Here you can see a example of this.
match memory_parser("00 10 10 0F", 30, "javaw", None, Some("0F 10 10 00")) {
Ok(q) => println!("scanned {} and changed {}",q.0,q.1),
Err(e) => println!("an error occurred! {}", e),
- "00 10 10 0F" is a pattern to scanning.
- 30 is a max address (the limiter of writer values).
- "javaw" is a process name.
- None, is a type of struct `Option`. In this case, I have passed this how None, because I cannot want to write a float or integer in memory. If you want do this, you can with this: None
- Some("0F 10 10 00") is a array of bytes to write above pattern.
match memory_parser("00 10 10 0F", 30 "javaw", Some(3.63), None)) {
Ok(q) => println!("scanned {} and changed {}",q.0,q.1),
Err(e) => println!("an error occurred! {}",e),