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- Table of contents
- Official
- Utilities
- UI Frameworks
- Boilerplate
- UI Components
- Buttons
- Icons
- Layout
- Tooltip
- Notification
- Dialog/Modal/Alert
- Menu
- Sticky
- Tabs
- Device Input/User Action
- Editable data grid / spreadsheet
- Table
- Viewer
- Carousel
- Lazy Load
- Infinite Scroll / Virtualized List / Virtualized Tree
- Loader
- Collapse
- Tree
- Navigation
- Custom Scrollbar
- Audio / Video
- Time / Date / Age
- Photo / Image
- Paginator
- Canvas
- Guided Tours
- Data Visualization
- Form Components
- GraphQL
- UI Animation
- Static Site Generator & Documentation Generator & Blogging
- Dev Tools
- react-router - Declarative routing for React.
- reach - Next Generation Routing for React.
- wouter - A minimalist-friendly ~1.3KB routing library.
- navi - Declarative, asynchronous routing for React.
- universal-router - A simple middleware-style router for isomorphic JavaScript web apps.
- react-keepalive-router - The react cache component developed based on react 16.8 +, react router 4 + can be used to cache page components, similar to Vue keepalive package Vue router effect function.
- curi - JavaScript router for single-page applications.
- react-use - React Hooks.
- react-query - Hooks for fetching, caching and updating asynchronous data in React.
- ahooks - A collection of React Hooks specifically aiming at enterprise applications.
- beautiful-react-hooks - A collection of hooks to speed-up your components and custom hooks development.
- redux - Predictable State Container for JavaScript Apps.
- mobx - Simple, scalable state management.
- xstate-react - State machines and statecharts for the modern web.
- flux - Application architecture for building user interfaces.
- dva - 🌱 React and redux based, lightweight and elm-style framework. (Inspired by elm and choo).
- recoil - Experimental state management library for React apps.
- zustand - Bear necessities for state management in React.
- jotai - Primitive and flexible state management for React.
- easy-peasy - An abstraction of Redux, providing a reimagined API that focuses on developer experience.
- effector - Fast and powerful reactive state manager.
- reactn - React, but with built-in global state management.
- hookstate - The simple but very powerful and incredibly fast state management for React that is based on hooks.
- react-intl - Internationalize React apps.
- react-i18next - Internationalization for react done right. Using the i18next i18n ecosystem.
- js-lingui – A readable, automated, and optimized (5 kb) internationalization for JavaScript.
- react-intl-universal - Internationalize React apps. Not only for React.Component but also for Vanilla JS.
- react-translate-maker - Universal internationalization (i18n) open source library for React.
- react-localized - Internationalization for React components based on
- @emotion/react - 👩🎤 CSS-in-JS library designed for high performance style composition.
- classnames - A simple javascript utility for conditionally joining classNames together.
- ant-design - An enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library.
- material-ui - React components for faster and easier web development.
- chakra-ui - Simple, Modular & Accessible UI Components for your React Applications.
- react-bootstrap - Bootstrap components built with React.
- blueprint - A React-based UI toolkit for the webs.
- semantic-ui-react - The official Semantic-UI-React integration.
- office-ui-fabric-react - React components for building Microsoft web experiences.
- Fluent UI - A set of React components for building Microsoft web experiences.
- evergreen - Evergreen React UI Framework by Segment.
- reactstrap - Simple React Bootstrap 4 components.
- rebass - React primitive UI components built with styled-system.
- grommet - A react-based framework that provides accessibility, modularity, responsiveness, and theming in a tidy package.
- baseweb - Base is a design system comprised of modern, responsive, living components. Base Web is the React implementation of Base.
- rsuite - A suite of React components.
- react-spectrum - Adobe's collection of libraries and tools that help you build adaptive, accessible, and robust user experiences.
- reakit - Accessible, Composable and Customizable components for React.
- carbon - A design system built by IBM.
- semi-design - A modern, comprehensive, flexible design system and UI library. Quickly build beautiful React apps by douyin FE.
- searchkit - React UI components / widgets. The easiest way to build a great search experience with Elasticsearch.
- gestalt - A set of components that supports Pinterest’s design language.
- eui - Elastic UI Framework.
- ring-ui - JetBrains Web UI components.
- zeit-ui-react - Modern and minimalist React UI library.
- primereact - A complete UI Framework for React with 50+ components featuring material, bootstrap and custom themes.
- mantine - React components and hooks library with native dark theme support focused on usability, accessibility and developer experience.
- arco-design - A comprehensive React UI components library.
- ChatUI - The UI design language and React library for Conversational UI.
- orbit-components - Components for building travel oriented projects.
- react-bulma-components - React components for Bulma framework.
- bumbag-ui - Build accessible & themeable React applications with your Bumbag.
- shineout - Chinese-friendly set of components: form elements, navigation, table, tree, tree select drop-down etc.
- pivotal-ui-react - React components based on a custom version of the Bootstrap library.
- react-foundation - Foundation as React components.
- react-bulma - React.js components for Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox.
- trunx - Super Saiyan React components, son of awesome Bulma, implemented in TypeScript.
- cdbreact - Elegant UI Kit library and reusable components for building mobile-first, responsive websites and web apps.
- antd-mobile - Configurable Mobile UI from China.
- OnsenUI - Mobile app framework with Material and flat (iOS) designs. Based on Web Components.
- ant-design-pro - An out-of-box UI solution for enterprise applications as a React boilerplate.
- react-admin - A frontend Framework for building B2B applications running in the browser on top of REST/GraphQL APIs, using ES6, React and Material Design.
- create-react-app - Create React apps with no build configuration.
- react-boilerplate - A highly scalable, offline-first foundation with the best DX and a focus on performance and best practices.
- electron-react-boilerplate - Electron React Boilerplate uses Electron, React, React Router, Webpack and React Fast Refresh.
- generator-starhackit - Full-stack starter kit.
- react-awesome-button - 3D animated 60fps buttons with load progress and social share actions.
- reactive-button - A beautiful animated button component with progress indicator.
- react-icons - Svg react icons of popular icon packs using ES6 imports.
- react-fontawesome - A React Font Awesome component.
- iconify-react - Over 40k icons from 50+ icon sets, including all popular icon and emoji sets.
- react-open-doodles - A Free Set of Sketchy Illustrations provided by opendoodles.
- react-grid-layout - A draggable and resizable grid layout with responsive breakpoints, for React.
- golden-layout - A multi-screen JavaScript Layout manager.
- autoresponsive-react - Auto responsive grid layout library.
- react-masonry-component - Wrapper for @desandro's Masonry.
- react-stonecutter - Animated grid layout component.
- react-spaces - demo/docs - Nestable anchored, resizable, scrollable components.
- muuri-react - demo - docs - Responsive, sortable, filterable and draggable grid layouts.
- m-react-splitters - Splitter component, written in TypeScript.
- hedron - A no-frills flexbox grid system, powered by styled-components.
- react-reflex - Flex layout container component for advanced React web applications.
- flexbox-react - Unopinionated, standard compliant flexbox components.
- react-flexbox - React flexbox implementation.
- react-tooltip - React tooltip component.
- react-popper - 🍿⚛Official React library to use Popper, the positioning library.
- react-toastify - 🎉 React-Toastify allows you to add notifications to your app with ease. No more nonsense.
- react-hot-toast - Smoking 🔥hot🔥 Notifications for React. Lightweight, customizable and beautiful by default.
- notistack - Highly customizable notification snackbars (toasts) that can be stacked on top of each other.
- react-toast-notifications - A React & Redux notifications system.
- react-notifications-component - Highly customizable and easy-to-use component for notifications.
- cogo-toast - Beautiful, Zero Configuration, Toast Messages for React ~4kb gzip (with styles and icons)
- simple-react-notifications - Tiny notification library (1kb gzip).
- react-toast - Minimal toast notifications.
- react-modal - Accessible modal dialog component for React.
- react-aria-modal - A fully accessible and flexible React modal built according WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices.
- react-skylight - A react component for modals and dialogs.
- nice-modal-react - A nice modal manager for React.
- sweetalert2-react-content - Official SweetAlert2 enhancer adding support for React elements as content.
- reoverlay - The missing solution for managing modals.
- reboron - A collection of dialog animations with React.js.
- react-burger-menu - An off-canvas sidebar with effects and styles.
- hamburger-react - Animated hamburger menu icons for React.
- react-planet - Create circular menus which looks like planets.
- react-offcanvas - Off-canvas menus for React.
- react-sticky - <Sticky /> component for awesome React apps.
- react-headroom - Hide your header until you need it.
- react-stickynode - A performant and comprehensive React sticky.
- react-tabs - React tabs component.
- react-tabtab - React, tabs.
- react-hotkeys - Declarative hotkey and focus area management for React.
- react-keydown - Lightweight keydown wrapper for React components.
- react-key-handler - React component to handle keyboard events.
- react-shortcuts - Manage keyboard shortcuts from one place.
- useKeyCapture - A custom hook to ease the key-press listeners of a target/global.
- react-scroll-components - A set of components that react to page scrolling.
- react-swipe - Swipe.js as a React component.
- react-fastclick - Fast Touch Events for React.
- react-aim - Determine the cursor aim for triggering mouse events.
- react-hook-mighty-mouse - Hook that tracks mouse events on selected element.
- react-beautiful-dnd - Beautiful and accessible drag and drop for lists with React.
- react-dnd - Drag and Drop for React.
- react-dropzone - Simple HTML5 drag-drop zone with React.js.
- react-draggable - React draggable component.
- react-movable - Accessible and minimalistic (<4kB gzipped) library for vertical drag and drop in lists and tables.
- react-dragula - Drag and drop so simple it hurts.
- react-sortable-pane - Sortable and resizable pane component for React.
- react-resizable-and-movable - A resizable and draggable component for React.
- react-resizable - A simple React component that is resizable with a handle.
- re-resizable - A resizable component for React.
- react-sizeme - Make your React Components aware of their width and height!
- react-spaces - Nestable resizable, anchored, scrollable components.
- ag-grid - Advanced Data Grid / Data Table supporting Javascript / React / AngularJS / Web Components.
- react-data-grid - Excel-like grid.
- revo-grid - Powerfull Data Grid for React / AngularJS / Vue / Web Components with advanced customization.
- ReactGrid - Add spreadsheet-like behavior to your app.
- gigatables-react - Sorting, pagination/infinite scroll, global/column search, AJAX CRUD, and more.
- react-table - Hooks for building fast and extendable tables and datagrids.
- material-table - Built on Material UI, plus: grouping, tree data, expandable rows, export, inline editing.
- mui-datatables - Built on Material-UI. Search, styling, filtering, resize/hide columns, export, print, select/expand rows.
- @devexpress/dx-react-grid - High-performance plugin-based data grid for Bootstrap and Material Design.
- react-data-table - Accessible, responsive, themable, declaratively configurable table with sorting, selectable rows, expandable rows, pagination.
- rsuite-table - A table component that supports virtualized.
- ka-table - Customizable table component with sorting, filtering, grouping, virtualization, editing etc.
- sematable - Client side sorting, pagination, and text filter for redux/react based apps.
- @progress/kendo-react-grid - Powerful data grid component with 100+ ready-to-use features like paging, sorting, export to Excel, and more.
- @react-pdf/renderer - React renderer for creating PDF files on the browser and server.
- react-markdown - Render Markdown as React components.
- react-pdf - Display PDFs in your React app as easily as if they were images.
- react-json-tree - React JSON Viewer Component, Extracted from redux-devtools.
- react-pdf-viewer - A React component to view a PDF document.
- react-slick - React carousel component.
- keen-slider - Performant carousel/slider with native touch/swipe behavior.
- react-awesome-slider - 3D animated 60fps media and content slider/carousel.
- react-responsive-carousel - React.js Responsive Carousel (with Swipe).
- @egjs/react-flicking - It's reliable, flexible and extendable carousel.
- pure-react-carousel - Built from scratch and not highly opinionated.
- react-id-swiper - A library to use idangerous Swiper as a ReactJs component.
- react-instagram-zoom-slider - A slider component with pinch to zoom capabilities inspired by Instagram.
- react-lazyload - Lazyload your Component, Image or anything matters the performance.
- react-lazy-load - React component that renders children elements when they enter the viewport.
- react-virtualized - React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data.
- react-window - React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data.
- react-list - A versatile infinite scroll React component.
- @egjs/react-infinitegrid - A module used to arrange card elements including content infinitely according to various layout types.
- react-virtualized-tree - A virtualized tree view component making use of react.
- af-virtual-scroll - Render large scrollable lists and tables.
- react-content-loader - SVG-Powered component to easily create placeholder loadings (like Facebook's cards loading).
- react-spinners - A collection of loading spinner components for react.
- react-redux-loading-bar - Simple Loading Bar for Redux and React.
- react-loader - React component that displays a spinner via spin.js until your component is loaded.
- react-spinners-css - Amazing collection of react spinners components.
- react-block-ui - Easy way to block the user from interacting with your UI.
- react-collapse - Component-wrapper for collapse animation with react-motion.
- react-accessible-accordion - Accessible Accordion component for React.
- react-tabbordion - demo - Tabbordion is a component for managing active state between multiple items. You can make anything out of it: Tabs component, Accordion component, Multi select list component,Option component, List of options, List of checkboxes.
- react-treebeard - React Tree View Component. Data-Driven, Fast, Efficient and Customisable.
- react-treeview - Easy, light, flexible tree view made with React.
- react-complex-tree - Unopinionated Accessible Tree Component with Multi-Select, Drag-And-Drop and Search.
- react-swipeable-views - A React Component for binded Tabs and Swipeable Views.
- react-scroll - React scroll component.
- react-custom-scroll - Easily customize the browser scroll bar with native OS scroll behavior.
- rc-scrollbars - React scrollbars component.
- react-shadow-scroll - Component that customizes the list and inserts shadow when scrolling exist.
- react-player - A react component for playing a variety of URLs, including YouTube.
- video-react - A web video player built for the HTML5 world using React library.
- react-soundplayer - Create custom SoundCloud players with React.
- react-youtube - React.js powered YouTube player component.
- react-audio-player - A simple React wrapper on the HTML5 audio tag.
- material-ui-audio-player - Audio player for material ui design.
- react-dailymotion - Dailymotion player component for React.
- react-timeago - A simple time-ago component for ReactJs.
- timeago-react - Format date with
*** time ago
statement. eg: '3 hours ago'.
- lightGallery - Full-featured lightbox gallery component.
- react-image-gallery - Responsive image gallery, carousel, image slider react component.
- react-photo-gallery - Responsive React Photo Gallery.
- react-image-lightbox - React lightbox component.
- react-svg-pan-zoom - A React component that adds pan and zoom features to SVG.
- react-particle-image - Render images as interactive particles.
- react-imgix - Add fast, responsive images as an image, picture, or background!
- react-compare-image - React component to compare two images using a slider.
- react-intense - A React component for viewing large images up close.
- qrcode.react - A component for use with React.
- react-paginate - A ReactJS component that creates a pagination.
- react-laravel-paginex - Laravel Pagination with ReactJS (customizable).
- paginated - React render props & custom hook to build pagination.
- react-konva - React Konva is a JavaScript library for drawing complex canvas graphics with bindings to the Konva Framework.
- @excalidraw/excalidraw - Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams.
- react-sketch - A Sketch tool for React based applications, backed-up by FabricJS.
- react-sketch-canvas - Freehand vector drawing tool for React using SVG as canvas. Accepts input from Mouse, touch, and graphic tablets.
- react-design-editor - React Design Editor has started to developed direct manipulation of editable design tools like Powerpoint, We've developed it with reactjs, ant.design, fabricjs.
- react-joyride - Create guided tours in your apps.
- recharts - Redefined chart library built with React and D3.
- visx - 🐯 visx | visualization components.
- nivo - Provides a rich set of dataviz components, built on top of the awesome d3 and Reactjs libraries.
- victory - Data viz for React.
- react-vis - Data visualization library based on React and d3.
- BizCharts - Powerful data visualization library based on G2 and React.
- react-chartjs-2 - Common react charting components using Chart.js 2.0.
- echarts-for-react - Apache ECharts components for React wrapper.
- react-sparklines - Beautiful and expressive Sparklines React component.
- semiotic - Semiotic is a data visualization framework for React.
- react-d3-components - D3 Components for React.
- react-dazzle - Dashboards made easy in React JS.
- react-highcharts - React-highcharts.
- react-google-charts - React-google-charts React component.
- react-timeseries-charts - Declarative timeseries charts.
- chartify - React.js plugin for building animated draggable and customizable charts.
- react-chartist - React component for Chartist.js.
- rumble-charts - React components for building composable and flexible charts.
- ej2-react-charts - Beautiful and interactive charts & graphs for react.
- react-charty - Small but powerful interactive data viz with multiple chart types, animations, zooming, theming.
- react-heat-map - A lightweight calendar heatmap react component built on SVG, customizable version of GitHub's contribution graph.
- react-muze - React wrapper for muze(free data visualization library for creating exploratory data visualizations in browser, using WebAssembly)
- graphin - A React toolkit for graph visualization based on G6.
- react-sigmajs - Lightweight but powerful library for drawing network graphs built on top of SigmaJS.
- react-map-gl - A React wrapper for MapboxGL-js and overlay API.
- google-map-react - Universal google map react component, allows render react components on the google map.
- react-leaflet - React components for Leaflet maps.
- pigeon-maps - ReactJS Maps without external dependencies.
- react-mapbox-gl - A React binding of mapbox-gl-js.
- react-geosuggest - A React autosuggest for the Google Maps Places API.
- react-svg-map- A set of components to display an interactive SVG map.
- gantt-for-react - Frappe Gantt components for React wrapper.
- @ant-design/charts - A React chart library, based on G2Plot, G6, X6, L7.
- formik - Build forms without tears and supports Validation in ease.
- react-hook-form - React hooks for form validation without the hassle.
- redux-form - Redux form state management (Web and Native).
- react-jsonschema-form - A React component for building Web forms from JSONSchema.
- react-final-form - Subscription-based form state management.
- formily - High performance, extensible, and Typescript friendly.
- surveyjs - The advanced Survey and Form library.
- formsy-react - A form input builder and validator for React JS.
- react-validation-mixin - Simple validation mixin (HoC) for React.
- react-text-mask - Input mask for React, Angular, and vanilla JavaScript. Flexible, robust & tiny.
- react-credit-cards - Beautiful credit cards for your payment forms.
- react-input-mask - Yet another react component for input masking.
- react-maskedinput - Masked <input/> React component.
- react-payment-inputs - A zero-dependency container to help with payment card input fields.
- react-numpad - Extensible number pad control for numbers, dates and times.
- react-autosuggest - WAI-ARIA compliant React autosuggest component.
- react-mentions - Mention people in a textarea.
- react-typeahead - Pure react-based typeahead and typeahead-tokenizer.
- react-autocomplete-input - Autocomplete input field for React.
- react-textarea-autosize - <textarea /> component for React which grows with content.
- react-input-autosize - Auto-resizing input field for React.
- react-autowidth-input - Highly configurable & extensible automatically sized input field built with hooks.
- react-tagsinput - A simple react component for inputing tags.
- react-tag-input - A fantastically simple tagging component for your React projects.
- react-tokeninput - Tokeninput component for React.
- @pathofdev/react-tag-input - Minimal tagging component with editable tags
- react-select - A Select control built with and for React JS.
- react-aria-menubutton - A fully accessible, easily themeable, React-powered menu button.
- react-select-box - An accessible select box component for React.
- react-functional-select - Micro-sized & micro-optimized select component for React.js.
- react-column-select - A column select component built for react.
- react-radio-group - Better radio buttons.
- react-star-rating - A simple star rating component built with React.
- react-star-rating-input - React.js component for entering 0-5 (or more) stars.
- react-awesome-stars-rating - demo - The star rating component with accessibility.
- react-toggle - An elegant, accessible toggle component for React. Also a glorified checkbox.
- react-ios-switch - React switch component.
- react-datepicker - A simple and reusable datepicker component for React.
- react-big-calendar - Gcal/outlook like calendar component.
- react-day-picker - Flexible date picker for React.
- react-calendar - Ultimate calendar for your React app.
- react-date-range - A React component for choosing dates and date ranges.
- react-datetime - A lightweight but complete datetime picker react component.
- devextreme-reactive - High-performance plugin-based scheduler/calendar for Material Design.
- react-nice-dates - A responsive, touch-friendly, and modular date picker library.
- react-date-picker - A date picker for your React app.
- react-yearly-calendar - React.js Yearly Calendar Component.
- react-flatpickr - Flatpickr for React.
- react-google-flight-datepicker - React date picker inspired by Google Flight.
- react-datepicker2 - A simple and reusable datepicker component (with persian jalali calendar support).
- date-range-picker - A calendar component that supports date, range & ranges picks.
- react-simple-timefield - Simple time input field.
- react-timezone-select - Dynamic, succinct timezone select. Based on
- emoji-mart - Emoji Mart is a customizable emoji picker HTML component for the web.
- interweave-emoji-picker - A React based emoji picker powered by Interweave and Emojibase.
- react-colorful - A tiny (2,5 KB), dependency-free, fast and accessible color picker component.
- react-input-color - React input color component with hsv color picker.
- coloreact - A tiny Color Picker for React.
- react-color - Is a tiny color picker widget component for React apps.
- react-slider - Slider component for React.
- sortablejs - Lists reorderable by drag-and-drop, within and among lists.
- react-anything-sortable - Sort any children with touch support and IE8 compatibility.
- react-sortable - A sortable list component built with React.
- slate - A completely customizable framework for building rich text editors.
- draft-js - A React framework for building text editors.
- react-draft-wysiwyg - WYSIWYG editor build on top of DraftJS.
- react-quill - Quill wrapper.
- braft-editor - A web rich text editor based on draft-js, suitable for React framework, compatible with mainstream modern browsers.
- alloyeditor - WYSIWYG editor based on CKEditor with completely rewritten UI.
- remirror - ProseMirror toolkit for React.
- react-contenteditable - React component for a div with editable contents.
- megadraft - Rich Text editor built on top of draft.js.
- edtr-io - WYSIWYG in-line web editor with plugins.
- react-medium-editor - medium-editor wrapper.
- ckeditor5-react - An official CKEditor 5 rich text editor wrapper.
- smartblock - Block based WYSIWYG editor based on ProseMirror.
- react-trumbowyg - Trumbowyg wrapper.
- ckeditor4-react - An official CKEditor 4 rich text editor wrapper.
- react-editor - Simple richtext editor that can insert images and HTML.
- react-ace - Ace (Advanced Code Editor) wraper.
- react-codemirror2 - Codemirror integrated components for React.
- react-codemirror - CodeMirror component for React.
- react-monacoeditor - Monaco Editor component for React.
- react-md-editor - A simple markdown editor with preview, implemented with React.js and TypeScript.
- react-simplemde-editor - React component wrapper for EasyMDE (the most fresh SimpleMDE fork).
- react-md-editor - Markdown editor.
- react-markdown-editor - A markdown editor using React/Reflux.
- react-image-crop - A responsive image cropping tool for React.
- react-avatar-editor - Facebook-like, avatar / profile picture component.
- react-easy-crop - Component to crop/rotate images/videos with easy interactions. Touch friendly.
- react-image-cropper - Image cropper.
- react-avatar-generator - Generate fun kaleidoscope for user avatars.
- react-relay - Relay is a JavaScript framework for building data-driven React applications.
- react-spring - A spring physics based animation library.
- react-motion - A spring that solves your animation problems.
- framer-motion - An animation and gesture library.
- react-flip-move - Effortless animation between DOM changes (eg. list reordering) using the FLIP technique.
- react-flip-toolkit - A lightweight magic-move library for configurable layout transitions.
- velocity-react - Velocity.js wrapper.
- react-animations - A collection of animations for inline style libraries, React-animations implements all animations from animate.css.
- react-router-transition - Transitions built for react-router, powered by react-motion.
- react-tsparticles - A lightweight component to easily create interactive particles animations.
- react-reveal - Easily add reveal on scroll animations to your React app.
- react-anime - A super easy animation library.
- react-gsap-enhancer - Use the full power of React and GSAP together.
- data-driven-motion - Easily animate your data.
- gooey-react - The gooey effect for React, used for shape blobbing / metaballs.
- react-particles-bg - Particles backgrounds.
- react-mt-svg-lines - Wrapper to animate the line stroke in SVGs.
- react-spark-scroll - Scroll-based actions and animations for react.
- react-track - Track the position of DOM elements. Create cool animations.
- tween-one - Animate One React Element.
- react-web-animation - React components for the Web Animations API -.
- react-transitive-number - Apply transition effect to numeric strings, a la old Groupon timers.
- react-tweenful - Animation engine that lets you animate DOM nodes, mounting, unmounting, child changes/transitions.
- auto-size-transition - A component that scale dynamically according to the internal children size.
- react-parallax - A React Component for parallax effect.
- react-parallax-tilt - Easily apply parallax tilt hover effect on components.
- react-parallax-component - Easiest way to add scroll parallax effect on the component.
- gatsby - Build blazing fast, modern apps and websites with React.
- Docusaurus - Easy to maintain open source documentation websites.
- react-static - A progressive static site generator for React.
- dumi - 📖 Documentation Generator of React Component.
- component-controls - A next-generation tool to create blazing-fast documentation sites.
- react-dev-inspector - Jump to local IDE code directly from browser React component by just a simple click.
- @welldone-software/why-did-you-render - why-did-you-render by Welldone Software monkey patches React to notify you about potentially avoidable re-renders. (Works with React Native as well.)
- jest - Delightful JavaScript Testing.
- enzyme - JavaScript Testing utilities for React.
- react-testing-library - 🐐 Simple and complete React DOM testing utilities that encourage good testing practices.
- react-hooks-testing-library - Simple and complete React hooks testing utilities that encourage good testing practices.
- chai-enzyme - Chai.js assertions and convenience functions for testing React Components with enzyme.
- ui-harness - Create, isolate and test modular UI components in React.
- react-unit - Lightweight unit test library for ReactJS.
- unexpected-react - Plugin for unexpected to enable testing the full React virtual DOM, and also the shallow renderer.
- redux-test-recorder - A redux middleware to automatically generate tests for reducers through ui interaction.
- rut - React testing made easy with
. Supports DOM and custom renderers.