A template repository containing some GitHub Actions workflows for automating releases of Python packages. In particular we:
- Automate the version bump increment by using conventional commits
- Automate generation of a CHANGELOG
- Automate generation of Pyinstaller executables on multiple platforms
- Automate releasing the package to PyPI
- Automate the GitHub release
- Automate building Sphinx documentation and adding the built HTML as a new documentation version to a GitHub pages site
In this workflow, we assume two special branches, from which releases/deployments are made: main
and develop
- Merge pull-request into
==> make pre-release - Merge pull-request into
==> make stable release
To avoid mistakes, we should "protect" these branches on GitHub, meaning all incoming code must be integrated via a pull request (i.e. no direct commits are allowed). However, we do need to allow a "bot" account to circumvent branch protection for the purposes of committing:
- the version bump, updated CHANGELOG, and new tag
- pre-commit fixes
- documentation related commits
all of which need to occur during the GitHub actions workflows.
- Poetry: for managing package dependencies
- commitizen: for determining the correct version bump increment (major, minor, or patch) according to the commit messages
- git-chglog: for generating a changelog between two tags
- PyInstaller: for generating single-file executables from a Python package
- Sphinx: for building documentation
We can prevent release workflow running on pull-request merge by adding [skip release]
to the PR title.
In the matflow and hpcflow repositories the script remotes.py
configures the remotes, synchronizes the contents, and generates the workflows from the jinja2 templates.
All you need to do is run the python script .github/remotes.py
, and commit the staged changes.
Alternatively, you may want to perform each step manually, as indicated below.
In the target repository:
- Add this repo as a remote:
git remote add python-release-workflow https://github.com/hpcflow/python-release-workflow.git
- Effectively set the remote as fetch-only to avoid accidentally pushing to it:
git remote set-url --push python-release-workflow no-pushing
Note: the remote only needs to be set up once. Synchronization and workflow generation from the jinja2 templates needs to be done every time.
- Fetch branches and commits from the
git fetch python-release-workflow
in python-release-workflow
will be stored locally in the branch python-release-workflow/BRANCHNAME
- Checkout the branch you want to synchronise workflow updates to:
git checkout aplowman/develop
- Checkout only the
directory from thepython-release-workflow
branch of interest:
git checkout python-release-workflow/BRANCHNAME -- .github/
- Stage, commit, and push the changes as normal:
git add .github/
git commit -m "build: update GH Actions workflows"
git push
poetry run python .github/workflows/generate_workflows.py .github/workflows .github/workflows/vars.jsonc