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I am trying to create a new peer which will be running in a different host machine. As I have the express js server with the react in my main host, all works fine with using the admin and client certs before i register the new peer. After the peer is registered and running, all the certs giving error saying like below.
2024-11-30 03:39:29.297 UTC 0043 WARN [endorser] Validate -> access denied channel=mychannel txID=d9ae6785 error="the supplied identity is not valid: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of \"x509: ECDSA verification failure\" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate \"\")" errorVerbose="x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of \"x509: ECDSA verification failure\" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate \"\")\nthe supplied identity is not valid" identity="(mspid=Org1MSP subject=CN=PATIENT_1,OU=org1+OU=client+OU=patient,O=Hyperledger,ST=North Carolina,C=US,,L=Durham,ST=North Carolina,C=US serialnumber=730594218695751457221358860858176473267678034244)"
2024-11-30 03:39:29.297 UTC 0044 WARN [endorser] ProcessProposal -> Failed to preProcess proposal error="error validating proposal: access denied: channel [mychannel] creator org unknown, creator is malformed"
point to note would be it works fine with admin certs, I am running my peers in docker containers.
new peer i am running some automation to register and enroll
# Set the root directory to the raspberry-pi folder
ROOTDIR=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)
export PATH=${ROOTDIR}/bin:$PATH
export FABRIC_CFG_PATH=${ROOTDIR}/config
# Automatically detect the laptop's IP address
laptop_ip=$(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}')
echo "Detected laptop IP: $laptop_ip"
# Get Raspberry Pi details from the user
read -p "Enter Raspberry Pi IP: " pi_ip
read -p "Enter SSH username for Raspberry Pi: " ssh_user
read -p "Enter PATIENT_ID for the patient: " patient_id
# Check if the CA container exists and is running
container_name=$(docker ps --filter "name=ca_org1" --format "{{.Names}}")
if [ -z "$container_name" ]; then
echo "Error: No CA container named 'ca_org1' found. Ensure it is running."
exit 1
# Check if the peer container exists and is running
container_peer=$(docker ps --filter "" --format "{{.Names}}")
if [ -z "$container_peer" ]; then
echo "Error: No container named '' found. Ensure it is running."
exit 1
# Delete old certificates to ensure new ones are generated
echo "Deleting old CA certificates inside the Docker container..."
docker exec $container_name sh -c "rm -rf /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/*.pem"
# Modify CA configuration inside Docker to add SAN for IPs
echo "Modifying CA configuration inside the Docker container..."
docker exec $container_name sh -c "
sed -i '/hosts:/a \ \ \ \ - $laptop_ip' /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/fabric-ca-server-config.yaml
cat /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/fabric-ca-server-config.yaml
# Restart the CA server to apply the new configuration
echo "Restarting the CA server..."
docker restart ${container_name}
# Add a delay to ensure the certificate is available
echo "Waiting for CA server to generate the certificate..."
sleep 5
echo "Copying CA certificate from Docker container to host..."
if ! docker cp ${container_name}:/etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/ca-cert.pem ./ca-cert.pem; then
echo "docker cp failed. Using fallback with docker exec..."
docker exec ${container_name} cat /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/ca-cert.pem > ./ca-cert.pem
if [ ! -f ./ca-cert.pem ]; then
echo "Error: Failed to copy CA certificate from the container."
exit 1
# Enroll the admin user on the CA server
echo "Enrolling admin user..."
docker exec $container_name fabric-ca-client enroll \
-u https://admin:adminpw@localhost:7054 --caname ca-org1 \
--tls.certfiles /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/ca-cert.pem \
--enrollment.profile tls
# Determine the next available peer index
while docker exec $container_name fabric-ca-client identity list --id "peer${peer_index}" \
--tls.certfiles /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/ca-cert.pem 2>&1 | grep -q "Name:"; do
echo "Found existing peer${peer_index}. Incrementing index..."
peer_index=$((peer_index + 1))
echo "Next peer to be registered: ${peer_name}"
# Register the new peer with the CA server
echo "Registering ${peer_name} with CA server..."
if ! docker exec $container_name fabric-ca-client register \
--caname ca-org1 \ "${peer_name}" --id.secret peerpw --id.type peer \
--tls.certfiles ./ca-cert.pem; then
echo "Error: Failed to register ${peer_name} with the CA server."
exit 1
# Create the channel if it doesn't exist
if [ ! -f ../first-network/channel-artifacts/mychannel.block ]; then
echo "Creating channel..."
peer channel create -o -c mychannel -f ../first-network/channel-artifacts/mychannel.tx
echo "Channel already exists. Skipping channel creation."
# Setup directories and transfer files on Raspberry Pi
echo "Setting up directories on Raspberry Pi..."
ssh $ssh_user@$pi_ip <<EOF
mkdir -p ~/remote-monitoring/{bin,builders,config,chaincode,scripts,tls,channel-artifacts,msp,tlsca}
mkdir -p ~/remote-monitoring/msp/
# Transfer necessary files to the Raspberry Pi
echo "Transferring files to Raspberry Pi..."
scp -r ./bin ./builders ./config ./config ca-cert.pem \
scp ../first-network/channel-artifacts/mychannel.block \
scp ./docker-compose-peer.yaml \
scp ../first-network/patient.tar.gz \
scp -r ../first-network/organizations/peerOrganizations/* \
scp ./server.js \
scp -r ../first-network/organizations/peerOrganizations/ \
# Create the .env file on Raspberry Pi with the peer index
ssh $ssh_user@$pi_ip <<EOF
echo "CA_SERVER_IP=${laptop_ip}" > ~/remote-monitoring/.env
echo "PEER_INDEX=${peer_index}" >> ~/remote-monitoring/.env
rm ~/server/.env
echo "PATIENT_ID=${patient_id}" >> ~/server/.env
# Create the script on the Raspberry Pi
ssh $ssh_user@$pi_ip <<EOF
chmod +x ~/remote-monitoring/bin/*
cat > ~/remote-monitoring/scripts/ << 'END_OF_NETWORK_SCRIPT'
docker stop \$(docker ps -a)
docker rm -fv \$(docker ps -aq)
raspberry_ip=\$(hostname -I | awk '{print \$1}')
echo "Registering \${raspberry_ip} "
# Load variables from .env file
if [ ! -f ~/remote-monitoring/.env ]; then
echo "Error: .env file not found."
exit 1
export CA_SERVER_IP=\$(grep -oP '(?<=CA_SERVER_IP=)\S+' ~/remote-monitoring/.env)
peer_index=\$(grep -oP '(?<=PEER_INDEX=)\S+' ~/remote-monitoring/.env)
peer_id="peer\${peer_index}" # Identity used during registration
api_key=\$(openssl rand -hex 16)
echo "PEER_NAME=\${peer_name}" >> ~/server/.env
echo "API_KEY=\${api_key}" >> ~/server/.env
echo "Setting up \${peer_name}..."
export PATH=~/remote-monitoring/bin:\$PATH
export FABRIC_CFG_PATH=~/remote-monitoring/config
export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME=~/remote-monitoring/msp/\${peer_name}
if [ -z "\$CA_SERVER_IP" ]; then
echo "Error: CA_SERVER_IP is not set in the .env file."
exit 1
echo "Enrolling \${peer_name} with CA server at \${CA_SERVER_IP}..."
fabric-ca-client enroll -u "https://\${peer_id}:peerpw@\${CA_SERVER_IP}:7054" \
--caname ca-org1 \
--tls.certfiles ~/remote-monitoring/ca-cert.pem \
-M ~/remote-monitoring/msp/\${peer_name} \
--csr.hosts "\${peer_name},\${CA_SERVER_IP},\${raspberry_ip},localhost"
# Create the config.yaml file
cat > ~/remote-monitoring/msp/\${peer_name}/config.yaml <<END_CONFIG
Enable: true
Certificate: cacerts/\${CA_SERVER_IP_DASH}-7054-ca-org1.pem
OrganizationalUnitIdentifier: client
Certificate: cacerts/\${CA_SERVER_IP_DASH}-7054-ca-org1.pem
OrganizationalUnitIdentifier: peer
Certificate: cacerts/\${CA_SERVER_IP_DASH}-7054-ca-org1.pem
OrganizationalUnitIdentifier: admin
Certificate: cacerts/\${CA_SERVER_IP_DASH}-7054-ca-org1.pem
OrganizationalUnitIdentifier: orderer
# Second enrollment specifically for TLS
fabric-ca-client enroll -u "https://\${peer_id}:peerpw@\${CA_SERVER_IP}:7054" \
--caname ca-org1 \
--tls.certfiles ~/remote-monitoring/ca-cert.pem \
-M ~/remote-monitoring/msp/\${peer_name}/tls \
--enrollment.profile tls \
--csr.hosts "\${peer_name},\${CA_SERVER_IP},\${raspberry_ip},localhost"
# Copy TLS materials to required locations with specific names
cp ~/remote-monitoring/msp/\${peer_name}/tls/tlscacerts/* ~/remote-monitoring/msp/\${peer_name}/tls/ca.crt
cp ~/remote-monitoring/msp/\${peer_name}/tls/signcerts/* ~/remote-monitoring/msp/\${peer_name}/tls/server.crt
cp ~/remote-monitoring/msp/\${peer_name}/tls/keystore/* ~/remote-monitoring/msp/\${peer_name}/tls/server.key
# Copy TLS materials to required locations with specific names
cp ~/remote-monitoring/msp/\${peer_name}/tls/tlscacerts/* ~/remote-monitoring/tls/ca.crt
cp ~/remote-monitoring/msp/\${peer_name}/tls/signcerts/* ~/remote-monitoring/tls/server.crt
cp ~/remote-monitoring/msp/\${peer_name}/tls/keystore/* ~/remote-monitoring/tls/server.key
# Ensure required Docker image is available
echo "Checking for required Docker image: \$required_image"
if ! docker image inspect "\$required_image" &> /dev/null; then
echo "Required image \$required_image not found. Pulling..."
docker pull "\$required_image" || { echo "Failed to pull \$required_image"; exit 1; }
echo "Image \$required_image already exists."
echo "Starting \${peer_name} using Docker Compose..."
PEER_NAME=\${peer_name} RASPBERRY_IP=\${raspberry_ip} SERVER_IP=\${CA_SERVER_IP} docker-compose -f ~/remote-monitoring/docker-compose-peer.yaml up -d || { echo "Failed to start \${peer_name}"; exit 1; }
sleep 10
echo "Joining \${peer_name} to the channel..."
docker exec \${container_name} peer channel join -b /remote-monitoring/channel-artifacts/mychannel.block
#Install chaincode on the peer
echo "Installing chaincode..."
docker exec \${container_name} peer lifecycle chaincode install /remote-monitoring/chaincode/patient.tar.gz
# Execute the network setup on the Raspberry Pi
echo "Executing network setup on Raspberry Pi..."
ssh $ssh_user@$pi_ip "bash ~/remote-monitoring/scripts/"
echo "Peer${peer_index} setup complete!"
I am trying to create a new peer which will be running in a different host machine. As I have the express js server with the react in my main host, all works fine with using the admin and client certs before i register the new peer. After the peer is registered and running, all the certs giving error saying like below.
new peer i am running some automation to register and enroll
docker compose for the new peer
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: