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Library to implement Bancard vPOS and VentasQR products


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Bancard SDK

A comprehensive PHP SDK for integrating Bancard vPOS and Bancard VentasQR payment solutions into your applications.

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Table of Contents



  • PHP >= 8.0

Via composer

composer require hds-solutions/bancard-sdk


Setting up Credentials

use HDSSolutions\Bancard\Bancard;

// Set your vPOS API credentials
    publicKey:  'YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY',
    privateKey: 'YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY',

Environment Configuration

The SDK uses the staging environment by default for vPOS. Switch to production when ready:

use HDSSolutions\Bancard\Bancard;

// Switch to production

// Or dynamically based on your application environment
Bancard::useProduction(config('app.env') === 'production');

vPOS Integration

vPOS Features

  • Single payments
  • Single payments through Zimple
  • Card management
  • Charge payments to registered cards
  • Pre-authorization
  • Transaction management (get confirmation and rollback payments)

vPOS Usage Examples

Single Payment Flow

Endpoint used to generate a process ID to call the Bancard <iframe> for a one-time payment.

use HDSSolutions\Bancard\Bancard;
use HDSSolutions\Bancard\Models\Currency;

$response = Bancard::single_buy(
    shop_process_id: $shop_process_id,
    amount:          $amount,
    description:     'Premium Subscription',
    currency:        Currency::Guarani,
    return_url:      '',
    cancel_url:      '',

if ($singleBuyResponse->wasSuccess()) {
    // access the generated process ID to call the Bancard <iframe>
    $process_id = $singleBuyResponse->getProcessId();

Single Payment Flow through Zimple

Same as above, but for Zimple payments.

use HDSSolutions\Bancard\Bancard;
use HDSSolutions\Bancard\Models\Currency;

$singleBuyResponse = Bancard::single_buy_zimple(
    shop_process_id: $shop_process_id,
    amount:          $amount,
    description:     'Premium Subscription',
    currency:        Currency::Guarani,
    phone_no:        $phone_no, // this field is automatically send on the `additional_data` property of the request
    return_url:      'https://localhost/your-success-callback-path',
    cancel_url:      'https://localhost/your-cancelled-callback-path',

Card Management

  1. Register a New Card
use HDSSolutions\Bancard\Bancard;

$response = Bancard::card_new(
    user_id:    $user_id,
    card_id:    $card_id,
    phone_no:   '+595991234567',
    email:      '',
    return_url: '',

if ($response->wasSuccess()) {
    // access the generated process ID to call the Bancard <iframe>
    $processId = $response->getProcessId();
  1. List User's Cards
use HDSSolutions\Bancard\Bancard;
use HDSSolutions\Bancard\Models\Card;

$response = Bancard::users_cards(
    user_id: $user_id,

if ($response->wasSuccess()) {
    foreach ($response->getCards() as $card) {
        echo "Card: {$card->card_masked_number}\n";
        echo "Brand: {$card->card_brand}\n";
        echo "Expiration: {$card->expiration_date}\n";
  1. Charge a Registered Card
use HDSSolutions\Bancard\Bancard;
use HDSSolutions\Bancard\Models\Card;
use HDSSolutions\Bancard\Models\Currency;
use HDSSolutions\Bancard\Models\Confirmation;
use HDSSolutions\Bancard\Models\SecurityInformation;

$response = Bancard::charge(
    card:            $card,
    shop_process_id: $shop_process_id,
    amount:          $amount,
    currency:        Currency::Guarani,
    description:     'Monthly Subscription',

if ($response->wasSuccess()) {
    // access to change Confirmation data
    $confirmation = $chargeResponse->getConfirmation();
    echo sprintf('Ticket No: %u, Authorization ID: %u',
    // also access to the security information data
    $securityInformation = $confirmation->getSecurityInformation();
    echo sprintf('Country: %s, Risk Index: %.2F',
  1. Get the confirmation of a Payment

Endpoint to get the confirmation of a payment. Example, in case the above charge request stayed as a pending of confirmation payment.

use HDSSolutions\Bancard\Bancard;
use HDSSolutions\Bancard\Models\Confirmation;

$confirmationResponse = Bancard::confirmation(
    shop_process_id: $chargeResponse->getRequest()->getShopProcessId(),
  1. Rollback a Payment
use HDSSolutions\Bancard\Bancard;

$rollbackResponse = Bancard::rollback(
    shop_process_id: $chargeResponse->getRequest()->getShopProcessId(),
  1. Remove a Registered Card
use HDSSolutions\Bancard\Bancard;
use HDSSolutions\Bancard\Models\Card;

$response = Bancard::card_delete(
    card: $card,  // must be an instance of Card, obtained from Bancard::users_cards()

Error Handling

The SDK provides comprehensive error handling for various scenarios:

1. Basic Error Handling

$response = Bancard::single_buy(/* ... */);

if (! $response->wasSuccess()) {
    foreach ($response->getMessages() as $message) {
        echo sprintf(
            "Error: [%s] %s (Level: %s)\n",

2. Transaction Response Handling

$response = Bancard::charge(/* ... */);

if ($response->wasSuccess()) {
    $confirmation = $response->getConfirmation();
    // Access confirmation details
    echo "Response: {$confirmation->response}\n";
    echo "Response Details: {$confirmation->response_details}\n";
    echo "Response Description: {$confirmation->response_description}\n";
    // Access security information
    $security = $confirmation->getSecurityInformation();
    echo "Customer IP: {$security->customer_ip}\n";
    echo "Card Country: {$security->card_country}\n";
    echo "Risk Index: {$security->risk_index}\n";

3. Debug Information

if (! $response->wasSuccess()) {
    // Get request details
    $request = $response->getRequest();
    echo "Request Body: {$request->getBody()->getContents()}\n";
    // Get response details
    echo "Response Status: {$response->getStatusCode()}\n";
    echo "Response Body: {$response->getBody()->getContents()}\n";
    // Log for debugging
        "Bancard API Error: %s, Status: %d, Body: %s",
        $response->getMessages()[0]->description ?? 'Unknown error',

VentasQR Integration

VentasQR Credentials

Important: VentasQR is not scoped by Bancard::useProduction(), since your assigned domain will define your testing/production environment.

use HDSSolutions\Bancard\Bancard;

    serviceUrl:     'YOUR_QR_ASSIGNED_DOMAIN',
    publicKey:      'YOUR_QR_PUBLIC_KEY',
    privateKey:     'YOUR_QR_PRIVATE_KEY',
    qrCommerceCode: 1234,
    qrBranchCode:   123,

VentasQR Features

  • Generate QR codes for payments
  • Revert QR payments

VentasQR Usage Examples

  1. Generate QR Code
$response = Bancard::qr_generate(
    amount:      $amount,
    description: 'Product Purchase',

if ($response->wasSuccess()) {
    // access the generated QR data
    $qrExpress = $qrGenerateResponse->getQRExpress();
    echo sprintf('QR Payment ID: %s, QR Image url: %s, QR Data: %s',
    // access the list of supported clients
    $supportedClients = $qrGenerateResponse->getSupportedClients();
    foreach ($supportedClients as $supportedClient) {
        echo sprintf('Client name: %s, Client Logo url: %s',
  1. Revert QR Payment
$response = Bancard::qr_revert(
    hook_alias: $qrExpress->hook_alias,

if ($response->wasSuccess()) {
    echo "Payment successfully reverted\n";

Advanced Usage

Request/Response Inspection

Access request and response details for debugging:

// From response to request
$request = $response->getRequest();
echo "Request Body: " . $request->getBody()->getContents() . "\n";

// From request to response
$response = $request->getResponse();
echo "Response Body: " . $response->getBody()->getContents() . "\n";

Customizable requests

If you need, you can create a pending request and change the values on runtime. This applies to all available requests.

use HDSSolutions\Bancard\Bancard;
use HDSSolutions\Bancard\Models\Currency;

$singleBuyRequest = Bancard::newSingleBuyRequest(
    shop_process_id: $shop_process_id,
    amount:          $amount,
    description:     'Premium Subscription',
    currency:        Currency::Guarani,
    return_url:      '',
    cancel_url:      '',
// for example, enable Zimple flag for this request
// for Zimple, you need to specify the user's phone number on the additional data property

// after building the request, you can call the execute() method to send the request to Bancard
if (! $singleBuyRequest->execute()) {
    // if failed, you can access the response, and the messages

API Reference

vPOS Methods

  • Bancard::single_buy() - Process a one-time payment
  • Bancard::single_buy_zimple() - Process a Zimple payment
  • Bancard::card_new() - Register a new card
  • Bancard::users_cards() - List user's registered cards
  • Bancard::card_delete() - Remove a registered card
  • Bancard::charge() - Charge a registered card
  • Bancard::confirmation() - Check payment status
  • Bancard::preauthorizationConfirm() - Confirm a pre-authorized payment
  • Bancard::rollback() - Cancel a pending transaction

VentasQR Methods

  • Bancard::qr_generate() - Generate a QR code for payment
  • Bancard::qr_revert() - Cancel a QR payment

Currency Support

The SDK supports multiple currencies through the Currency class:

  • Currency::Guarani - Paraguayan Guarani (PYG)
  • Currency::Dollar - US Dollar (USD)

For detailed API documentation, visit:


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or would like to add new features or improvements, please feel free to submit a pull request.


Security Vulnerabilities

If you encounter any security-related issues, please feel free to raise a ticket on the issue tracker.


This library is open-source software licensed under the MIT License. Please see the License File for more information.