At Hootsuite, we have an internal repository that fetches this repository, runs make build
, then deploys
the generated binary into a number of different forms internally. This document discusses how you can do this too.
Our Makefile assumes this project is checked out into target/open-source-project
, and therefore has a
target to trigger a build:
make -C target/open-source-project build
@mkdir -p bin
cp target/open-source-project/bin/vault-ctrl-tool.* bin/
To embed the tool in a Docker container (if you're using it with Kubernetes), you can have a simple Dockerfile:
FROM ubuntu:latest
ADD bin/vault-ctrl-tool.linux.amd64 /vault-ctrl-tool
CMD []
and then make targets:
docker build -t vault-ctrl-tool:latest .
docker tag vault-ctrl-tool:latest
docker tag vault-ctrl-tool:latest$(BUILD_ID)
docker push
docker push$(BUILD_ID)
Our Jenkinsfile
works something similar to:
node('example') {
stage('Setup') {
checkout scm
stage('Checkout Open Source Project') {
checkout scm: [
$class : 'GitSCM',
branches : [[name: '*/master']],
doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false,
extensions : [[$class : 'RelativeTargetDirectory',
relativeTargetDir: 'target/open-source-project']],
submoduleCfg : [],
userRemoteConfigs : [[url: '']]
stage('Build') {
sh "make jenkins-build"
stage('Deploy') {
sh "make deploy"
Hope this helps!