This module is created to allow other projects to easily utilize SQL when writing test cases. Additionally, a utility function is used to test using this.
To use this you must require this library after installing using npm.
npm i @ln-maf/mysql
Keytar is used to store access to the username and password for sql.
To setup an sql config please run the following from project root:
node node_modules/@ln-maf/mysql/config.js
Note: Please run the Setup step first.
Add a step definition file with the following line:
Given mysql config from {jsonObject}
Utilizes the sql system associated with the item provided. By default will use mysql.sqlConfig.json
in the root directory of the project if none is provided.
When mysql query from {jsonObject} is run
Runs a query from the provided item. Allows templated args as per the global cucumber projects. Stores the results in this.results.lastRun
. Usable in cucubmer as ${lastRun}
or the it keyword.