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444 lines (386 loc) · 31.6 KB

File metadata and controls

444 lines (386 loc) · 31.6 KB

Heavyduty PSScript+Batch based encoding & multiplexing scripts that works in singular & multiple file mode, & includes custom x264, x265 presets, & simple to use!

☆Environment prerequsities

  • One ounce of ffprobe (usually included with ffmpeg downloads)
  • One gallon of ffmpeg/Vapoursynth (vspipe)/Avisynth (avs2yuv)/Avisynth (avs2pipemod)
  • One cup of x264/x265


  • Python-free, satisfies entry level video editors' needs to work out-of-shelf
  • Auto-filling colorspace, bitdepth, resolution & framerate to ffmpeg, avs2yuv, x264, x265's options
  • Multiple encoding mode supports over 15000 individual tasks, with user options to pause/stop in middle of each tasks
  • Developed Fixed+Vary (par-var) structure of commandline assignment, the end-user could easily alter the "Var"s to repurpose for encode option/value testing
  • Developed Encoder+Controller (enc-ctrl) batch layout, which greatly simplfies large-volume tasks' commandline
  • Simply follow the script's guide & supply the correct information
  • The script is natually uncompiled,which makes debugging & adding features to be quick & easy
  • The encoding steps supports 5 upstream pipe programs (ffmpeg, vspipe, avs2yuv, avs2pipemod, svfi)
    • as well as 2 downstream programs (x264, x265), in total of 10 different routes


Chart of encoding-workflow's routes

  • The multiplexing/encapsulating/containing step supports analysis of containers, special containers, video streams, audio tracks, subtitle tracks, font tracks
    • as well as 4 output format options, with their compatibility check


Chart of multiplexing-workflow's routes (later added supports to VP9, FLAC, MXF)

Not really that complex in the code, but logically yes

  • Setlocal+Endlocal, CMD /k and many for repeated-runs free of interference from previously assigned variables

▲How to run

  1. Makesure language-pack corresponds to foreign-UTF8-filename is installed under Windows 11. E.g., to actually handle arabic filenames, go to Settings --> Time & Language -->[Left pane] Languages --> Add a language --> Arabic. This isn't mandatory on Windows 10
  2. Lift PSScript running restriction under Settings-->Update & Security-->For Developers: bbenc-ttl5en.png
  3. Unzip downloaded files
    • Step 2 generates a batch file that works as part(s)/component(s) to be assembled & activated by step 3's generated batch - the controlleris
    • Step 5 is a ffmpeg-based dedicated video multiplexing/container commandline generator, it works independently
    • The single/multiple mode indicates development was made for single video, or multiple episodes of videos
  4. Choose inbetween single & multiple encode jobs, start from top to bottom. right click & select "Edit" or "Run with PowerShell". Follow the interactive prompts to fill the needed information. Batch script(s) will be generated in the end. bbenc-ttl1.png bbenc-ttl2.png
  5. When encoder batch(s) with its/their corresponding controller batch gets generated, make sure both of them are in the same directory/folder. Simply doubleclick to start encoding tasks bbenc-ttl3.png bbenc-ttl4.png

Screenshot of running multi-encoding batch (under early stage testing)

6. Finally, run the .ps1 for multiplexing, follow the interactive prompts to repeat import streams/tracks that is going to be multiplexed into 1 container file (usually 1 episode). Finally choose the output container format to finish off


1: Github directlink, 2: Google drive

Apdx α: QAAC audio encoder tutorial or Github (chromium/firefox-plugin webpage translation is required)

Apdx β: ffprobe stream media probing tutorial or Github (chromium/firefox-plugin webpage translation is required)

δ: Download ffmpeg, ffprobe: official builds or Ottverse builds

ε: Download x264, x265: LigH (x265)LigH (x264)jspdr (x264 tMod)jspdr (x265 auto-aq Mod)Rigaya (x265)Patman (x264 x265)DJATOM (x265)MeteorRain/7086 (x265)

☆Trinkgeld a cup of coffee =_=


☆Dev notes


  • This project was coded on Notepad, VSCode & PowerShell ISE. It's recommended to develop (e.g., port to another coding language) with integrated development environment (IDE) with colorcoding & comfy interface due to the sheer amount of content

utf8+BOM text codec is required for PowerShell

  • Under the 4 horsemen of PowerShell, PowerShell ISE, CMD/batch & UTF-8 filenames. UTF-8BOM text codec is the only option. However the generated CMD batches are coded with UTF-8NoBOM
  • PowerShell,PowerShell ISE shraightup fail to decode UTF-8NoBOM
  • CMD doesn't support Unicode(UTF-16LE?)
  • PowerShell 5.1 does not natively support UTF-8NoBOM
  • however PowerShell 7 mandate users to run scripts with purely commandline, which is not acceptable, and caused the later shift to realize some of PS7's features in PowserShell 5.1

PowerShell generate multi-line string with loop

  • Declare an array and string variable: $StrArray=@(); $MtlnString=""
  • Aggregate string data into array from loop, place a `n at rear: $StrArray+="some text `n"
  • Pass array to string variable after loop finishes: [string]$MtlnString=$StrArray
  • `n enables the line switching, but also creates a space start from the 2nd line: $MtlnString=$MtlnString -replace " some", "some"

PowerShell write a table with custom headings

$newTable = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
$HeadingA = [System.Data.DataColumn]::new("Cust. Heading A")
$HeadingB = [System.Data.DataColumn]::new("Cust. Heading B")
$HeadingC = [System.Data.DataColumn]::new("Cust. Heading C")
$newTable.Columns.Add($HeadingA); $newTable.Columns.Add($HeadingC); $newTable.Columns.Add($HeadingC)
[void]$newTable.Rows.Add("Row 1 content A","Row 1 content B",$Row1VaribleA); [void]$newTable.Rows.Add("Row 2 content A","Row 2 content B",$Row2VaribleA)
[void]$newTable.Rows.Add("Row 3 content A","Row 3 content B",$Row3VaribleA); [void]$newTable.Rows.Add("Row 4 content A","Row 4 content B",$Row4VaribleA)
($newTable | Out-String).Trim() #1. Trim removes empty lines, 2. pipe to Out-String to force "$newTable" returns value before any Read-Host executes before it

PowerShell add collapsed & non-collapsing items to Array

$ArrayX=@(("$non-collapse-var"+'$collapse-var'), ("$non-collapse-var-B"+'$collapse-var-B'))
#The doublequoted variable gets expanded into values and registered into the aray item
#The secondary brackets changes execusion order, prevents PowerShell from confusing `+` and `, `, otherwise only one single array item would be generated above

PowerShell expand the collapsed variables in Array & print with line breaks

for ($_=0; $_ -lt $ArrayX.Length; $_++) {
    $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString(($ArrayX | Out-String))
}   #The secondary bracket changes execusion order, this makes PowerShell first completes the Array-to-Sting,then expand the collapsed variables into values

PowerShell Windows envirmental filename check function

Function namecheck([string]$inName) {
    $badChars = '[{0}]' -f [regex]::Escape(([IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars() -join ''))
    ForEach ($_ in $badChars) {if ($_ -match $inName) {return $false}}
    return $true

★Updates / change log


  • √ 重写了整个步骤1
  • √ 步骤3中ffprobe导出临时csv文件的代码部分从输出到C盘根目录改成了USERPROFILE,以解决Windows11和少数Windows10的写入权限问题


  • √ Logical change in Step 2S & 2M to delete the "temporary multiplex" commandline generation: to show a reminder after selecting x265 downstream
  • √ Created a keyRoute & altRoute cmdline generation method:
    • √ Program importing loop & switch statement update:
      • √ Merged upstream & downstream import into one single loop
      • √ User now can import multiple upstream & downstream programs
      • √ User now can select which route to use for this time, and switching routes manually in seconds in the generated batch
      • √ The script will return a table clearly shows upstream & downstream routes available based on previous import
      • √ A bit improved error handling for rare occasions
  • √ A Switch that automatically takes operating mode, user selected upstream, & downstream (and their requirements) into account to generate the keyRoute variable
    • √ Variable collapse for `$sChar is programmed for multiple encoding mode due to the early variable assignment and string generation within the same variable are executed
  • √ A loop that generates the altRoute variable:
    • √ Automatically figure out possible (commented-out) UNIX pipe combinations, which allows the user to quickly replace the keyRoute in the generated batch, as the "map of all programs" feature
    • √ Variable collapse for `$sChar ... again
  • √ The generated batch file step headings, and EOF PSScript prompt are also improved with info on how to manange and handle these generated batch for a long time
  • √ Added a detect-&-differ keyRoute & altRoute variable generation where AVS2pipeMod upstream has a different format of UNIX pipe in step 2
  • √ Improved whichlocation Function (locate path): the Windows Form window now shows up on top instead of behind the current PowerShell/ISE window
  • √ Implemented much better Array to String, Table to String printing with Out-String
    • √ Solved "Array to string and expand variable in 1 line" problem with brackets outside the Array pipe to Out-String, then nested with variable exansion function
  • √ Centralized all common errors & warnings into Function calls in Step 2, this greatly simplfied code management
  • √ Added a detect-&-differ dnPipeStr variable generation by detecting empty pipe streams by string length, where the multiple-encoding mode is 1 char longer than single-encoding mode
  • √ Added a detect-&-differ for text write-lines codeblock that generates batch file(s) in step 2, where multiple encoding mode requires a variable expansion on variable "s" to become the filename
  • √ Tested and minor-tweaked the entire step 2
  • √ Examined the logical & variable connectivity with step 3 and everything was good
  • √ Completed the entire CHS Step 2S --> CHS Step 2M code migration
  • √ Completed the entire CHS Step 2S --> ENG Step 2S code migration
  • √ Completed the entire CHS Step 2S --> ENG Step 2S lang migration
  • √ Completed the entire CHS Step 2M --> ENG Step 2M code migration
  • √ Completed the entire CHS Step 2M --> ENG Step 2M lang migration


  • Lots of changes in commenting, prompt-txt to make it concise and more readable (around 150 lines)
  • √ Step 2:
    • √ Moved the entire file output name specifying codline into a Function
    • √ Reconstruction of the entire Batch writing Switching statement
    • √ Temporary multiplexing output disabled for x264 downstream pathway (with variable MUXwrt)
    • √ Added a REM print to explain what does xxxVar do in the generated batch
    • √ Retired some variables that ended up only being intermediates (overdesign)
    • √ More in-batch "REM" & PSScript prompt informations in the end that tells user what to do and whether to keep generated batches
    • √ Improved all warning/error prompt & commented texts for all the functions
    • √ Logic improvements (optimizations) in all Functions, Statements, Switches, Pathways (up-downstreaming)
  • √ Step 3:
    • √ Moved the entire file output name specifying codline into a Function
    • √ Fixed: stream_tag difference in MOV container format causing failures, by isolating MOV & non-MOV code execusion
    • √ switchOPS variable added to work-around varible-in-the-string prompting failure wihtin a function
    • √ Added: yuva444p10le, yua444p12le support
    • √ Fixed: differenciate x264's yuv-for-mpeg commandline being different than x265
    • √ Moved "chcp 65001" to the top of the batch commandline due to issues with "REM" texts failed to display
    • √ More input validations such as preventing ".exe" from entered into stream input
    • √ Improved many input validations' retry prompt: instead of creating detection variable, just destroy the variable within DO-While to cause a loopback
    • √ MUXops variable and it's prompt notes are moved to the top level for better user interactivity
    • √ Rewrote the user interaction, commenting and codeline for MUXops, including disabling temporary multiplexing output for x264 downstream pathway
    • √ Output file extension missing problem addressed
    • √ A massive variable, codeline clean up task completed and the script was reorganized
    • √ Retired over 6 key variables that ended up only being intermediates (overdesign)
    • √ More in-batch "REM" info are included for user to manually generate a small batch of encodes
    • √ Improved all warning/error prompt & commented texts for all the functions
    • √ Corrected variable impEXTs --> impEXTm variable failed to depend on single/multiple emcoding mode
    • √ Inspected and fixed missing olsarg commandlines
    • √ Bootstrap K separated, simplfied (by exporting code blocks to function), and adjusted to better to support x264 downstream pathway
    • √ Logic improvements (optimizations) in all Functions, Statements, Switches, Pathways (up-downstreaming)
  • √ Completed the entire CHS Step 2 single --> ENG Step 2 single code migration
  • √ Completed the entire CHS Step 2 single --> CHS Step 2 multiple code migration
  • √ Completed the entire ENG Step 2 multiple --> ENG Step 2 multiple code migration
  • √ Completed the entire ENG Step 2 single --> ENG Step 2 multiple lang migration
  • √ Completed the entire CHS Step 3 single --> ENG Step 3 single code migration
  • √ Completed the entire CHS Step 3 single --> CHS Step 3 multiple code migration
  • √ Completed the entire ENG Step 3 multiple --> ENG Step 3 multiple code migration
  • √ Completed the entire ENG Step 3 single --> ENG Step 3 multiple lang migration
  • √ Completed the entire ENG Step 2 single --> ENG Step 3 single lang migration
  • √ Completed the entire ENG Step 2 multiple --> ENG Step 3 multiple lang migration


  • √ Step 2:
    • √ Added a workaround-step skipping switch for non-MKV containers in later steps... by rebuilding some codes
    • √ Fixed some formatting errors with Error, Warning, Switch-Read and more types of prompt messages
    • √ Now fully supports SVFI
    • √ Added a REM print to explain what does xxxVar do in the generated batch
  • √ Step 3: Removed x265 option --single-sei for better end compatibility
  • √ Step 3: Changed AnimeBDRipColdWar commandline preset for usecase widening
  • √ Step 1: Fixed an issue in UAC operation success/fail determation script's wording
  • √ Step 2-3: Improved file/path selection functions: re-open the selection GUI when user hits cancel on error, otherwise by design this script would fail and should be terminated


  • √ Step 3:
    • √ Fixed a prompt string from using wrong variable
    • √ Enhancement of prompt readability was made
    • √ Now supports 2 custom x264 presets from [x264-5 copypaste ready presets' repo](
    • √ Now supports 5 custom x265 presets (General-purpose, HC-film, ST-footage, HC-AnimeFS, HEDT-ABC) from [x264-5 copypaste ready presets' repo](
    • √ Enhanced robustness of function to calculate --subme option of x265
    • √ Added a double space removal step in parameter assembly (result of impossible to generate parameter caused empty variable), this problem doesn't affet usage, though
    • √ Fixed a variable-relay broken problem for SVFI's temporary .ini config-file path when unpicked, this problem doesn't affect usage, though
    • √ Now supports auto-filling of --keyint option for x264 & x265, as ROUND(fps×9)


  • √ Step 3 now has x265 --subme,--pools,--frames generation codes rewrote into functions, this makes working with main code easier, no changes in features' side
  • √ Due to proven ignorance of disable PSScript running restriction caused failure to run this workflow, this step has been added to Step 1 instructions
  • √ Step 1 now has a new feature to disable/restore Windows UAC successfully in many possible subpar conditions


  • √ Eliminated issues created from adopting to if-codeblock-separation (single-enc-mode & multi-enc-mode) for Step 2
  • √ Step 2 has now one the same page with step 3 that supports SVFI. This is a fully functional support, single-sided though
  • √ Fixed a differenciation issue in the prompt-printed example of manual input filename strategy: in single-enc-mode, filename episode counter variable from user input is not needed
  • √ Step 3's ffprobe analysis step now has a new manual error interception feature. This would prevent long-filename-caused file-extension-oversight
  • √ Step 3 has completed some rounds of run tests to make sure hidden issues are discovered and get addressed


  • √ Reduced coding complexity/difficulty in step 2, 3:
    • √ Swapped differeciation method from commenting out to if separation, effects including easier of viewing, program executing efficiency, multiple-single version's cross referencing & so on
    • √Further aligned many code blocks that were misaligned by unequal lengthed texts/names
  • × Due to large area of code were changed, this update may introduce several new bugs
  • ? Step 3 has released a new complete-alpha-route to connect upstream rendering program SVFI
    • ? requires SVFI to roll out their internal verison that supports video source input, therefore this route does not reach to beta state
    • √ complete-route: in both multiple & single encoding version to generate all of the CLI options automatically, and adapts to video source each time
  • ? Step 2 still needs to follow up step 3 to complete generating SVFI inactive vessel batches
  • √ Step 3's pipe strategy has changed to automaically downgrade from y4m pipe to raw pipe to support SVFI
  • √ Step 3 new has a new feature to edit SVFI render configuration .ini file, for the target_fps option, and export to a new file


  • √ Improved folder/directory/path selecting window's feature-set:
    • √ Hinting text that tells user to drag corner to enlarge selection window
    • √ Added a button to create a new folder
    • √ Removed "Library" from selecting window
  • ?Unsuccessful attempt to add SVFI upstream pipe source: input only supports png, job, tiff image sequence:
    • To make do, SVFI requires a "upper" process to perform video stream decoding, which leads to a large scale change in current script
    • Used steam professional distro. According to a contributor the steam distro might be older than current
  • √ Fixed a compatibility issue in step 3: x264 doesn't support --colormatrix unknown & --transfer unknown option, added a translation to --colormatrix undef & --transfer undef


  • √ Creation of a new environment checking script (Step 1) that checks:
    • √ Write & modify access on C-drive
    • √ PowerShell version
    • √ Workstation hardwares
    • √ Check if some trivial x265 option add/evict switching works
  • √ Some code optimization was made for step 3


  • √ Corrected a missed capitalize of Function
  • √ Padded space inbetween comments & commands for all encoding modes' generated batch
  • √ All batch script to adopt REM commenting, since accidental execution of comments, ignored commands got worse in Windows 11
  • √ Removed all && style/stx-sugar due to severe compatibility issue under Windows 11
  • √ Added doublequotes after all SET commands due to space misinterpretation issue under Windows 11, the downside is made the PowerShell script extra complex due to looped commandline building code structures
  • √ Updated step 3's manual export filename script being less capable than step 2's
  • √ Fixed a problem in step 3: path searching function (whichlocation) to automatically adding "\" in the end of path fails under some encodming modes
  • √ Fixed a problem in step 3: path assembly feature (filepath + filename + extension) has an unwanted doublequote showing up
  • √ Fixed a problem in step 3: episode counter $serial being added and checked-out under single-encode mode (shouldn't have happened)


  • √ Improved step 3 to auto-fill x265's option --subme
  • √ Fixed step 3's exporting filename's checking code being duplicated after capability expansion
  • √ Fixed step 3's some mode-variation's "sourcing via external copy" is lacking of exporting filename extraction mechanism
  • √ Improved all steps' tutorial information delievery and filename for better user-end understanding

Almost 1.0 v0.1619

  • √ Changed --pme option autofilling from 12 cores to 22 cores at least

Almost 1.0 v0.1618

  • √ Fixed step 2 multiple & single encoding mode are having the same filename input (manual input option) prompt being the same, they are supposed to be different
  • √ Add interactive text in step 2, 3 to let user know don't stack square brackets next to eachother to prevent regex misunderstanding

Internal v0.1617

  • √ Organized supported media formats' list in step 5

Internal v0.1610

  • √ Enhanced step 2, 3 & underlying encode modes' variable usage
  • √ Fixed step 2's both modes having Enc & Mux file extension variable assignment being misordered
  • √ Enhanced step 2, 3 & underlying encode modes' interactive prompts, i.e., Write-Output is swapped with Write-Warning for warning specific texts
  • √ Enhanced step 2, 3 & underlying encode modes' episode counter mechanism
  • √ Added empty file import error intercepting mechanism for step 3 (though unnecessary)
  • √ Fixed some spelling errors on interactive prompts in step 3
  • √ Enhanced step 3 multi-encode modes' call option parsing has missed line breaks
  • √ Enhanced step 3's interactive prompt to feedback paths that are imported
  • √ Fixed step 3 multi-encode modes' $serial variable (from user input) being expanded too early
  • √ Fixed problem from step 3 (multi-encode modes') episode counter variable were mixed into 3D axis iterator's variable
  • √ Enhanced step 3 multi-encode modes' commenting
  • √ Fixed step 3 multi-encode modes' importing path & file's variables being mixed into each other (which is ok in single-encode mode)
  • √ Removed step 3 multi-encode modes' extra double quotes

Internal v0.1570

  • √ Reviewed and improved many commenting texts among all steps
  • √ Reviewed and improved many interactive prompt texts among all steps
  • √ Added support to alac in step 5, as well as notification of supported container formats in corresponding
  • √ Added support to flac in step 5, as well as notification of supported container formats in corresponding
  • √ Added "support" to ape in step 5, (quits on error because it has no support)
  • √ Added support to vp9 in step 5, as well as notification of supported container formats in corresponding
  • √ Added support to apcn/ap4x in step 5, as well as notification of supported container formats in corresponding
  • √ Added support to ass/ssa in step 5, as well as notification of supported container formats in corresponding
  • √ Added support to multiplex/encapsulate MXF in step 5, as well as import detection to filter unsupported stream/track formats
  • √ Step 2 - multiple encodes mode has completed English translation
  • √ Step 2 - single encode mode has completed English translation
  • √ Step 3 - multiple encodes mode has completed English translation
  • √ Step 3 - single encode mode has completed English translation
  • √ Step 5 - single encode mode has completed English translation
  • √ Fixed a Switch statement error on step 5

Internal v0.1151

  • √ Reduced 50 lines of code in step 2's multiple-encodes mode, as well as removing any uneccessary x264 interaction prompts that was previously designed for x265
  • √ Reduced 25 lines of code in step 2's single-encodes mode, as well as removing any uneccessary x264 interaction prompts that was previously designed for x265
  • √ Step 2 & 3 are in better syncs than ever

Internal v0.1120

  • √ Step 3's multi-encode mode could now generate controller batch with user-specified amount of call commandlines for encoding
  • √ Step 3's multi-encode mode now has 3 different filename specification methods, offers more convinences for end users
  • √ Step 2, 3s' both modes now supports route for x264, although further debugging isrequired
  • √ Step 2, 3 has many improvements on logic, which results more efficient code structures

Internal v0.390

  • √ Lots of debugging was made
  • √ Improved step 2, 3's both mode's x264 version (in future x264 version will be merged to x265 version)
  • √ Reworked filename generation method change, especially how to differ inbetween multiple & single encoding mode
  • √ Reworked on x264's colorspace option auto-filling, this also results x265 version to stop using short version of bitdepth option
  • √ Completed x264 step 2's multi-encode mode script
  • √ All encode generation steps for x264's route have passed testing
  • √ Optimized avs2yuv, avs2pipemod route's option generation
  • √ Step 2 of x265 verision of multi-encoding mode has completed ffmpeg temp-multiplex-to-MP4 roughwork. This portion will differ from single & multiple mode

Internal v0.330

  • √ Autofill of option --pools in x265
  • √ Created the roughwork of downstream route x264
  • √ Autofill of option -r in ffmpeg
  • √ Step 2, 3 (x265)'s single-encode mode has been added with ffmpegParB for creating MP4 container with ffmpeg, to workaround ffmpeg's limitation of multiplexing raw video stream to MKV
  • √ Step 5 (to multiplex video streams) is now avaialble
  • √ Step 5 is now capable to automatially deal with some export format's comaptibility with different stream/track media formats
  • √ Step 5 now fully supports ffmpeg's commandline "typesetting"
  • √ Step 5 now support fallback from empty codec_tag_string to codec_name under ffprobe probing
  • √ Step 5 is born with the most complex codework than step 2, 3 combined
  • √ Moved the option to select file types to export to the rear of prompt order

Internal v0.190

  • √ Step 2 - x265 has added upstream route for avs2pipemod
  • √ Merged all 4 routes (ffmpeg, VapourSynth, avs2yuv, avs2pipemod) in step 2 as 1 file
  • √ Improved step 2's multiple mode's maximum capacity
  • √ Step 2, 3 could now alter pipline format based on upstream route selection (because 1 of them uses a different format)

Internal v0.180

  • √ Added support to avs2pipemod in step 3
  • √ Autofilling of x265 option --pme,
  • √ Autofilling avs2yuv's colorspace and resolution option
  • √ Added colorspace incompatibility warning (nv12, nv16) under avs2yuv & avs2pipemod
  • √ Upgraded function to get path to automatially add slash at rear (inconsistency caused by root directory has slash, but folder doesn't)
  • √ Planned 4 upstream routes + 2 downstream programs script design for encoding steps


  • √ Autofiling of --input-res, --colormatrix, --transfer, --fps, -D, -pix_fmt options for x265 & ffmpeg
  • √ Realized UTF-8 NO BOM text codec to export files in PowerShell 5
  • √ Realized high DPI render of Windows Forms (to select files & pathes)