ep0_lessonPlan: {
ourStoryRecordStore: "432API",
bioMemeticOrganization: "huStory: Are We Right?",
longPlay: "lp0_polymathProcess",
b0mission: {
groove: "gr0ourSource",
gr0v0ego: {
institutionQuestion: "What global institution will you explore?"
institution: "language",
challengeQuestion: "What challenge does this institution create?"
challenge: "polarization",
egoQuestion: "What human trait do you think is contributing to this challenge?"
ego: "fear",
bookEgoQuestion: “What book will represent this epicPlaylist’s persona?”,
bookEgoTitle: "A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose",
bookEgoAuthor: "Eckhart Tolle",
gr0v0Output: "The Planet's __language__ institution is allowing egoic __fear__ to contribute to the universal challenge of __polarization__. We learn from __A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose__ by __Eckhart Tolle__ to help deepen our understanding of our collective ego."
gr0v1biomimicry: {
natureMentorQuestion: "What system in nature can use the challenge to create a benefit?",
natureMentor: "cells",
mentorBenefitQuestion: "What benefit does the system in nature create from the challenge?,
mentorBenefit: "growth",
bookBioQuestion: "What book will represent
bookBioTitle: "Tao Te Ching",
bookBioAuthor: "Lao Tzu (Stephen Mitchell Translation)",
gr0v1Output: "__Cells__ use __polarization__ to create __growth__. We learn from __Tao Te Ching__ by __Lao Tzu__ to explore biomemetic perspectives for our universal challenges."
gr0v2willpower: {
goal: “
bookWillTitle: "The Polymath: Unlocking the Power of Human Versatility",
bookWillAuthor: "Waqas Ahmed",
gr0v2Output: "We are developing an open source game that learns from __cells__ so we can create __growth__ through __polarization__. We learn from __The Polymath__ by __Waqas Ahmed__ to help define how we operate."
gr0v3song: {
songTitle: "0.00",
songArtist: "Childish Gambino",
gr0v3song: "__0.00__ by __Childish Gambino__ represents our project's mission."
b1community: {
groove: “gr1ourJourney”,
gr1v0decentralization: {
industry: "Human Resources",
service: "onboarding protocol",
focus: "432API",
serviceInspiration: "Substrate",
serviceInspiractionURL: "https://substrate.io"
gr1v1space: {
communityProject: "Groundwater Recharge Projects",
communityProjectExampleURL: "https://youtu.be/SbSmjzj9K94",
promotedProject: "Parley for the Oceans",
promotedProjectURL: "https://www.parley.tv/"
gr1v2time: {
b0mission: {
deliverableFormat: “Open Source Mission: Concept Design”,
deliverableDate: “2022 02 15”
deliverableURL: “https://twitter.com/PolymathProcess/status/1493657072126332933",
deliverablePOW: “[link to b0mission folder on GitHub]”
b1community: {
deliverableFormat: “Open Source Community: Concept Design”,
deliverableDate: “YYYY MM DD”
deliverableURL: “TBD”
deliverablePOW: “[link to b1community folder on GitHub]”
b2media: {
deliverableFormat: “Brand Identity: Concept Design”,
deliverableDate: “YYYY MM DD”
deliverableURL: “TBD”
deliverablePOW: “[link to b2media folder on GitHub]”
b3now: {
deliverableFormat: “Marketing Strategy: Concept Design”,
deliverableDate: “YYYY MM DD”
deliverableURL: “TBD”
deliverablePOW: “[link to b3now folder on GitHub]”
b4portfolio: {
deliverableFormat: “Marketplace: Concept Design”,
deliverableDate: “YYYY MM DD”
deliverableURL: “TBD”
deliverablePOW: “[link to b4portfolio folder on GitHub]”
b5essay: {
deliverableFormat: “Litepaper: Concept Design”,
deliverableDate: “YYYY MM DD”
deliverableURL: “TBD”
deliverablePOW: “[link to b5essay folder on GitHub]”
b6story: {
deliverableFormat: “Storyboard: Concept Design”,
deliverableDate: “YYYY MM DD”
deliverableURL: “TBD”
deliverablePOW: “[link to b6story folder on GitHub]”
b7learn: {
deliverableFormat: “Curriculum: Concept Design”,
deliverableDate: “YYYY MM DD”
deliverableURL: “TBD”
deliverablePOW: “[link to b7learn folder on GitHub]”
b8play: {
deliverableFormat: “Community Game: Concept Design”,
deliverableDate: “YYYY MM DD”
deliverableURL: “TBD”
deliverablePOW: “[link to b8play folder on GitHub]”
b9journal: {
deliverableFormat: “Note Taking Strategy: Concept Design”,
deliverableDate: “YYYY MM DD”
deliverableURL: “TBD”
deliverablePOW: “[link to b9journal folder on GitHub]”
gr1v3song: {
songTitle: "Mirage",
songArtist: "Toro y Moi"
b2media: {
gr2v0relate: {
gr2v1body: {
gr2v2mind: {
gr2v3song: {
songTitle: "Permission To Love",
songArtist: "Hayden James"
b3now: {
gr3v0shadow: {
focus: "censorship",
audio: "Various Artists (Comedians)",
video: "Storms"
gr3v1presence: {
focus: "empathy",
audio: "Heart Minded by Sarah Blondin",
video: "soil"
gr3v2music: {
focus: "schuman resonance",
audio: "Various Artists (solfeggio frequencies)",
video: "water",
marketingSchedule: “[link to b3now folder]”
gr3v3song: {
songTitle: "Japanese Ceremonial Tea (Interlude)",
songArtist: "The Electric Sons"
b4portfolio: {
gr4v0create: {
beatDrop: “10 section open source community conceptual design”,
gr4v1habit: {
habit_1: “1 d per week”,
habit_2: “link to b4portfolio folder on GitHub”
gr4v2wealth: {
wealthGenerationTarget: “$39,600/month”,
communityInvestmentTarget: “$11,850/month”,
freelancerPayoutTarget: “$27,750/month”
gr4v3song: {
songTitle: "They Say I'm Different",
songArtist: "Betty Davis"
b5essay: {
gr5v0belief: {
gr5v1science: {
gr5v2sensemaking: {
gr5v3song: {
songTitle: "Free Spirit",
songArtist: "Spiritual Tony"
b6story: {
gr6v0mythology: {
videoInspiration: "Imitation Game (Movie)",
treeSystemFeminine: "Water",
personaFeminine: "Katherine G. Johnson",
treeSystemMasculine: "Soil",
personaMasculine: "Alan Turing",
humanSystem: "Stem Cell",
personaHuman: "Shuri from Black Panther"
gr6v1spirituality: {
videoInspiration: "Initiation S1E1: Unity",
cartoonInspiration: "Looney Toons"
gr6v2consciousness: {
videoInspiration: "Mystery Teachings S1E1: Consciousness in the Quantum Paradigm",
gr6v3song: {
songTitle: "Generationwhy",
songArtist: "ZHU"
b7learn: {
gr7v0ecology: {
course: "bioMemetic Organizations: An Institutional Model that Learns from Nature by polymathProcess (huStory)",
resource: "Biomimetic Organisations: A Management Model that Learns from Nature by Edita Olaizola, Rafael Morales-Sánchez and Marcos Eguiguren Huerta"
gr7v1physiology: {
course: "This is How Our Minds Make New Universes by polymathProcess (huStory)",
resource: "This is How Your Body Makes New Cells by Seeker"
gr7v2sociology: {
course: "polymathProcess: Creating Decentralized Institutions for Humans by polymathProcess (huStory)",
resource: "Leading Greate Meetings by Richard M. Lent, Ph.D."
gr7v3song: {
songTitle: "Canopee",
songArtist: "Polo & Pan"
b8play: {
gr8v0values: {
gr8v1vision: {
gr8v3game: {
gr8v3song: {
songTitle: "Backroads",
songArtist: "Tall Tall Trees"
b9journal: {
gr7v0ecology: {
huStory: We're All Right is an open source collection of projects for The Planet, our ego, and the memes that shape our reality. polymathProcess is huStory's genesis LongPlay that develops the memetic outline that makes it easier for communities to collaborate while transforming any project into an original story game that engages a broad community. There's no player limit, and the projects run until people stop contributing.
Let's clarify some of this...
Story games make it easy for people to create collaborative mythologies. The game structure helps players construct meaningful narratives that would have been difficult to create otherwise. Every person has a shared stake in the narrative.
This concept allows huStory to build a network of LongPlays that use shared story outlines so communities can exchange value and view their ideas from different perspectives. Note: If you add to huStory in any way, you're officially one of its co-creators.
A LongPlay can be thought of as a portfolio for the different decentralized projects a community creates. Each LP is ultimately a representation of each players exploration of their own creative interests. As players transform their realities, they get to see their LPs mirror their collective growth.
In huStory, each LP represents a Kalpavriksha Tree in the expanding forest gardens we grow with out imaginations. We use GitHub to allow people to share book quotes that define the water, soil, and avatars that support each LPs growth and maturity.
People add to huStory by sharing memes and music. As the game develops, the will branch into unexpected storylines that nobody will be able to predict, so we'll always have new ways to explore our minds, experiment with new ideas, and propose new ways for us to design society.
huStory's impact stems from allowing slow growth to take place across a distributed network of players all contributing to our open source vision for The Planet. How will you help tell our story?
This is a new type of roleplaying game, because people are free to add value to the ecosystem by explore new or old interests. huStory is a perfect way to experiment with potential new income streams in an extremely forgiving and supporting community.
Don't worry about trying to understand all the rules. You'll learn more and more as you work through the steps. Let's get you started with the first step in the game: Defining the Source of Your LongPlay (link to #beat0quote issue form)
This description was remixed from the rules of Dialect: A Game About Language and How it Dies (thornygames.com)