter = {
	name: IProov.Options.NATURAL,
	style: IProov.Options.CLEAR

Note: NATURAL is available for Liveness Assurance claims only. Attempts to use NATURAL for Genuine Presence Assurance claims will result in an error.

Handling errors

IProov listener error events will contain an error string within the events params property which maps to native exceptions:

Exception iOS Android Description
capture_already_active_error An existing iProov capture is already in progress. Wait until the current capture completes before starting a new one.
network_error An error occurred with the video streaming process. Consult the message value for more information.
camera_permission_error The user disallowed access to the camera when prompted. You should direct the user to re-enable camera access.
server_error A server-side error/token invalidation occurred. The associated message will contain further information about the error.
unexpected_error An unexpected and unrecoverable error has occurred. These errors should be reported to iProov for further investigation.
unsupported_device_error Device is not supported.
multi_window_unsupported_error The user attempted to iProov in split-screen/multi-screen mode, which is not supported.
camera_error An error occurred acquiring or using the camera. This could happen when a non-phone is used with/without an external/USB camera.
face_detector_error An error occurred with the face detector.
invalid_options_error An error occurred when trying to apply your options.
user_timeout_error The user has taken too long to complete the claim.


String localization is handled by adding translations to both native components, you can do this by following the instructions of the respective platform of the native iProov SDK.

API Client

The React Native API Client provides a convenient wrapper to call iProov's REST API v2 from a React Native app. It is a useful tool to assist with testing, debugging and demos, but should not be used in production mobile apps.

The React Native API client can be found in ApiClient.js.

To setup your credentials, copy credentials.example.js to credentials.js and add them to the example project.

⚠️ SECURITY NOTICE: Use of the React Native API Client requires providing it with your API secret. You should never embed your API secret within a production app.


The React Native API Client supports the following functionality:

  • getToken() - Get an enrol/verify token
  • enrolPhoto() - Perform a photo enrolment (either from an electronic or optical image). The image must be provided as a base64 encoded jpeg represented as a string.
  • enrolPhotoAndGetVerifyToken() - A convenience method which first gets an enrolment token, then enrols the photo against that token, and then gets a verify token for the user to iProov against.
  • validate() - Validates a token, this is typically called via a backend-to-backend call to ensure that the claim was successful.
  • invalidate() - Used to cancel (invalidate) a token. Once a token has been invalidated, it can no longer be used.

Getting a token

The most useful thing you can do with the API Client is get a token to either enrol or verify a user, using either iProov's Genuine Presence Assurance or Liveness Assurance.

This is achieved as follows:

import ApiClient, { CLAIM_TYPE_ENROL, ASSURANCE_TYPE_LIVENESS } from './ApiClient.js'

let apiClient = ApiClient({
  baseUrl: "", // Substitute URL as appropriate
  apiKey: "< YOUR API KEY >",
  secret: "< YOUR SECRET >"

let token = await apiClient.getToken(ASSURANCE_TYPE_LIVENESS, CLAIM_TYPE_ENROL, "");

You can then launch the iProov SDK with this token.

Sample code

For a simple iProov experience that is ready to run out-of-the-box, check out the React Native example project which also makes use of the React Native API Client.

Copy the credentials.example.js file to credentials.js and add your credentials obtained from the iProov portal.

Once you have completed the installation instructions, to run the example app, you should run the following commands:

npx react-native run-android		# Run on Android
npx react-native run-ios --device	# Run on iOS

NOTE: iProov is not supported on the iOS or Android simulator, you must use a physical device in order to iProov.

Help & support

You may find your question is answered in the documentation of our native SDKs:

For further help with integrating the SDK, please contact