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BDD with cucumber and capybara

elenagensch edited this page Jan 4, 2022 · 2 revisions


To run the integration tests, you need to install chromedriver for Selenium to communicate with your web browser.

-I followed these instructions for ubuntu 20.04:


The gems below are specified in Gemfile, run bundle install from project folder

For running the test scenarios with browser automation the following gems are needed

  • rspec
  • capybara
  • cucumber-rails
  • database_cleaner
  • selenium-webdriver
  • watir

Run test scenarios

  • All tests: bundle exec cucumber
  • All scenarios in a given file or folder: bundle exec cucumber features/scenarios/my_feature.feature
  • Just one scenario in a given file (specified by line): bundle exec cucumber features/scenarios/my_feature.feature:10

Default browser is chrome, if you want to change it set the environment variable BROWSER to another browser.

  • e.g. bundle exec cucumber BROWSER=firefox

You can also set the environment variable HEADLESS to true, if you want to run in headless mode.

Writing Tests

Features can be found in the features/scenarios directory. They consist of a generic description of the feature (this is a dummy feature file my_feature.feature),

Feature: Search a person
 In order to find information about a chair, room or person on HPI campus
 As a user
 I want to search it

a list of steps that should run before every scenario,

 Given an active course was created
 And I am a confirmed user
 And I am logged in

and the scenario itself

Scenario: search a person by name
 Given I am on the search page 
 When I enter "Michael"
 And I start the search
 Then I see the search result "Dr Michael Perscheid"   

You have to define the steps in features/step_definitions/my_feature_steps.rb.

You can mark Scenarios as @wip (e.g. when the feature is not yet implemented).

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