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Prettier plugin for formatting comment blocks and converting to a standard. Match with Visual Studio Code and other IDEs that support JSDoc and comments as Markdown.

Many good examples of how this plugin works are in the /tests directory. Compare tests and their snapshots.

Configured with best practices of JSDoc style guides.



  1. Install and configure Prettier
  2. Install prettier-plugin-jsdoc:
npm install prettier-plugin-jsdoc --save-dev
yarn add prettier-plugin-jsdoc --dev


Add prettier-plugin-jsdoc to your plugins list.


  "plugins": ["prettier-plugin-jsdoc"]


export default {
  plugins: ["prettier-plugin-jsdoc"],

If you want to ignore some types of files, use overrides with an empty plugins:

  "plugins": ["prettier-plugin-jsdoc"],
  "overrides": [
      "files": "*.tsx",
      "options": {
        "plugins": []


To prevent Prettier from formatting, use /* */ or // instead of /** */, or see Ignoring Code.


Single line

 * @param {  string   }    param0 description
function fun(param0) {}

Formats to:

/** @param {string} param0 Description */
function fun(param0) {}

React component

 * @type {React.FC<{   message:string}   >}
const Component = memo(({ message }) => {
  return <p>{message}</p>;

Formats to:

/** @type {React.FC<{message: string}>} */
const Component = memo(({ message }) => {
  return <p>{message}</p>;

TypeScript objects

 @typedef {
        "userId": {
        "profileImageLink": *,
        "isBusinessUser": "isResellerUser"|"isBoolean"|  "isSubUser" |    "isNot",
        "shareCode": number,
        "referredBy": any,
     } User

Format to:

 * @typedef {{
 *   userId: {
 *     profileImageLink: any;
 *     isBusinessUser: "isResellerUser" | "isBoolean" | "isSubUser" | "isNot";
 *     shareCode: number;
 *     referredBy: any;
 *   };
 *   id: number;
 * }} User


Add code to @examples tag.

 * @examples
 *   var one= 5
 *   var two=10
 *   if(one > 2) { two += one }

Formats to:

 * @example
 *   var one = 5;
 *   var two = 10;
 *   if (one > 2) {
 *     two += one;
 *   }


@description is formatted as Markdown so that you can use any features of Markdown on that. Like code tags (```js), header tags like # Header, or other Markdown features.


Key Type Default Description
jsdocSpaces Number 1
jsdocDescriptionWithDot Boolean false
jsdocDescriptionTag Boolean false
jsdocVerticalAlignment Boolean false
jsdocKeepUnParseAbleExampleIndent Boolean false
jsdocCommentLineStrategy ("singleLine","multiline","keep") "singleLine"
jsdocCapitalizeDescription Boolean true
jsdocSeparateReturnsFromParam Boolean false Adds a space between last @param and @returns
jsdocSeparateTagGroups Boolean false Adds a space between tag groups
jsdocPreferCodeFences Boolean false Always fence code blocks (surround them by triple backticks)
tsdoc Boolean false See TSDoc
jsdocPrintWidth Number undefined If you don't set the value to jsdocPrintWidth, printWidth will be used as jsdocPrintWidth
jsdocLineWrappingStyle String "greedy" "greedy": lines wrap as soon as they reach printWidth
jsdocTagsOrder String (object) undefined See Custom Tags Order


We hope to support the whole TSDoc. If we missed something, please create an issue.

To enable, add:

  "tsdoc": true

Supported Prettier versions

Plugin version Prettier version
1.0.0+ 3.0.0+
0.4.2 2.x+


  1. Fork and clone the repository

  2. Install Yarn

  3. Install project dependencies:

    yarn install
  4. Make changes and make sure that tests pass:

    yarn run test
  5. Update or add tests to your changes if needed

  6. Create PR



This project extended from the @gum3n worked project on GitLab.