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@holukas holukas released this 27 Feb 15:59
· 7 commits to master since this release

v1.4.0 | 27 Feb 2024

  • Added: it is now possible to give a specific file extension in the GUI
    setting Raw Data: File Settings > Date/Time Format In File name. In case no file extension is given, fluxrun
    assumes .csv as the default file extension.
    • Example 1: For uncompressed files named using a format like CH-FRU_ec_20230509-0930_withAGC.dat, the
      respective entry is ec_yyyymmdd-HHMM_withAGC.dat. The site name CH-FRU_ is added automatically during
      processing and must not be added in this setting.
    • Example 2: For uncompressed files named using a format like CH-FRU_202305090930.csv, the respective
      entry is yyyymmddHHMM (same as in earlier version). The site name CH-FRU_ is added automatically during
      processing and must not be added in this setting. The file extension .csv is assumed since no specific file
      extension is given.
    • Example 3: For compressed files named using a format like CH-FRU_ec_20230509-0930_withAGC.dat.gz, the
      respective entry is ec_yyyymmdd-HHMM_withAGC.dat. The suffix .gz is automatically added to the given file
    • Example 4: For compressed files named using a format like CH-FRU_202305090930.csv.gz, the respective
      entry is yyyymmddHHMM (same as in earlier version).
  • Added: During unzipping of gzip files, the logger now also displays the name of the file before unzipping
    is started. This way it is easier to identify files for which unzipping does not work, e.g., due to
    corrupted binary files (irregular structure). (fluxrun.ops.file.uncompress_gzip)

Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.4.0