Capture Http/Https/WebSocket traffics via Http Proxy.
Pre Build Native Releases for macOS.
Java9+ required To build this project.
Create platform native application:
mvn clean package
you will find native application image under path target/.
MonkeyProxy start http proxy and socks proxy at the same port, by default is 2080. Just press the start button to start the proxy, then set the application you want to capture http traffics to use the proxy.
MonkeyProxy use mitm to capture https traffics, This need a self signed root certificate be installed and trusted.
When MonkeyProxy start at the first time,it will create a new CA Root Certificate and private key, save to to keystore file $HOME/.MonkeyProxy/MonkeyProxy.p12. Also, you can specify a another key store file you want to use.
You need to import the CA Root Certificate into you operation system. The CA Root Cert can be got by export button. Or, you can open one browser, and enter the address the proxy listened on, a certificate export web page will be displayed.