##Welcome to terraform concurrent agent This agent is designed to improve team collaboration with focus on improving GitOps pipeline for terraform on google cloud. This agent works on flexible environment in app engine.
###Setting up
There are 3 parts for installing this agent to your google cloud project
Fist download your preferred terraform binary from https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html and place it the directory agent
- Create secret string that you place into makefile in root directory, into agent-cloudbuild.yaml authorization header and
environment variable
- Go to
and fill out environment variables. Then add your superuser id_rsa, id_rsa.pub and known_hosts files to directoryagent
- Create project on google cloud platform and create account service that has rights to app engine and place your service account in folder
- Create cloudbuild trigger that will use
, this cloudbuild has to be in your future infrastructure repository
For last but not least change url address in root Makefile and in agent-cloudbuild.yaml
to your future app engine address, URL address should look like https://agent-dot-your-project-id.ew.r.appspot.com/
- then you can call
make create
from root directory and infrastructure agent will be deployed and client app will create executable filetfagent
has three callings, ./tfagent show
, ./tfagent plan
, ./tfagent apply
- When commit to master branch is pushed, it automatically creates terraform plan, you can now inspect changes with
./tfagent show
and then apply with./tfagent apply
Happy developing! yes bachlory work 1