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Elastic Tube MPC design
MPTplus enables the elastic tube MPC design according to: Rakovic et al., American Control Conference (2016): Elastic tube model predictive control. The elastic tube MPC design enables designing the time-varying tubes (zooming in and out), in contrast to the widely-used (time invariant) rigid tube MPC design according to: Mayne et al., Automatica (2005): Robust model predictive control of constrained linear systems with bounded disturbances, for details consult Tube MPC design.
Note: MPTplus also enables the implicit Tube MPC design according to: Rakovic, Automatica (2023): The implicit rigid tube model predictive control. The implicit formulation of Tube MPC design enables handling of the large-scale systems, see Implicit Tube MPC design.
If the value of the parameter TubeType
is set to elastic
, then elastic tube MPC is designed, see how to design the Elastic Tube MPC:
option = {'TubeType','elastic'} % Elastic Tube MPC design
If the value of the parameter TubeType
is set to implicit
, then implicit tube MPC is designed, see how to design the Implicit Tube MPC:
option = {'TubeType','implicit'} % Implicit Tube MPC design
Otherwise, by default, if the value of the parameter TubeType
is set to explicit
, then explicit tube MPC is designed, see how to design the Explicit Tube MPC:
option = {'TubeType','explicit'} % Explicit Tube MPC design
Example on how to construct and evaluate Elastic Tube MPC controller:
% LTI system
model = ULTISystem('A', [1, 1; 0, 1], 'B', [0.5; 1], 'E', [1, 0; 0, 1]);
model.u.min = [-1];
model.u.max = [ 1];
model.x.min = [-200; -2];
model.x.max = [ 200; 2];
model.d.min = [-0.1; -0.1];
model.d.max = [ 0.1; 0.1];
% Penalty functions
model.x.penalty = QuadFunction(diag([1, 1]));
model.u.penalty = QuadFunction(diag([0.01]));
% Prediction horizon
N = 9;
% N = 3;
option = {'TubeType','elastic','soltype',1,'LQRstability',1}
elastic_MPC = TMPCController(model,N,option)
% TMPC evaluation
x0 = [ -5; -2 ]; % Initial condition
% x0 = [ -1; -1 ]; % Initial condition
u_implicit = elastic_MPC.evaluate(x0) % MPC evaluation
[ u, feasible ] = elastic_MPC.evaluate(x0) % Feasibility check
Note: If the value of the parameter LQRstability
is set to 0
, then no terminal penalty and terminal set are automatically computed. The user is expected to set his/her own terminal penalty and terminal set or remain empty.
For the given uncertain LTI model
and prediction horizon N
, enable/disable (potentially time-consuming) construction of the explicit Tube MPC controller by:
% Explicit TMPC controller construction
eMPC = iMPC.toExplicit
% TMPC evaluation
x0 = [-5; -2]; % Initial condition
u = eMPC.evaluate(x0) % Explicit MPC evaluation
Warning: The current version of MPTplus always displays for explicit Tube MPC controller confusing information on the prediction horizon N=1, although the controller is constructed correctly for any value of N.
For the given uncertain LTI model
and prediction horizon N
, the closed-loop simulation of the Tube MPC controller is evaluated by:
TMPC = iMPC % Implicit Tube MPC
Nsim = 12; % Number of simulation steps
% Closed-loop data of Tube MPC
ClosedLoopData = TMPC.simulate(x0, Nsim)
% Closed-loop data of Tube MPC for any model
closed_loop_object = ClosedLoop(TMPC, model)
ClosedLoopData = closed_loop_object.simulate(x0, Nsim)
% Show results
figure(1),hold on, box on, grid on, xlabel('k'), ylabel('System states x(k)')
figure(2),hold on, box on, grid on, xlabel('k'), ylabel('Control inputs u(k)')
%% FIGURE: Closed-loop Tube MPC
% System state x1
subplot(3,1,1), hold on, box on, grid on
xlabel('Control steps k'), ylabel('System state x_1(k)'), title('Closed-loop Tube MPC')
axis([0, Nsim, -7.5, 0.5])
% System state x2
subplot(3,1,2), hold on, box on, grid on
xlabel('Control steps k'), ylabel('System state x_2(k)')
axis([0, Nsim, model.x.min(2)-0.5, model.x.max(2)+0.5])
% Control inputs u
subplot(3,1,3), hold on, box on, grid on
xlabel('Control steps k'), ylabel('Control inputs u(k)')
axis([0, Nsim-1, model.u.min-0.1, model.u.max+0.1])
Note, the returned output of function/method simulate
is not supported for the case of the expanded vector of the control inputs (u_opt,x_opt) determined by the value of option solType
- {0/1}
For the given uncertain LTI model
and prediction horizon N
, get (approximated) minimum robust positive invariant set (the tube), sets of the conservative state and input constraints, and plot them (if applicable):
% TMPC controller construction
iMPC = TMPCController(model,N);
% Tube
Tube = iMPC.TMPCparams.Tube
figure, Tube.plot()
% State constraints
Xconservative = iMPC.TMPCparams.Px_robust
figure, Xconservative.plot()
% Input constraints
Uconservative = iMPC.TMPCparams.Pu_robust
figure, Uconservative.plot()
% Disturbances
Wset = iMPC.TMPCparams.Pw
figure, Wset.plot()
%% FIGURE: Associated sets
% System states
subplot(2,2,1), hold on, box on, grid on
xlabel('System state x_1'), ylabel('System state x_2'), title('System states X')
Xconservative.plot('Color',[0, 0.6, 0.6])
plot(0,0,'kx','MarkerSize',5) % origin
% Control input
subplot(2,2,2), hold on, box on, grid on
xlabel('Control inputstate u'), ylabel('[--]'), title('Control input U')
Uconservative.plot('Color',[0, 0.6, 0.6])
plot(0,0,'kx','MarkerSize',5) % origin
% Disturbances
subplot(2,2,3), hold on, box on, grid on
xlabel('Disturbance d_1'), ylabel('Disturbance d_2'), title('Disturbances')
Wset.plot('Color',[0, 0.6, 0.6])
plot(0,0,'kx','MarkerSize',5) % origin
% Tube
subplot(2,2,4), hold on, box on, grid on
xlabel('System state x_1'), ylabel('System state x_2'), title('Tube')
Tube.plot('Color',[0, 0.6, 0.6])
plot(0,0,'kx','MarkerSize',5) % origin
For the given uncertain LTI model
and prediction horizon N
, get the internal feedback (discrete-time LQ-optimal) controller, corresponding terminal penalty (Lyapunov) matrix, and the associated terminal set, and plot them (if applicable):
% TMPC controller construction
option = {'LQRstability',1, 'solType',1};
iMPC = TMPCController(model,N,option)
% K: u(0) = u_opt + K*( x(0) - x_opt )
K = iMPC.TMPCparams.K
% Terminal penalty: P > 0
P = iMPC.model.x.terminalPenalty.weight
% Terminal set: X_N
X_N = iMPC.model.x.terminalSet
figure, X_N.plot()
%% FIGURE: Terminal set
figure(1), hold on, box on, grid on
xlabel('System state x_1'), ylabel('System state x_2'), title('Terminal set X_N')
X_N.plot('Color',[0, 0.6, 0.6]) % Terminal set
plot(0,0,'kx','MarkerSize',5) % origin
Note: The terminal set (terminalSet
) is not stored directly in the object of the system model model
), but the terminal set is stored in the object of the Tube MPC controller iMPC
) in its parameter/property model
). This feature prevents misunderstanding when designing the LQR-based terminal set (for LTISystem
) above the uncertain LTI system (ULTISystem
For the given uncertain LTI model
and prediction horizon N
, get the associated parameters of Tube MPC design:
option = {'solType',1,'LQRstability',1}
iMPC = TMPCController(model,N,option);
% number of iterations for construction of implicit tube: Ns
Ns = iMPC.TMPCparams.Ns
% shrinking factor of implicit tube: alpha
alpha = iMPC.TMPCparams.alpha
% tolerance for evaluation of alpha: alpha_tol
alpha_tol = iMPC.TMPCparams.alpha_tol
For given feedback control law: u(0) = u_opt + K*( x(0) - x_opt ) , switch between returning the compact control input u(0) and the vector of the particular variables u_opt and x_opt using the option solType
- {0/1}
For the given uncertain LTI model
and prediction horizon N
, evaluate the vector of the particular variables u_opt and x_opt:
% Setup for expanded control input
option = {'TubeType','elastic','solType',0}
% TMPC controller construction
elastic_MPC = TMPCController(model,N,option)
% TMPC evaluation of expanded control input
x0 = [-5; -2]; % Initial condition
[ ux_elastic, feasible, elastic_openloop ] = elastic_MPC.evaluate(x0) % Enriched output
sigma_elastic = elastic_openloop.sigma(:,1) % SIGMA-values of the current Elastic Tube
Note, the returned output sigma_elastic
represents a vector of shaping each half-space of the elastic tube (polytope) in the current control step.
Evaluation of the compact control input u(0):
% Setup for compact control input
option = {'solType',1}
% TMPC controller construction
iMPC = TMPCController(model,N,option)
% Explicit TMPC controller construction
eMPC = iMPC.toExplicit
% TMPC evaluation of compact control input
x0 = [-5; -2]; % Initial condition
ux_implicit = iMPC.evaluate(x0) % Implicit MPC evaluation
Example on how to construct and evaluate Tube MPC controller using the particular variables of the feedback control law:
% Closed-loop simulation for solType == 0
% LTI system
model = ULTISystem('A', [1, 1; 0, 1], 'B', [0.5; 1], 'E', [1, 0; 0, 1]);
model.u.min = [-1];
model.u.max = [ 1];
model.x.min = [-200; -2];
model.x.max = [ 200; 2];
model.d.min = [-0.1; -0.1];
model.d.max = [ 0.1; 0.1];
% Penalty functions
model.x.penalty = QuadFunction(diag([1, 1]));
model.u.penalty = QuadFunction(diag([0.01]));
% Prediction horizon
N = 9;
% Include the LQR-based terminal penalty and set for compact control law
option = {'TubeType','elastic', 'LQRstability',1, 'solType',0};
% Construct Tube MPC controller
elastic_MPC_expanded = TMPCController(model,N,option)
% TMPC evaluation
x0 = [ -5; -2 ]; % Initial condition
Nsim = 12; % Number of simulation steps
elastic_loop = ClosedLoop(elastic_MPC_expanded, model)
ClosedLoopData = elastic_MPC_expanded.simulate(x0, Nsim) % Implicit Tube MPC
% ClosedLoopData = eMPC_expanded.simulate(x0, Nsim) % Explicit Tube MPC
for k = 1 : Nsim, w(:,k) = elastic_MPC_expanded.TMPCparams.Pw.randomPoint; end % Fixed sequence of disturbances
ClosedLoopData = elastic_MPC_expanded.simulate(x0, Nsim, w) % Implicit Tube MPC
% ClosedLoopData = eMPC_expanded.simulate(x0, Nsim, w) % Explicit Tube MPC
figure(1),hold on, box on, grid on, xlabel('k'), ylabel('System states x(k)')
figure(2),hold on, box on, grid on, xlabel('k'), ylabel('Control inputs u(k)')
%% FIGURE: Closed-loop Tube MPC design sets
figure(1), hold on, box on, title('Closed-loop Tube MPC'), xlabel('x_1'), ylabel('x_2')
plot(ClosedLoopData.Xnominal(1,:),ClosedLoopData.Xnominal(2,:),'kx:','LineWidth', 2, 'MarkerSize', 6)
plot(ClosedLoopData.X(1,:),ClosedLoopData.X(2,:),'k*--','LineWidth', 2, 'MarkerSize', 6)
plot( elastic_MPC_expanded.model.x.terminalSet, 'Color',[0, 0.6, 0.6] )
for k = 2 : size(ClosedLoopData.Xnominal,2)
elasticTube = Polyhedron('A', elastic_MPC_expanded.TMPCparams.Tube.A, 'b',elastic_MPC_expanded.TMPCparams.Tube.b .* ClosedLoopData.SIGMAnominal(:,k-1));
plot( elasticTube + [ ClosedLoopData.Xnominal(:,k) ], 'Color',[0, 0.8, 0.6] )
plot(ClosedLoopData.Xnominal(1,:),ClosedLoopData.Xnominal(2,:),'kx:','LineWidth', 2, 'MarkerSize', 6)
plot(ClosedLoopData.X(1,:),ClosedLoopData.X(2,:),'k*--','LineWidth', 2, 'MarkerSize', 6)
legend('nominal states','uncertain states','terminal set','tube')
Example on how to set the auxiliary terminal ingredients "Pz" and "Kz" by extending the options:
% Options extended by auxiliary terminal ingredients "Pz" and "Kz":
[Kz,Pz] = dlqr(model.A,model.B,model.x.penalty.weight*10, model.u.penalty.weight);
option = {'TubeType','elastic','LQRstability',1,'Nz', 3, 'Pz', Pz, 'Kz', -Kz};
% Compute the Tube MPC object
TMPC = TMPCController(model,N,option);
% Perform simulation
x0 = [-5;-2]; % initial condition
Nsim = 15; % number of simulation steps
ClosedLoopData = TMPC.simulate(x0,Nsim);
figure, stairs(ClosedLoopData.X')
figure, stairs(ClosedLoopData.U')
%% FIGURE: Axiliary terminal ingredients
% System state x1
subplot(4,1,1), hold on, box on, grid on
xlabel('Control steps k'), ylabel('System state x_1(k)'), title('Closed-loop Tube MPC')
axis([0, Nsim, -7.5, 0.5])
% System state x2
subplot(4,1,2), hold on, box on, grid on
xlabel('Control steps k'), ylabel('System state x_2(k)')
axis([0, Nsim, model.x.min(2)-0.5, model.x.max(2)+0.5])
% Control inputs u
subplot(4,1,3), hold on, box on, grid on
xlabel('Control steps k'), ylabel('Control inputs u(k)')
axis([0, Nsim-1, model.u.min-0.1, model.u.max+0.1])
% Distrbance d
subplot(4,1,4), hold on, box on, grid on
xlabel('Control steps k'), ylabel('Disturbance d(k)')
axis([0, Nsim-1, model.d.min(1)-0.05, model.d.max(1)+0.05])