This organization houses repositories related to the HomeDork smart house system. The HomeDork smart house system is a system designed for the course Software Engineering 2 DA326C 15 hp in HKR. The main goal of the course is to develop a full scale communications system.
The physical devices, such as lamps, fans and radiators. Every device is connected to a local hub which handles the communication to HomeDork's central server.
The server is responsible for handling direct access and communication to the database and the communcation between all other essential parts of the system.
The API is the main communcation interface between the clients and the server. The API receives HTTP requests and handle them accordingly to stream the correspoinding query to the server on a secure TCP channel.
The clients are both a web and an android appliciation which are the interactive interfaces for the users. User authentication is handled by Firebase which then provides access to the API. Through the API connection, the users can control their devices connected to their HomeDork local hub.
The project group is divided into 4 smaller subgroups containing 4-5 members. The subgroups are:
- Free choice
Subgroup leader: Fanny Söderlund
Repositories: Mocked client - Server/Database
Subgroup leader: Lukas Olsson
Repositories: API , Server - Devices
Subgroup leader: Sam McMurray
Repositories: Device system - Units
Subgroup leader: Ali Habesh
Repositories: Android client , Web client
Project Manager: Willz
Requirements Manager: Fanny