This repository contains two related projects:
- fraud-service-demo - A gRPC-based service that provides fraud detection data.
- fraud-client - A client that interacts with the fraud service.
/fraud-service # gRPC service
/fraud-client # Client application
src/ # This file
docker-compose.yml # Docker Compose file
Each project can be built independently. Navigate to the respective folder and run:
./gradlew clean build
For Windows:
gradlew.bat build
Each service can be started independently. Navigate to fraud-service-demo
and run:
./gradlew bootRun
To start the client, navigate to fraud-client
and run:
./gradlew bootRun
Once the service is running on localhost:9090
, you can test it using grpcurl
. See the fraud-service/
for details.
The Fraud Detection Service is a gRPC-based service that provides fraud-related transaction data.
/fraud-service /src /main /java/com/example/fraudservice # Java code /resources application.yml # Configuration /proto # Protocol Buffers definitions fraud_service.proto build.gradle settings.gradle
Make sure you have Java 17+ and Gradle installed.
./gradlew build
./gradlew bootRun
The service should start on localhost:9090
Once the service is running, you can test it using grpcurl
grpcurl -plaintext localhost:9090 list
grpcurl -plaintext localhost:9090 list fraudservice.FraudService
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{}' localhost:9090 fraudservice.FraudService/GetCountries
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"country_code": "US"}' localhost:9090 fraudservice.FraudService/GetTransactionsByCountry
The service is defined using Protocol Buffers:
syntax = "proto3";
package fraudservice;
service FraudService {
rpc GetCountries (Empty) returns (CountryList);
rpc GetTransactionsByCountry (TransactionRequest) returns (TransactionList);
message Empty {}
message CountryList {
repeated string countries = 1;
message TransactionRequest {
string country_code = 1;
message TransactionList {
repeated Transaction transactions = 1;
message Transaction {
string transaction_id = 1;
double amount = 2;
string timestamp = 3;
- Application logs can be found in the console output.
- Use
to test API responses.
- Add authentication to gRPC calls.
- Implement a database to store transactions.
- Optimize performance for high-load scenarios.