Rainbow parentheses for neovim using tree-sitter. Needs nvim-treesitter.
Tested languages - lua, java, clojure, fennel, python, css, rust, cpp. Should work with any language supported by nvim-treesitter. If any language is missing, please open an issue/PR.
This fork just adds the ability to change the colors of the matchs not only through hi 1 through 7 and in the file directly, but also with a key in the config.
require'nvim-treesitter.configs'.setup {
rainbow = {
enable = true,
extended_mode = true, -- Highlight also non-parentheses delimiters, boolean or table: lang -> boolean
colors = {}, -- Add your colors here, it overwrites the default colors at each index. (If less than 7, the remaining default colors will still be used.)
I've used the gruvbox palette because it is nice and subtle. I wanted to use VIBGYOR for an actual rainbow, but
- indigo and blue look the same.
- the colours were too bright and distracting.
To change the colours, edit lua/rainbow/colors.lua
. If you want to override only a few colours (you can only change colours 1 through 7 this way), you can do it in your init.vim: (thanks @delphinus !)
hi rainbowcol1 guifg=#123456
- Java
The screenshots below use a different colorscheme
- Fennel:
- C++:
- Latex (with tag begin-end matching)
Huge thanks to @vigoux, @theHamsta, @sogaiu, @bfredl and @sunjon and @steelsojka for all their help