This repository implements concepts from the research paper: "Toward Autonomous Robotic Minimally Invasive Surgery: A Hybrid Framework Combining Task-Motion Planning and Dynamic Behavior Trees." It combines a task-motion planner with dynamic behavior trees to enable more robust and autonomous robotic surgical procedures.
This project depends on several packages for controlling the 7DoF manipulator, the forceps, and the simulation environment:
Python3 for ROS Noetic (Ubuntu 20.04)
- -
- -
CoppeliaSim v4.3.0 or later
OMPL with Python bindings
PddlStream library -
Pinocchio library built with FCL. Execute the following command to build Pinocchio with FCL:
(TO-DO section)
- Launch a CoppeliaSim environment from the sim folder (e.g., stitch_mts_bm2.ttt). This includes two PSMS attached to RCMs, a tissue phantom, and a surgical needle. Feel free to adjust the RCM locations.
- To initialize a single PSM (robotic arm with surgical tool attached), run
roslaunch asar_hybrid_tmp asar_test_ompl.launch
. - For the two PSM case, run
roslaunch asar_hybrid_tmp asar_test_ompl_arm2.launch
. The above commands initialize the arms, assuming the simulation is already running. - To set the RCM, adjust the values for:
<arg name="trocar_x" value="0.4205"/> <arg name="trocar_y" value="0.250"/> <arg name="trocar_z" value="0.201"/>
. Note that the frame of reference for both arms is with respect to each arm's base link. - After initializing the arms, you can send a goal target to each arm by sending a goal to the action server:
rostopic pub /unit0/arm_grasp_server/goal
. Press tab after this and adjust the command field in the resulting full message type (e.g.,command : 'grasp'
). This will trigger the grasp sampling and motion planning to grasp the needle.
To run TMP with pddlstream (assumes that pddlstream is built), follow these steps:
- Navigate to the pddlstream directory and copy the folder
from this repo to "/pddlstream_directory/examples/". - From the root directory for pddlstream, you can initialize the ROS action service for the TMP planner by running
python -m
in a new terminal.
To run the DBT planner and executor, use the following commands in two separate terminals (assuming that dbt_ros is built):
- To run the executor node (which waits for BT and executes it once received), enter
rosrun dbt_ros bt_executor
. - To run the DBT tree generator, enter
rosrun dbt_ros
To run some of the suturing benchmarks, select the function in
. For example, to use def benchmark_loop(self,)
on line 864, comment or uncomment the function to benchmark the motion and run rosrun asar_hybrid_tmp
To start the benchmark in a new terminal, use the command rosservice call /start_benchmark "{}"
TODO: Combine nodes to run the benchmark and create JSON-based config selection to run different tasks.
If you find this repository helpful for your research, please consider citing our paper:
author={Fozilov, Khusniddin and Colan, Jacinto and Sekiyama, Kosuke and Hasegawa, Yasuhisa},
journal={IEEE Access},
title={Toward Autonomous Robotic Minimally Invasive Surgery: A Hybrid Framework Combining Task-Motion Planning and Dynamic Behavior Trees},
keywords={Surgery;Planning;Robots;Needles;Robot kinematics;Trajectory;Autonomous systems;Minimally invasive surgery;Medical robotics;Motion planning;Autonomous systems;behavior trees;hierarchical deliberation;minimally invasive surgery;multi-throw suturing;nonlinear optimization;robotic surgery;task and motion planning},