Hi there,
I am Gyanindra Yadav. Currently, I am working as Analyst at HCL Technologies. I create attractive and responsive User Interfaces (UI) with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React JS, Tailwind CSS etc.
Please visit my portfolio to know more about me or you can contact me via LinkedIn too.
I have attached a screenshot of the homepage of my website.
This project has been deployed on Vercel.
Library : React Js Language : JavaScript Styling : Tailwind CSS Deployed On : Vercel Other Tools : React Icons Animations : Framer Motion
- Responsiveness.
- Nice Hover Effect
- Nice Animations
- Light & Dark Mode
While building this project, I revised learning/use of these things.
- React Js
- Tailwind CSS
- Framer Motion
Framer Motion.
I'm working as Analyst at HCL Technologies. I love to design Attractive and Responsive website using React Js, Next Js,Redux, MongoDB, Firebase, Framer Motion, SCSS and Tailwind CSS etc.
Thanks !!!