- Data comes from https://www.ons.gov.uk/census/2011census/2011censusdata
Within ethnicity of "White British":
- i.e. NATIDPBUK (but do we include people with dual self-ascribed national identity)
sex, age, education, household type, marital status, tenure at individual level.
- n_in_household could match to SIZEHUK11
- f.6141 counts up to 4 others in the same household, and their relationships from that we could derive MARSTAT or LARPUK11 equivalents, as well as DPCFAMUK11 (dependent children in family)
- f.670 (type of accommodation) and f.680 (own or rent) are analogues to TENHUK11 and TYPEACCOM
- education will be complex... :-)
- marital status: MARSTAT (doesn't include cohabitation); LARPUK11 (cohabitation has more priority)
We could also match on geographies. That still leaves issues, because so many areas are "left out". But it would weight us correctly within the geographies that we have.
Since many of our couples have non-dependent children, it probably makes sense to use census variables comparing simply living with partner/not, rather than using presence or absence of children in the cells.
Household type makes a huge difference in the GHS weighting, so we probably want to confirm this via LARPUK in the census data.
DC1101EW - marital status by sex by age, England and Wales DC1102EW - living arrangements ("reference person") by sex by age, E&W
- this is the same as DC1108EW but the sample is "all household reference persons"
- we'd probably want to use "all persons" as we aren't sampling by household DC1104EW - residence type by sex by age DC1108EW - living arrangements by sex by age, E&W (but down to MSOA level, with some privacy protection swapping built in) DC1109EW - household composition by sex by age, E&W (household composition is roughly married/cohabiting/lone parent/single x presence of dependent children) DC1201EW - household composition by ethnic group of "household reference person" DC2101EW - ethnic group by sex by age probably the simplest for MSOA level
- nb there is also LC2101EW where the sample is "all usual residents" DC2102EW - national identity by sex by age DC2103EW - country of birth by sex by age DC4101EW - tenure by household composition DC4201EW - tenure by ethnic group by age DC5102EW - highest level of qualification by sex by age DC5202EW - hlq by ethnic group by age DC5801EW - as above, but also with year of arrival in the UK (so could do UK-born)
age at first live birth except when there are dependent children in the family. (So, only for children under 16, since there's selection on the 16-18 year olds. So, only among people having children after about 1990.)
Number of siblings, parents etc.
Income, directly.
We can't differentiate cohabiting from married, so may as well use "living arrangements" not "marital status"
- SEX (1 male, 2 female)
- QUALS is the standard variable
- Derived results are:
- QUALS01 (1-4 GCSEs/GCE/O level)
- QUALS02 (NVQ level 1 or GNVQ)
- QUALS03 (5+ GCSEs/GCE/O level) etc.
ethnicity (closest equivalent to genetic_ethnic_grouping??? or to self-identification???)
- COB - country of birth - England/Scotland/Wales/NI/Rep of I/"elsewhere" + writein
- Probably use
- PSPTEL - passports held - one or more of UK/Irish/"other" + writein/None
- NATIDPBUK - a self-assessment "how would you describe your national identity"
- British, British and other, No British identity
age at first live birth
number of children DPCHUK11 - dependent children in household (combines age and number) DPCFAMUK11 - dependent children in family i.e. of a couple, lone parent, or grandparent(s)
number of siblings?
income NSSHUK11 - socioeconomic position. Roughly, class A-E, but with more detail. OCCPUK113 - ditto, more broad, relates to SOC2010 highest level of hierarchy. OCCPUK112 - more detail on same OCCPUK111 - yet more
- Note: UKBB data is based on "SOC2000". At the highest level, the categories
are very similar between SOC2010 and SOC2000: see
- in fact the 9 "major groups" are the same and "submajor groups" look very similar
household tenure TENHUK11 - owned outright, with a mortgage, rented private/social...
household type MARSTAT - marital status on census day. Single/married/separated/divorced/widowed plus analogues from a civil partnership. SIZHUK11 - number of people in household. AHTHUK11 - married, cohabiting, lone parent etc. LARPUK11 - living arrangements. Here "cohabiting takes priority over other categories. For example, if a person is divorced and cohabiting, then in results for living arrangements they are classified as cohabiting." ADTHUK11 - number of adults in household. (18+, or 16-18 but not in education - i.e. not a "dependent child") P17HUK11 - number of people over 17 in the household.
BEDROOMS - number of bedrooms (bedsits/studios = 1) TYPACCOM - detached/semi/terrace/flat etc. CARSNO - cars or vans in household (0-10) HOURS - hours worked MAINLANG - first/preferred language ACTLW - last week were they working, unemployed, retired, student etc. RESIDENCE_TYPE = C (communal) or H (household) INDUSTRY - where someone works, 22 categories from SIC2007 INDGEPUK11 - goes deeper into the same MIGOAPW11 - has a person moved within the past year, and how far?