HEAT is a Highly Efficient and Affordable Training system designed for collaborative filtering-based recommendations on multi-core CPUs, utilizing the SimpleX approach [1]. The system incorporates three main optimizations: (1) Tiling the embedding matrix to enhance data locality and minimize cache misses, thereby reducing read latency; (2) Streamlining stochastic gradient descent (SGD) with sampling by parallelizing vector products, specifically the similarity computation, instead of matrix-matrix multiplications, in order to eliminate memory copies for matrix data preparation; and (3) Aggressively reusing intermediate results from the forward phase during the backward phase to mitigate redundant computation. For more information, please refer to our technical paper published in ACM ICS 2023 [2].
HEAT's C++ backend is in cf_cpu/src, while its Python frontend is in the cf_cpu/cf.
We use CMake to build C++ backend into .so shared library, and import the library into Python frontend.
Install Python3, CMake
conda install pytorch==1.10.0 torchvision==0.11.0 torchaudio==0.10.0 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
pip install scikit-learn==1.0
pip install pandas==1.3.4
pip install PyYAML==5.4.1
pip install h5py==3.5.0
pip install tqdm==4.62.2
Please first set compiler, by export CC and CXX.
git clone https://github.com/hipdac-lab/HEAT.git
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd cf_cpu/extern/pybind11
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make check -j
cd ../../eigen/
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake ..
cd ../../../ #go to HEAT/cf_cpu folder
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j
cp *.so ../cf/
cd ../../ #go to HEAT root folder
git clone https://github.com/kuandeng/LightGCN.git
Change data_dir
in the below three config0.yaml files to their corresponding data paths, e.g., /home/dingwen.tao/HEAT/LightGCN/Data/amazon-book
, /home/dingwen.tao/HEAT/LightGCN/Data/yelp2018
, and /home/dingwen.tao/HEAT/LightGCN/Data/gowalla
, respectively.
Finally, run the tests:
cd cf_cpu/cf
python main.py --config ./benchmarks/AmazonBooks/MF_CCL/configs/config0.yaml
python main.py --config ./benchmarks/Yelp18/MF_CCL/configs/config0.yaml
python main.py --config ./benchmarks/Gowalla/MF_CCL/configs/config0.yaml
this is main ...
{'num_negs': 16, 'max_his': 100, 'embedding_dim': 64, 'neg_sampler': 0, 'tile_size': 512, 'refresh_interval': 8192, 'embedding_dropout': 0, 'similarity_score': 'dot', 'loss': 'PairwiseLogisticLoss', 'metrics': ['Recall(k=20)', 'Recall(k=50)', 'NDCG(k=20)', 'NDCG(k=50)', 'HitRate(k=20)', 'HitRate(k=50)'], 'optimizer': 'sgd', 'milestones': [10], 'learning_rate': 0.01, 'clip_val': 1.0, 'embedding_regularizer': 1e-07, 'net_regularizer': 0, 'net_dropout': 0, 'epochs': 5, 'eval_interval': 2, 'seed': 2022}
gen dataset info of /home/dingwen.tao/HEAT/LightGCN/Data/amazon-book/train.txt
number of users: 52643; min_user_id: 0; max_user_id: 52642
number of items: 91599; min_item_id: 0; max_item_id: 91598
total samples: 2380730
update config, init c_instance !!!
Warning 13647 has 0 items !!!
Warning 41589 has 0 items !!!
Warning 50736 has 0 items !!!
Warning 52234 has 0 items !!!
gen dataset info of /home/dingwen.tao/HEAT/LightGCN/Data/amazon-book/test.txt
Warning item_id is not continuous!
number of users: 52643; min_user_id: 0; max_user_id: 52642
number of items: 82629; min_item_id: 0; max_item_id: 91598
total samples: 603378
iterations 2380730 max_threads 8
epoch time: 244.985 s
epoch: 0; loss: 1.35187828540802; epoch_time: 244.98503732681274
iterations 2380730 max_threads 8
epoch time: 244.695 s
epoch: 1; loss: 0.6897922158241272; epoch_time: 244.69532942771912
iterations 2380730 max_threads 8
epoch time: 246.372 s
epoch: 2; loss: 0.5268339514732361; epoch_time: 246.37257051467896
--- Start evaluation ---
sim_matrix shape: (52643, 91599) !!!
iterations 2380730 max_threads 8
epoch time: 246.134 s
epoch: 3; loss: 0.45124438405036926; epoch_time: 246.13380026817322
iterations 2380730 max_threads 8
epoch time: 245.861 s
epoch: 4; loss: 0.40876930952072144; epoch_time: 245.86116886138916
- [1] Kelong Mao, Jieming Zhu, Jinpeng Wang, Quanyu Dai, Zhenhua Dong, Xi Xiao, and Xiuqiang He. "SimpleX: A simple and strong baseline for collaborative filtering." In Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management, pp. 1243-1252. 2021.
- [2] Chengming Zhang, Shaden Smith, Baixi Sun, Jiannan Tian, Jonathan Soifer, Xiaodong Yu, Shuaiwen Leon Song, Yuxiong He, Dingwen Tao. "HEAT: A Highly Efficient and Affordable Training System for Collaborative Filtering Based Recommendation on Multi-core CPUs." In Proceedings of the 37th ACM International Conference on Supercomputing, pp. xx-xx. 2023.