REPL for Chrome browser debugging using Chrome DevTools Protocol
Prerequisite to using the module is a chrome instance running in debug mode
#sudo google-chrome --remote-debugging-port=<port number>
sudo /Applications/Google\\ Chrome --remote-debugging-port=<port number>
Clone the repo - git clone
cd ChromeRemoteDebugREPL
After starting chrome with debuging flag, run the following command to start chrome devtools API
Installing dependencies - yarn install
Starting the REPL - yarn start
Getting list of browsers - ChromeRemoteDebugREPL:REPL> .list <port number>
Attaching remote interface to an instance - ChromeRemoteDebugREPL:REPL> .attach <port number>
Getting list of open pages and tabs - ChromeRemoteDebugREPL:REPL> pages
Getting hold of chrome devtools wrapper - ChromeRemoteDebugREPL:REPL> client
This is the bare minimum functionality and can be used for basic debugging of chrome browser. Needs more work on the endless possibilities the CDP offers.