chatapp with angular.js, node.js,
. Same as "Nodejs Chat" but build with Angular1 instead of jQuery.
this software is for experimental and tutorial use. Use it at your own risk!
the main assets might be the services and the directives I designed here. See further information im my wiki.
the MIT license
npm - node package manager
npm install
after installing, run node server.js
on console, then point your browser(s) on your machine(s) to and have fun! of course, you can change the port in config.json. to shutdown the server app, hit [CTRL] C
- simple Login by Username (no pwd)
- public and private messages
- simple digital clock on top/left thanks to
Server messages:
login/logoff user activity messages in the top left panel
Status messages for the user in the top panel
Chat status message (READY,ERR,CHAT) left beside the status panel
List of current online users in the lower left panel which are
marked green for user itself,
marked orange for a user in a current PM conversation with (private message)
Non-responsive HTML5, CSS3 Frontend design inspired by 'PubNub Channel Presence'
- supports newer browsers
- no mobile devices
monkey tested on Firefox 45, Opera 36, Chrome 48 on Ubuntu 12
I designed an environmet with Grunt: jshint, uglify, cssmin LESS is not applied yet. It would make sense. For the case you want to fork, I suggest you apply it, but I cannot promise to accept PR ;)