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ECL module for performing whole-record fuzzy matching.


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What Is It?

Medley is a library that supports searching for "similar" records in a dataset.

This concept of "similar" is best defined via analogy: Two words can be similar if they differ in spelling by only a letter or two. This is how many spell-checkers work: Finding real words that differ from what you typed by only a few letters. Extending that idea, Medley finds similar dataset records by examining field values and finding records where only a few field values are different.

The module Medley.ecl provides the following features:

  • UTF-8 support
  • Creation of search indexes, linked back to entity ID values
  • Fuzzy matching within the source dataset, linking similar IDs
  • Searching for related IDs, given a dataset of IDs
  • Searching for related IDs, given a dataset of data mimicking the source dataset


This software is licensed under the Apache v2 license.


Medley supports UTF-8 via the ICU (International Components for Unicode) library. The runtime version of this library is used by the HPCC Systems platform code, but Medley requires the header files as well since you're compiling new code using Unicode support. If you receive an error indicating that the file unicode/unistr.h cannot be found, then you need to install a library package. For either RHEL/CentOS or Debian operating systems, that package is libicu-dev. At minimum, you need to install it on the node that compiles your ECL code (the node running eclccserver).


The ECL module itself can be inspected for version information at compile time. The following attributes are all exported:

Version Notes
0.5.0 Initial public release
0.6.0 Support for multiple field directives in a single build
0.6.1 Rename offensive terms; replace expensive self-join with a rollup; skip non-required fields containing empty strings when computing hashes
0.6.2 Rearrange ECL #body declarations in embedded C++ functions

Example Code

The Example directory contains BWRs for creating Medley indexes, analyzing deduplication results, and querying the indexes for both related entity IDs as well as fuzzy searching.

Theory of Operations

The basic concept implemented here is called "deletion neighborhoods". It is a term coined in an academic paper written by Thomas Bocek, Ela Hunt, and Burkhard Stiller from the University of Zurich, titled "Fast Similarity Search in Large Dictionaries". The work described there was expanded in a paper written by Daniel Karch, Dennis Luxen, and Peter Sanders from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, titled "Improved Fast Similarity Search in Dictionaries". Both of these papers deal with efficient searching for similar string values, given a query string.

This ECL module takes the concept of a deletion neighborhood and applies it to dataset records. Once you read the papers, the executive summary is straightforward: instead of working with words composed of characters, we work with records composed of fields. Both string- and record-based deletion neighborhood techniques are used here, as both offer powerful capabilities when combined.

The data that this module is designed to work with is most easily described as "entity data" -- usually thought of as, "each record describes a single person, place, or thing." More generally, any kind of data will work just fine as long as each record contains a unique entity ID field and then more fields that add information about that ID. IDs can be duplicated in the dataset, so long as the information associated with them belong to the right IDs (in other words, don't reuse the entity IDs for different entities).

The concept of applying a deletion neighborhood technique to records like you would strings is easy to grasp, but there are a few tweaks that improve the results:

  1. Field values, in isolation, sometimes don't offer enough actual information to be worthwhile when it comes to searching (or to put a different way, discriminating between records). The rule of thumb is, the lower the cardinality in a field the less unique information it adds. An example is a field containing abbreviations of U.S. states. A value of "TX" does not necessarily help discriminate one record from another (though it might; it depends on the use case). However, if you pair this field with another field, say "city_name", then the combined information helps record discrimination tremendously. "Austin" as a city name, by itself, can refer to a number of different cities in the U.S. but when paired with the state abbreviation "TX" it suddenly acquires greater precision. This module therefore offers a method for combining fields into "field groups" and treating those groups as if they were a single value.

  2. One of the more powerful aspects of deletion neighborhoods is that the process of iteratively deleting units (characters from strings, or field values from records) is blind. We don't actually care about what we're deleting. But that is not always true when it comes to fields (or field groups). When working with records that contain location data, for instance, it may be super important that we never ignore the postal code from the record, because if we do then we run the risk of matching records that are geographically distant. This module therefore offers the ability to designate fields and field groups as "required" which has the effect of making them not deletable.

  3. The idea of creating deletion neighborhoods against string values is powerful and should not require an extra step to use. Therefore, this module offers the ability to expand any field into a deletion neighborhood prior to creating the deletion neighborhood for the record as a whole. This has the effect of duplicating a given record a number of times, with each containing a slightly different "version" of that field value. As a bonus, any number of fields may be expanded this way, and each may cite a different edit distance (you did read the papers, right?). The practical side of this functionality is the ability to "fuzzy match" on these fields even while performing the record-based similarity matching. It is also worth noting that the module supports UTF-8 strings, not just plain ASCII strings. (Side note: If you are interested in just fuzzy-matching strings and not whole-record fuzzy matching, see FuzzyStringSearch.ecl.)

One of the extremely cool features of record-level deletion neighborhoods is the ability to solve a normally hard-to-code use case: Given a search form in a browser, the user is presented with somes fields to fill in (these just happen to correspond to the fields you previously indexed using this module). The requirement is that the user should basically fill in as many of the fields as she can and the system should locate related records.

Using this module, you can accommodate this type of searching by adjusting the field group-level maximum edit distance (MaxED) when building the index. The simple formula is:

 MaxED = (total number of fields) - (minimum number of entered fields)

If the requirements say that the user needs to fill out only one of ten fields presented, then your MaxED value is 9. If the user needs to fill out any six fields, then the MaxED value is 4. When searching, set the MaxED value to zero to prevent over-fuzzing the search parameters.

The uber-cool part of this is two-fold:

  1. Other than different MaxED values, there is no change to the indexing code.
  2. Other than different MaxED values, there is no change to the searching code.

Do keep in mind that the larger the edit distance, the bigger the indexes and the greater the chance for seeing a false positive search result.

"Larger indexes" has been bandied about a few times. What does that really mean? You can compute the number of records created by a deletion neighborhood with the following pseudocode (note that 'fact' means computing the factorial of the argument):

 for (r = 1; r <= MaxED; r++)
     numRecs += (fact(n) / (fact(r) * fact(n - r)));

Where n = the number of fields in your record. n could also be the number of characters in a string, because this equation works just as well for strings. The reason this is a summation is because deletion neighborhoods in effect store everything from edit distance zero (an exact copy of the input) up to MaxED.

Note that the equation gives you the result if you have ONE record (or string). If you have many records to process, multiple that count by numRecs. If are using the equation to for a string field, use the average length of the string value for n, then multiply by numRecs.

To give you some ideas of the scale of this "record explosion" here are the results of expanding one record with 10 fields (or one string that is 10 characters in length), with different MaxID values:

 MaxED   numRecs
   1       11
   2       56
   3      176
   4      386
   5      638
   6      848
   7      968
   8     1013
   9     1023

To reiterate: That is the number of index records generated from ONE input record.

There is another consideration regarding the index files this module creates: Disk space. In HPCC Systems, indexes are naturally compressed. This is good. Unfortunately, while these indexes all have simple layouts (a pair of numbers), they are mostly random numbers. They do not compress well at all. The ones with ID values first tend to compress better, but none of them are outstanding. This in no way hurts performance, but it is a consideration for storage.

How To Use Medley

What follows is the suggested basic "flow" for using this module.

  1. Examine your dataset and identify the search fields -- those fields that contain data that help discriminate between records. The fewer the fields, the smaller the indexes and the faster the process will run. But hey, if you have a monstrous HPCC Systems cluster feel free to go nuts.

  2. Identify fields that should be grouped together, if any.

  3. Identify fields that should be expanded with their own deletion neighborhoods to aid fuzzy matching, if any. Note that if your data is already heavily normalized, you may not have any such fields.

  4. Create a field directive string or a set of strings (see the section titled Field Directive Formatting, below) using the information from steps 1-3.

  5. Decide on the record (or field group-level) maximum edit distance you want to use. Remember that higher values produce more index records, take longer to process, and will return more "hits" when searching but they will also produce more false positives. Note that you can set the maximum edit distance to zero. If you do, no field-based deletion neighborhood will be built, turning the indexes into a fast methhod for multi-field exact matches.

  6. Call BuildAllIndexes() to create all of the indexes.

After six steps, you now have all the data you need for Fun Searching. That data is composed of four simply-formatted but probably very large INDEX files.

Fun Search Scenario #1: Given one or more of your unique IDs, find all the related IDs. This is pretty straightforward:

  1. Stuff your IDs into a DATASET(IDLayout) and call the FindRelatedIDs() function. You will need to pass in the logical pathnames for some of the index files as well. What you get back is a set of records containing one of your original IDs and a related ID (RelatedIDLayout format).

Fun Search Scenario #2: Given a set of information that mimics the data you have indexed -- basically a populated one-record dataset in the same format as your original data -- and find the IDs of the matching records.

  1. Create a dataset with a layout that includes at least the fields used when creating the deletion neighborhood indexes and populate it with your search values. Make sure to include the unique ID field, even though you probably don't have a value for it. You can have more than one record in this dataset if needed.

  2. Pass this created dataset to CreateLookupTable() along with the field directive string you used when creating the lookup indexes, and the field group-level edit distance. You will get back a lookup table of hash codes.

  3. Pass the lookup table to the FindRelatedIDsFromLookupTable() function. What you get back will be a simple list of IDs (in IDLayout format) that are similar to the data from step #1.

Fun Search Scenario #3: Like #2, but you are satisfying the use case of "find records given up anywhere from N to M number field values" (where M is the actual number of fields you have indexed).

  1. Create a dataset with a layout that includes at least the fields used when creating the deletion neighborhood indexes and populate it with your search values. In this layout, use UTF8 as the data type for every field, but use the same names. Where the user does not supply a value for a field, make sure that field's value is an empty string. Make sure to include the unique ID field, even though you probably don't have a value for it.

  2. Pass this created dataset to CreateLookupTable() along with the field directive string you used when creating the lookup indexes, and use zero for the field group-level edit distance. You will get back a lookup table of hash codes.

  3. JOIN those hash codes against the index defined by Medley.Hash2IDLookupIndexDef(Medley.HASH2ID_LOOKUP.PATH_ROXIE), basically filtering that index by the lookup table you computed. The JOIN would look something like this:

     hashMatches := JOIN
             LEFT.hash_value = RIGHT.hash_value,

The result of that JOIN will be a dataset with this layout:

    LookupTableLayout := RECORD
        ID_t                id;
        Hash_t              hash_value;

The results will be the matches against your data, and the id field is your entity ID. Now you can look up those IDs in your master file to retrieve the original data.

Field Directive Formatting

The field directive (the 'fieldSpec' parameter in Medley's CreateLookupTable() function macro) is a single STRING or SET OF STRING argument defining how the input dataset should be parsed while creating lookup and search neighborhoods. Multiple directives can be supplied via the SET OF STRING form, with the effect of creating an OR condition between them.

Each field directive string is a semi-colon delimited string, with each element defining a "field group". A field group is a comma-delimited list of field names from the input dataset. A field group may contain only one field name. The unique ID field should not normally be included in any field group. Individual fields may appear multiple times, but you should think carefully about the impact of doing so.

Individual fields may be expanded with their own deletion neighborhoods. To indicate such an expansion, append the suffix of '%N' to the field's name, where N is the maximum edit distance for the deletion neighborhood. Normally, N will be either 1 or 2 (larger maximum edit distances create considerably larger lookup tables and the result may cause too many false positive search results). If a field appears more than once in a field directive and any of them have a %N suffix, then all occurrences of that field will be be expanded with a maximum edit distance of MAX(N).

Field group-level deletion neighborhoods are all about systematically ignoring certain field groups when creating hash values. To indicate that a field group should not be ignored -- that it is, required -- prepend the entire field group with a '&' character. The '&' character should appear as a prefix of the first field name in the field group.

Practical example: Let's assume you are working with this data structure:

     UNSIGNED6    id;
     UTF8         fname;
     UTF8         lname;
     UTF8         street;
     UTF8         city;
     UTF8         state;
     STRING       postal;

Remember, the entity ID field is NOT part of your directive.

If you want to consider all of these fields independently, without grouping or creating any string-based deletion neighborhoods, the field directive is a simple semi-colon delimited list of the six fields:


Note that a "field group" is defined as "one or more fields" so you have a field directive defining six field groups, even though each field group has only one field in it.

Now let's say that in the interest of precision, you want to consider the city, state, and postal fields together: Don't break them up, and don't delete one of those independently. Those fields become a "field group" and are comma-delimited items:


You now have four field groups:

 city, state, postal

Let's further assume that the city/state/postal field group is important and that you never want it omitted from the index creation (recall that creating deletion neighborhoods BLINDLY deletes items). The way you designate a field group as required is to prepend the entire group (meaning, the first field name in the group) with an ampersand character:


You still have four field groups, but only three of them will participate in the deletion neighborhood. If your MaxED is 1, that means indexes will be created for the following combinations of field values:

 fname, lname, street, city/state/postal
 lname, street, city/state/postal
 fname, street, city/state/postal
 fname, lname, city/state/postal

That combination of values is what you will be matching on.

You could also indicate that you want string-based deletion neighborhoods created for certain fields (not field groups). For instance, if your data has not been thoroughly cleaned or if you will need to account for typos and such when searching, you may need that extra "fuzziness" to match records correctly. String-based deletion neighborhoods are designated within the field directive by adding a suffix of '%N' to the field's name, where N is the MaxED you want. In our example, let's say that you want to be able to find first names with up to one character different (MaxED = 1) and the street part of the address with up to two characters different (MaxED = 2). The directive will become:


This would cause every record in your dataset to be duplicated with subtle variations in the fname and street values, exploding the size of the data temporarily. The field-level deletion neighborhood is the same, though:

 fname, lname, street, city/state/postal
 lname, street, city/state/postal
 fname, street, city/state/postal
 fname, lname, city/state/postal

It's just that there will be many more of those records processed.

As an example of using multiple field directives, let us take our example and assume that we want to match records using two different criteria:


Those two criteria are considered OR'd together when it comes to matching. All of the other formatting directives and limitations are valid for each directive. To supply them, simply submit them in a SET OF STRING data type rather than a simple STRING:

 ['fname;lname;postal;', 'lname;city,state,postal;']


ECL module for performing whole-record fuzzy matching.






