DO THIS ONCE Before you begin, you need to add an SSH key to your GitHub account to allow PlatformIO to pull the CASE library. Follow these instructions to set up your SSH key: GitHub SSH Key Setup.
To update the CASE library, find the latest tag from the repository: CASE Library Tags. Once identified, update the platformio.ini
file in this repository by replacing the version number in the following line:
For example:
This project utilizes PlatformIO for building, testing, and packaging.
You can use PlatformIO in two ways:
For a quick guide on using the VSCode extension, refer to the PlatformIO toolbar.
There are two main environments for this project:
: Used for native testing.teensy41
: Used for building and deploying to the Teensy board.
To build the project in a specific environment, switch to that environment in PlatformIO and use the build feature ( check mark
icon) in VSCode. For CLI users, run:
pio run -e teensy41
Before merging code into the main branch, ensure all unit tests pass and the code compiles. The Continuous Integration (CI) system will verify this as well, but you can run the tests locally by switching to the test_env
and executing the unit tests.
In VSCode, navigate to the Project Tasks Menu and select test_env > Advanced > Test
For CLI users, run:
pio test -e test_env
To upload to the Teensy, use the upload feature (arrow icon) in the PlatformIO toolbar, shown here at number 3.
Unit tests MUST be maintained for functionality of the car.
Unit tests ensure the stability of new features and code changes by verifying integration with the existing codebase. The unit tests for this project are located in the test
folder and are run both locally and in the GitHub CI environment.
Note: CI testing currently only includes system-level tests, not hardware-dependent tests, which can be run locally.
View previous test results here: GitHub Actions.
For advanced code navigation and auto-completion, you can generate a compile_commands.json
file for the build environment. This file is created using the PlatformIO compiledb task.
To generate the file:
- Open the PlatformIO terminal in VSCode.
- Run:
pio run -t compiledb -e teensy41
This will create the compile_commands.json
file in the .pio/build/teensy41
folder. You can configure VSCode to use this file by creating a .vscode/c_cpp_properties.json
file with the following content:
"configurations": [
"name": "teensy41",
"includePath": [
"cStandard": "c17",
"cppStandard": "gnu++17",
"intelliSenseMode": "linux-gcc-x64",
"compileCommands": "${workspaceFolder}/.pio/build/teensy41/compile_commands.json"
"version": 4
Select this configuration using the VSCode command palette ( Ctrl+Shift+P
) and choosing C/C++: Select a Configuration
- Generate the
file for CASE from the HyTech_sim directory. - Run the
python3 /path/to/MCU/lib/CASE_lib CASE_lib
Replace /path/to/MCU
with your MCU path.
The project is built using different levels of abstraction to maintain logical structure while minimizing complexity.
= Public
= Private
- Reason for abstraction: allows for easy swapping and adding of different portable systems and better separation of concerns from business logic of the car to the business logic of the system.
Any firmware project that needs to have different states needs each system that creates outputs and / or controls real systems of the car needs can be thought of as each system being controlled by the state machine. What I am thinking is that in a similar fashion to the shared bus, each system can contain a pointer to the state machine. The system can know what state the car is in and based on the state it can determine how to behave. Obviously the state machine also needs to know about what the system is doing as well to determine the state, so the system also needs to be able to pass back data to the state machine.
For example, our state machine needs to handle understand the state of the pedals system. The pedals dont know about the state of the car, but it does know whether or not the pedals are outputting valid data. Each system can manage their own state and the abstract system base class could contain the set of system-agnostic states through which the statemachine evaluates.
It is only within the logic of our state machine that the systems are allowed to communicate with one another.
The main idea is that each firmware project has a specific implementation of a state machine, however the systems are portable between firmware projects. Additionally, the systems remain as concrete.
title: state machine and system state abstraction
class car_state{
class StateMachine {
VectornavSystem* vectornav
PedalsSystel* pedals
DashInterface* dashboard
DrivetrainSystem* drivetrain
TorqueVectoringControllerSystem* tvc
LaunchControlSystem* launch_control
car_state state
void init()
void loop()
bool set_state(car_state state)
car_state "1" *-- StateMachine : contains
- Reason for abstraction: these Systems allow us to have board portable pieces so that when newer iterations of boards are made, the same systems that the previous iteration handled can be kept while only the hardware specific code changes.
For instance, when a new MCU board is created with a new steering sensor input, code within the controller systems will not need to change, only that a new sensor system will be used within the state machine to feed the controller input.
below are some hypothetical system class definitions.
title: systems
class PedalsSystem{
-void validate_accel_pedals()
-void validate_brake_pedals()
+void set_accel_pedal_values(float apps1, float apps2)
+void set_brake_pedal_values(float brake1, float brake2)
+float get_desired_throttle()
+void validate()
class TorqueVectoringControllerSystem{
+void init(torque_vectoring_params params)
+void set_state_estimate(car_state state)
+torque_cmds get_torque_cmds(float desired_throttle)
-void calculate_estimated_wheel_slip()
-void predict()
-void run_pid()
class LaunchControlSystem{
+void init(launch_control_params params)
+void set_state_estimate(car_state state)
+torque_cmds get_torque_cmds(float desired_throttle)
-void pull_from_table(float current_speed)
- Reason for abstraction: this allows us to create a specific type of system that uses a shared resource, for example multiple sensors on a SPI bus, that each have their own scaling to produce data for feeding other systems.
This is currently aimed at our use of a SPI bus. The read data functions are what convert the data gotten from the shared bus to the real-world values for each one of the sensors. This was being attempted with ADC_SPI versus STEERING_SPI using just copies of the class.
title: shared data bus class inheritting
class Sensor~SharedDataBusType~{
SharedBusType* bus
Sensor<SharedDataBusType>(const SharedDataBusType& bus)
class SteeringSensor~SharedDataBusType~{
float readPosition()
class LoadSensor~SharedDataBusType~{
float readForce()
class CurrentSensor~SharedDataBusType~{
float readCurrent()
Sensor <|-- LoadSensor : implements
Sensor <|-- SteeringSensor : implements
Sensor <|-- CurrentSensor : implements
startup : STARTUP
startup --> trac_sys_na: first tick of state machine
trac_sys_na --> trac_sys_a: drivetrain voltage over threshold
trac_sys_a --> trac_sys_na: drivetrain voltage _not_ over threshold
trac_sys_a --> inv_en: brake and start button pressed
inv_en --> trac_sys_na: drivetrain voltage _not_ over threshold
inv_en --> rtd_s: drivetrain enabled
rtd_s --> trac_sys_na: drivetrain voltage _not_ over threshold
rtd_s --> rtd: buzzer done buzzing
rtd --> trac_sys_na: drivetrain voltage _not_ over threshold
rtd --> trac_sys_a: drivetrain error occured
PlatformIO is used for CI unit testing. You can run tests locally using:
pio test -e test_env
The CI checks ensure code compiles for the Teensy and that all tests pass.
- System Definition: An abstract sub-system that requires logic from the MCU to handle inputs and outputs.
- Interface Definition: Code to pack/unpack data into internal structures for use by systems or logic.
- architecture:
over-arching state machine
systems level
- inverters (multiple)
- pedals
- torque / speed controller
- dashboard interface
interface level:
- hytech_can interface
- spi interfaces: SPI adcs for load cells, steering input, glv, etc.
flowchart LR
subgraph user_inputs[user defined inputs]
subgraph user_interact[user interfaces]
subgraph user_code_interact[user embedded code interfaces]
subgraph CASE_lib_repo[CASE lib repo gen]
subgraph HT_params[HT_params repo gen]
simulink[CASE simulink model] --> CASE_lib
simulink --> params[CASE defined params.json]
simulink --> outputs[CASE_outputs.proto]
params --> param_protos[params.proto]
params --> param_defaults[config defaults header]
param_defaults --> MCU
o_params[other params.json] --> param_protos
outputs --> h_proto
param_protos --> param_server[parameter server]
h_proto --> data_acq
data_acq --> fxglv_live[live foxglove]
data_acq --> mcap[output mcap files]
CAN_data[CAN message definitions] --> can_protos[CAN messages in hytech.proto]
can_protos --> h_proto
mcap --> database[mcap metadata defined database]
CASE_lib --> MCU
CAN_data --> dbc_h[dbc to C code gen hytech.h for CAN]
param_protos --> h_proto[hytech.proto]
dbc_h --> MCU
h_proto --> nanopb[protobuf msg defs ht_eth.pb.h]
nanopb --> MCU
other_protos[other msgs.proto]
other_protos --> h_proto