A lightweight swiftPM registry service write by Node. Current this package registry only support for Github packages.
SwiftPM registry Service is a standard web service interface that it can also use to download dependencies from a package registry. You can use the service to download remote packages with package-registry
You use service with Jfrog as a remote Jfrog smart repository to download and cache github swift packages.
Current service is deploy to: spm-registry-service.onrender.com.
- Xcode 14.1+
- Node JS
- Setup the swift registry
swift package-registry set https://spm-registry-service.onrender.com
- Change the dependencies
dependencies: [
// instead of .package(url: "https://github.com/Moya/Moya.git", from: "1.1.0")
.package(id: "moya.moya", from: "1.1.0")),
.package(id: "hollyoops.RecoilSwift", exact: "2.0.0")
- Resolve dependencies
swift package resolve
pnpm i
set GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN="Your github token" && pnpm start
Then the service run on 3001 port