- x86-64
- JDK 17
- Keytool
- Linux
- Docker
- Kubernetes
The script "up" starts the application by executing the following:
1. docker-compose -f db/docker-compose.yml up -d
2. mvn clean install
3. mvn spring-boot:run
The script "down" wipes the database executing the following:
1. docker-compose -f db/docker-compose.yml down
The endpoints under mapping "api/users" does not require any authentication
The endpoint "api/heroes/create" requires the role "HEROES_WRITE"
The endpoint "api/heroes/list/{USER_ID}" requires the role "HEROES_READ"
POST http://localhost:8080/api/users/create
"fullname": "Glossy",
"email": "glossy@glosstradamus.com",
"password": "yellau"
POST http://localhost:8080/api/users/{USER_ID}/roles
GET http://localhost:8080/api/users/{USER_ID}/roles
POST http://localhost:8080/api/users/login
"email": "glossy@glosstradamus.com",
"password": "yellau"
POST http://localhost:8080/api/heroes/create
"userId": 1,
"class": "Wizard",
"level": 10,
"hitPoints": 200,
"attack": 10,
"damage": 5,
"ac": 12,
"name": "Ernst the Wizard"