Telegram bot that can process natural human language and place pizza orders. Built with Telegraf.js and Dialogflow ES API integration.
You can interact with live demo bot on telegram:
Server: Nodejs, Express, Typescript, Telegrafjs, Dialogflow API/SDK, Mongoose, Socket.IO
Database: MongoDB
Written in TypeScript: The project is written in TypeScript, a statically-typed language that builds on JavaScript and provides improved type safety and code organization.
Integration with Dialogflow ES: The bot has integration with Dialogflow ES, a language processing model that can understand natural human language.
Uzbek language training: The Dialogflow agent is trained in the Uzbek language, allowing users to interact with the bot in their native language.
Dialogflow contents included: The source repository includes the Dialogflow contents in the "dialogflow-content" directory, making it easy for developers to see how the language model is set up and how the bot is trained to respond to user inputs.
Multiple intents: The bot supports multiple intents, including a welcome intent, order pizza intent, help intent, and more, allowing users to interact with the bot in a variety of ways.
- Improve language processing modal to understand complex user queries.
- Integrate payment processing to the bot using Stripe or other alternatives
- Create Restaurant app that receives the orders bot has registered in real time with
- Allow bot to receive restaurant updates on orders in real time and provide the updates on users
- Create complex menu that can be managed by Restaurant managers in real time
- Allow user to include multiple products in orders
- Feedback collecting on completed orders
- π« Feel free to reach me for collaboration: send email to
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
- MongoDB database URI
- telegram bot token
- Dialogflow project id
- Dialogflow agent language code
- Dialogflow agent location